Page 6 - 《广西植物》2020年第3期
P. 6

2 8 6                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       sisꎬ and storage and spatial distribution characteristics of SOC and TNꎬ and the relationship between C/ N and SOC and
       TN were discovered in soils of three kinds of mangrove stands of Kandelia candelꎬ Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and mixed for ̄
       ests in Zhenzhu Gulfꎬ Beilun River of Guangxi. The results were as follows: (1) The SOC storage of Kandelia candelꎬ
       Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and mixed forests were 140.73ꎬ 124.94ꎬ 144.71 thm ꎬ respectivelyꎬ and there was no signifi ̄
       cant differences among them(P<0.05)ꎻ The SOC storage of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and mixed forests from the highest to
       the lowest invertical distribution was 20-40 cm > 0-20 cm > 40-60 cmꎬ and the SOC storage of Kandelia candel de ̄
       creased with the increase of soil depth. (2) TN storage of Kandelia candelꎬ Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and mixed forests
       were 6.49ꎬ 5.01ꎬ 5.87 thm ꎬ respectivelyꎬ decreasing with the increase of soil depth. (3) There was a significant cor ̄
       relation between SOC and TN storage in Kandelia candelꎬ Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and mixed forests (P<0.01)ꎬ and cor ̄
       relation coefficients were 0.924ꎬ 0.971 and 0.844ꎬ respectivelyꎬ which indicated that there was coupling effect between
       SOC and TN. (4) The C/ N of three stands ranged from 16.77 to 24.39ꎬ indicating that the organic matter mainly came
       from land. There was a significant correlation between soil C/ N and SOC storage in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and mixed
       forests (P<0.05)ꎬ but there was no significant correlation between C/ N and TN storage in the three stands. (5) The soil
       carbon storage of three mangrove stands was higher than the average value of forest soil carbon storage in Chinaꎬ and
       there was extremely significant correlation between SOC and TN.
       Key words: Kandelia candelꎬ Bruguiera gymnorrhizaꎬ mixed forestsꎬ storage of SOC and TNꎬ distribution characteristics

       红树林位于海洋和陆地的动态交界处ꎬ是一                           氮库的研究多集中在福建、海南和广东等地ꎬ对于
   种生产力和生物多样性较高的湿地生态系统类                              广西红树林湿地的相关研究还不多ꎬ不利于规律
   型ꎬ其土壤有机碳库和氮库在湿地生态系统的物                             性成果的总结ꎮ
   质能量循环中起着重要的作用ꎮ 在全球范围内ꎬ                                对于广西珍珠湾红树林土壤有机碳和氮储量
   红树林湿地面积占海洋面积虽然不到 2%ꎬ但其固                           的垂直分布特征和 C / N 比值及其来源的辨析仍缺
   定的 碳 储 量 却 占 其 10% ~ 15% ( Twilley et al.ꎬ        乏深入的研究ꎮ 以广西防城珍珠湾红树林湿地为
   1992)ꎮ 尽管对红树林土壤有机碳储量的研究起                          研究对象ꎬ深入研究其土壤碳氮储量的分布规律、
   步较晚(辛琨等ꎬ2014ꎻ郭志华等ꎬ2014ꎻ乔永民等ꎬ                      C / N 比值以及有机碳储量与氮储量的相关性ꎬ探
   2018)ꎬ但红树林作为蓝碳的重要组成部分ꎬ其碳                          讨其影响因素及其来源ꎬ加深认识红树林湿地碳
   储量的动态变化却影响着蓝碳的收支平衡ꎮ 近年                            和氮在生物地球化学循环中的相互作用ꎬ从而为
   来ꎬ一些学者已对华南地区红树林土壤碳储量不                             红树林湿地管理提供科学依据ꎮ
                                                     1  研究区概况
   用形式对土壤有机碳库的影响( 袁彦婷等ꎬ2012ꎻ
   特征以及红树林土壤有机碳的来源辨析等( 邱广                                研究地点位于北仑河口国家级自然保护区珍
   龙等ꎬ2017ꎻ于宇等ꎬ 2017) 等ꎮ 然而ꎬ少有分树种                    珠湾红树林区域ꎬ北仑河口国家级自然保护区位
   和林分来开展对红树林湿地土壤有机碳库和氮库                             于我国大陆最西南端海岸线ꎬ处于广西东兴市和
   的研究ꎮ 土壤碳氮比值( C / N) 是反映土壤有机碳                      防城港市海域ꎬ东南临近北部湾ꎬ西南与越南毗
   氮的积累和土壤质量变化的指标ꎬ氮对土壤有机                             邻ꎬ海岸线长为 105 kmꎬ滩涂面积为 53 km ꎬ由东
   碳库产生重要的影响( 昝启杰等ꎬ2002ꎻ赵庆庆等ꎬ                        到西包括珍珠湾、江平三岛和北仑河口ꎮ 珍珠湾
   2018)ꎬ它的变化趋势对土壤物质循环和植株的生                          红树林保护区分布着我国大陆海岸连片面积最
   长发育有重要的影响ꎮ 红树林湿地是承纳着来自                            大、分布相对集中、生态景观奇特的红树林ꎬ现有
   海陆营养盐的蓄积地ꎬ是湿地沉积物中有机质输                             红树林面积约为1 274 hm ꎬ其中1 081 hm 红树林
   入的最主要贡献者ꎬ由于红树林种类的多样性和                             集中在珍珠湾内ꎮ 气候属于南亚热带海洋季风气
   其结构的复杂性ꎬ对于其碳氮的物质循环的认识                             候ꎬ日照时数大于1 600 hꎬ年均气温为 22.3 ℃ ꎬ年
   还不是很清晰ꎬ有必要分树种开展对红树林湿地                             平均降水量为2 220.5 mmꎮ 潮汐类型为正规全日
   碳氮库的研究ꎮ 目前ꎬ我国对红树林土壤碳库和                            潮ꎬ平均潮差为2.22 mꎬ海水年平均温度 为 23. 5
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