引用本文: | 王为旋, 田爽琪, 柯 瑾, 张 帆, 程远志, 陈小全, 李洪有, 石桃雄, 陈庆富.26个金苦荞品系品质性状与农艺性状的遗传变异分析[J].广西植物,2024,44(2):291-302.[点击复制] |
WANG Weixuan, TIAN Shuangqi, KE Jin, ZHANG Fan, CHENG Yuanzhi,
CHEN Xiaoquan, LI Hongyou, SHI Taoxiong, CHEN Qingfu.Genetic variation analyses of quality and agronomic traits of 26 Fagopyrum tatari-cymosum lines[J].Guihaia,2024,44(2):291-302.[点击复制] |
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26个金苦荞品系品质性状与农艺性状的遗传变异分析 |
王为旋, 田爽琪, 柯 瑾, 张 帆, 程远志, 陈小全, 李洪有, 石桃雄, 陈庆富*
贵州师范大学 荞麦产业技术研究中心, 贵阳 550001
摘要: |
金苦荞是近些年创制的苦荞与金荞麦种间杂交形成的双二倍体杂种半多年生新荞麦种类(Fagopyrum tatari-cymosum),为了探讨该荞麦种类的农艺性状和品质性状的遗传规律,以26个高产金苦荞品系为材料,对其品质性状和农艺性状进行了遗传变异研究、相关性分析和聚类分析。结果表明:(1)金苦荞品质性状的变异系数大小表现为醇溶蛋白含量>谷蛋白含量>黄酮含量>总蛋白含量>球蛋白含量>清蛋白含量>淀粉含量。(2)金苦荞农艺性状的变异系数大小表现为主茎分枝数>基部20 cm内节数>主茎粗>籽粒面积>千粒重>主茎节数>株高>籽粒长宽比>籽粒宽>籽粒长>果壳率>籽粒周长>籽粒直径。(3)相关性分析中,黄酮含量与清蛋白含量呈显著正相关; 醇溶蛋白含量与主茎节数、基部20 cm内节数、主茎粗呈显著或极显著正相关,与千粒重、籽粒面积、周长、宽、直径呈显著或极显著负相关; 淀粉含量与籽粒面积、长、直径呈显著正关系。(4)聚类分析将26个金苦荞品系分为了3个类群,其中类群I属于高淀粉、矮秆、多分枝、低果壳率、大长粒型品系,类群Ⅱ属于高蛋白、高秆、粗壮、粒型偏小的品系,类群Ⅲ属于高品质、高产、大粒品系。该研究结果为金苦荞的选育提供了理论依据。 |
关键词: 金苦荞, 品质性状, 农艺性状, 变异分析, 相关性分析, 聚类分析 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202211018 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2024)02-0291-12 |
基金项目:贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合平台人才 [2018]5769-17); 国家现代农业产业技术体系荞麦育种岗位科学家专项资金(CARS-07-A5); 国家基金地区基金(31860408)。 |
Genetic variation analyses of quality and agronomic traits of 26 Fagopyrum tatari-cymosum lines |
WANG Weixuan, TIAN Shuangqi, KE Jin, ZHANG Fan, CHENG Yuanzhi,
CHEN Xiaoquan, LI Hongyou, SHI Taoxiong, CHEN Qingfu*
Research Center of Buckwheat Industry Technology, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
Research Center of Buckwheat Industry Technology, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
Abstract: |
Fagopyrum tatari-cymosum is a semi-perennial new buckwheat type developped from the hybridization between F. tataricum and F. cymosum. To explore the genetic laws of agronomic and quality traits of F. tatari-cymosum, 26 lines of F. tatari-cymosum were selected as materials, and their quality traits and agronomic traits were analyzed by variance analysis, correlation analysis and cluster analysis. The results were as follows:(1)The variation coefficient for quality traits of F. tatari-cymosum was gliadin content > glutenin content > flavonoids content > total protein content > globulin content > albumin content>starch content.(2)The variation coefficient for agronomic traits of F. tatari-cymosum was branch number of main stems > node number within 20 cm of the bases > main stem diameter > grain area > 1 000-grain weight > node number of main stems > plant height > grain length to width ratio > grain width > grain length > shell rate > grain perimeter > grain diameter.(3)In the correlation analysis, the flavonoid content was significantly positively correlated with albumin content; the gliadin content was significantly or extremely significantly positively correlated with the main stems diameter, the node number of main stems, the node number within 20 cm of the bases, and significantly or extremely significantly negatively correlated with the 1 000-grain weight, grain area, grain perimeter, grain width, and grain diameter; the starch content was positively correlated with grain area, grain length and grain diameter.(4)By cluster analysis, 26 F. tatari-cymosum lines were divided into three groups. Group I belonged to high starch, short stem, multi branched, low shell rate, large long grain lines, which could be used as parent material for breeding purposes of high starch and low shell rate; Group Ⅱ belonged to high protein, high stem, thick, small grain type lines, which could be used as a material for breeding purposes of high protein and strong stress resistance; Group Ⅲ belonged to high quality, high yield, large grain type lines. The results provide theoretical references for the breeding of F. tatari-cymosum. |
Key words: Fagopyrum tatari-cymosum, quality traits, agronomic traits, variation analysis, correlation analysis, cluster analysis |