Page 110 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 110
1 0 6 广 西 植 物 40 卷
29. Stems hispidꎻ leaf blades up to 12 cm broad.
30. Pedicels with yellow glandular hairs 130. D. eriostylum
31. Pedicels only yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ ovaries sparsely pubescent
130a. var. eriostylum
31. Pedicels white ̄puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ carpels glabrous
130b. var. hispidum
30. Pedicels lacking yellow ̄glandular hairs 132. D. laxicymosum
32. Pedicels glabrousꎻ sepal spur 23-27 mm long 132a. var. laxicymosum
32. Pedicels puberulousꎻ sepal spur 20 mm long 132b. var. pilostachyum
25. Inflorescences racemose.
33. Sepal spur straightꎬ slightly or by right angle recurved.
34. Sepals longer than spurꎻ pedicels 5-9 cm long 108. D. longipedicellatum
34. Sepals nearly as long as or shorter than spur.
35. Sepals nearly as long as spur.
36. Sepal spur upwards spreadingꎬ 10-13 mm long 110. D. orthocentrum
36. Sepal spur not upwards spreading.
37. Stems puberulousꎻ sepal spur horizontally spreadingꎬ 12-16 mm long.
38. Pedicels with few yellow glandular hairsꎻ sepals 12- 18 mm longꎬ spur
10-16 mm longꎻ ovaries puberulous 111. D. micropetalum
38. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairsꎻ sepals 12 mm longꎬspur 9- 12
mm longꎻ carpels glabrous 109. D. orthocentroides
37. Stems hispidꎻ sepal spur slightly recurvedꎬ 20 mm long
112. D. hirticaule
39. Pedicels glabrous 112a. var. hirticaule
39. Pedicels with yellow glandular hairs 112b. var. mollipes
35. Sepals shorter than spur.
40. Bracteoles contiguous or nearly contiguous to the flower and appressed to it.
41. Bracteoles narrow ̄linear 122. D. umbrosum
42. Bractaoles 0.5-1.1 mm broad.
43. Stems up to 110 cm tallꎬ strigilloseꎻ bracteoles 0.5-0.6 mm broad
122a. var. umbrosum
43. Stems up to 70 cm tallꎬ hispidꎻ bracteoles 0.6-1.1 mm broad
122b. var. hispidum
42. Bracteoles 1.5-1.8 mm broad 122c. var. drepanocentrum
41. Bracteoles linear ̄lanceolate.
44. Stems strigilloseꎻ sepals outside puberulous 120. D. delavayi