引用本文: | 韦熹苑, 邓 琦, 卢小玲, 舒 柯, 卓 燊, 范家文, 潘思杏.广西不同产地金樱根及炮制品中没食子酸和儿茶素的含量差异分析[J].广西植物,2022,42(5):833-844.[点击复制] |
WEI Xiyuan, DENG Qi , LU Xiaoling, SHU Ke, ZHUO Shen,
FAN Jiawen, PAN Sixing.Difference analysis on contents of gallic acid and catechin in roots of Rosa laevigata and its processed products from different habitats of Guangxi[J].Guihaia,2022,42(5):833-844.[点击复制] |
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广西不同产地金樱根及炮制品中没食子酸和儿茶素的含量差异分析 |
韦熹苑1, 邓 琦1, 卢小玲1, 舒 柯2*, 卓 燊1, 范家文1, 潘思杏1
1. 广西科技大学, 广西 柳州 545005;2. 贵州省食品药品检验所, 贵阳 550004
摘要: |
为了建立金樱根中没食子酸和儿茶素含量的测定方法,分析广西不同产地金樱根及炮制品中没食子酸和儿茶素含量的变化,该文以没食子酸和儿茶素的含量作为指标成分,采用HPLC法对广西产金樱根生品、炒炙品、酒炙品、盐炙品及醋炙品进行测定,并采用SPSS 23.0软件进行方差分析和聚类分析。结果表明:广西不同产地金樱根及炮制品中没食子酸和儿茶素含量均存在差异,所有样品中儿茶素的含量均比没食子酸高,南部地区(除贵港桂平外)的没食子酸和儿茶素含量整体上比北部地区高,在炮制品中醋炙后没食子酸和儿茶素含量最高。该研究表明HPLC测定方法简单可行,金樱根中没食子酸和儿茶素含量的变化差异主要表现为产地地域及炮制方法的不同,可为今后金樱根资源的合理利用、质量标准制定以及临床用药的研究提供一定科学依据。 |
关键词: 高效液相色谱, 金樱根, 炮制品, 没食子酸, 儿茶素, 方差分析, 聚类分析 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202011045 |
分类号:Q946 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2022)05-0833-12 |
基金项目:广西科技开发项目(桂科AD19110088); 广西高校中青年教师基础能力提升项目(2018KY0332)[Supported by Guangxi Science and Technology Development Program(AD19110088); Guangxi Ability Improvement Program for Young and Middle-aged Teachers of Universities(2018KY0332)]。 |
Difference analysis on contents of gallic acid and catechin in roots of Rosa laevigata and its processed products from different habitats of Guangxi |
WEI Xiyuan1, DENG Qi 1, LU Xiaoling1, SHU Ke2*, ZHUO Shen1,
FAN Jiawen1, PAN Sixing1
1. Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545005, Guangxi, China;2. Guizhou
Institute for Food and Drug Control, Guiyang 550004, China
1. Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545005, Guangxi, China; 2. Guizhou
Institute for Food and Drug Control, Guiyang 550004, China
Abstract: |
To establish the method for determination of gallic acid and catechin in the roots of Rosa laevigata, and to analyze the difference in the contents of gallic acid and catechin in roots of R. laevigata from different habitats and different processed methods resources from Guangxi. The contents of gallic acid and catechin of R. laevigata were used as evaluation index, the samples were determined by HPLC, and the data were analyzed by the analysis of variance(ANOVA)and discrimination study carried out based on the hierarchical clustering analysis(HCA)with SPSS 23.0 software. The results were as follows: The contents of gallic acid and catechin in roots of R. laevigata from different habitats and processed methods were different, the content of catechin was higer than that of gallic acid among all samples, the contents of gallic acid and catechin in roots of R. laevigata from the southern habitats(except for Guiping, Guigang)were generally higher than those from northern habitats, the contents of gallic acid and catechin were the highest in vinegar-processed products. The conclusion display that the differences of gallic acid and catechin contents in the roots of R. laevigata are mainly the differences of producting habitats and processed methods, the HPLC method is simple and feasible, which can provide a scientific basis for the resources development, quality control and clinical application of R. laevigata. |
Key words: high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC), roots of Rosa laevigata, processed product, gallic acid, catechin, analysis of variance(ANOVA), hierarchical clustering analysis(HCA) |