Page 47 - 《广西植物》2020年第8期
P. 47
1 1 0 2 广 西 植 物 40 卷
analyzed. In order to reveal the survival statusꎬ renewal mechanism and dynamic change characteristics of S. octophylla
population in the coastal forest in this regionꎬ the age class was divided according to the diameter class method and the
static life tableꎬ the dynamic indexꎬ survival function and time series analysis of the population was compiled to quantita ̄
tively analyze the population dynamic changes. The results were as follows: (1) The total number of S. octophylla popu ̄
lation in the study area of coastal forest was 2 814ꎬ which was divided into 12 age classes according to the diameter
class. The age class structure was inverted J ̄shapedꎬ belonging to the stable population. (2) The survival curve of S. oc ̄
tophylla in this area tended to Deevey ̄Ⅱtypeꎬ and the mortality rate of each diameter class of the population was closed
to that of S. octophylla. (3) The quantitative index of the S. octophylla population showed that V = 30.685>0ꎬ V ′ =
0.236>0ꎬ which indicated that the population was in the growth stage and relatively stableꎬ and the number of young in ̄
dividuals in the population was largeꎬ which could better supplement the losses caused by natural death of individuals of
all ages and form a good survival strategy. (4) According to the time series modelꎬ it is predicted that the number of in ̄
dividuals in each age group will increase in the next 3ꎬ 6 and 9 years. The results show that the habitat in this area is fa ̄
vorable for the growth of S. octophylla with more young treesꎬ abundant reserve resources and good regeneration stateꎬ
which is conductive to the natural regeneration of the forest. A good survival strategy is formedꎬ which plays a certain
role in promoting the natural renewal of forestꎬ and has great significance in the construction and stability of coastal forest
Key words: population structureꎬ static life tableꎬ survival analysisꎬ time series prediction
植物种群生态学是生态学重要的基本组成ꎬ 1995)ꎮ 在海南文昌沿海地区铜鼓岭国家级自然
植物种群结构对群落结构及发展趋势有着重要影 保护区的热带滨海森林( 常绿季雨矮林) 中ꎬ鸭脚
响ꎮ 种群生态学的核心问题之一是种群动态ꎬ主 木为重要值位于首位的主要优势种( 车秀芬等ꎬ
要指研究种群个体数量动态和分布的变化规律 2007)ꎮ 种群是群落的基本组成单位ꎬ种群结构不
(常文峰和焦健ꎬ2018)ꎮ 种群龄级结构、存活曲线 仅能对群落结构产生直接影响ꎬ还能客观反映群
和生命表是研究植物种群数量动态变化的核心内 落的发展、演变趋势(汪殷华ꎬ2011)ꎮ 优势物种在
容(Li et al.ꎬ2018ꎻ姜在民等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 通过分析种 森林群落中ꎬ对群落结构的稳定性起着不可代替
群的龄级结构、静态生命表及生存曲线等ꎬ不仅能 的作用ꎬ通过研究群落优势物种种群结构动态ꎬ可
厘清种群个体数量现状ꎬ还能预测种群对群落变 为揭示种群更新及群落演替机制提供理论支撑ꎮ
化产生的影响及对环境的适应性与稳定性ꎮ 因 现阶段ꎬ越来越多学者通过对优势物种的研究来
此ꎬ深入研究种群的数量动态信息ꎬ有利于分析种 揭示群落结构特征ꎮ 龙成等(2015) 通过对热带常
群的生态特性、更新机制ꎬ对揭示种群发展与演替 绿阔叶林内优势种种群结构动态和种间关联分析
规律等具有重要意义ꎮ 研究ꎬ以揭示该群落的主要植物组成及生态规律ꎻ
鸭脚木(Schefflera octophylla)ꎬ别名鹅掌柴ꎬ为 刘贵峰等(2014)探讨大青沟自然保护区内不同群
五加科( Araliaceae) 鹅掌柴属( Schefflera) 植物ꎬ为 落类型的优势种种群结构动态特征ꎬ并为沙地沟
常绿乔木或灌木ꎬ既有观赏价值也有药用价值ꎮ 壑植物生态系统的研究提供了理论依据ꎻ戴文坛
广布于中国台湾、福建、西藏、广西、云南、浙江、广 等(2017)对青嶂山亚热带常绿阔叶林内群落物种
东和海南等地ꎬ越南、日本和印度均有分布ꎮ 鸭脚 多样性和不同优势种种群结构特征进行分析ꎬ探
木为热带及亚热带地区常绿阔叶林常见植物ꎬ或 讨群落稳定性与演替进程ꎻ吴邦利等(2018) 对梓
为优势种( 张坤 洪ꎬ2009)ꎬ生 于 海 拔 100 ~ 2 100 叶槭种群结构及其数量动态规律进行分析ꎬ并为
mꎮ 在海南分布较为广泛ꎬ从沿海地区的森林到中 退化的喀斯特森林生态系统恢复重建提供了理论
部 五 指 山 山 顶 矮 林 均 有 分 布 ( 杨 小 波ꎬ 1994ꎬ 依据ꎻ陈青等(2019) 在对鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔