Page 114 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 114
1 1 0 广 西 植 物 40 卷
81. Herbs up to 70 cm tallꎻ leaf blades up to 8 cm broadꎻ racemes simpleꎻ bracte ̄
oles 4-5 mm longꎻ sepal spur spirally recurved 152. D. glabricaule
80. Pedicels hairy.
82. Pedicels white ̄puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ racemes simple
148. D. muliense
83. Bracteoles lanceolate or lanceolate ̄linearꎬ 8-13 × 1.2-2 mm
148a. var. muliense
83. Bracteoles subfiliformꎬ 3.5-4 × 0.2 mm
148b. var. minutibracteolatum
82. Pedicels only white ̄puberulousꎻ racemes compound
153. D. sutchuenense
79. Sepals outside below apex corniculate.
84. Pedicels white ̄puberulousꎻ sepal horn ̄like projections minuteꎬ inconspicuousꎻ
spur horizontally spreading or slightly recurved 153. D. sutchuenense
84. Pedicels yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepals with conspicuous horn ̄like projec ̄
tions 2.5-3.5 mm longꎬ spur by U ̄form or spirally recurved
154. D. campylocentrum
78. Stems hairy.
85. Pedicels glabrous.
86. Leaf blades abaxially glabrousꎻ sepals glabrousꎬ spur 28 mm long
156. D. dazangense
86. Leaf blades abaxially hairyꎻ sepals hairyꎬ spur 20 mm long.
87. Stems below yellow ̄hispidꎻ sepals inside glabrous 149. D. rangtangense
87. Stems below white ̄hispidꎻ sepals inside with sparse hairs
150b. D. pseudocampylocentrum var. glabripes
85. Pedicels hairy.
88. Herbs ca. 50 cm tallꎻ pedicels sparsely yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ bracteoles
remote from flowerꎻ sepal spur 17-22 mm longꎻ staminode limbs yellow ̄barbateꎻ
ovaries with sparse hairs
150a. D. pseudocampylocentrum var. pseudocampylocentrum
88. Herbs 50 - 90 ( - 100) cm tallꎻ pedicels densely white ̄puberulousꎻ bracteoles
contiguous to flowerꎻ sepal spur 22-25 mm longꎻ staminode limbs not barbateꎻ
carpels glabrous 155. D. trifoliolatum
5. Basal leaves well developedꎬ rarely absent or present but withered by anthesis.
89. Leaf blades 3 ̄lobed or 3 ̄parted.
90. Seeds subtetrahedralꎬ along edges narrow ̄winged.
91. Sepals outside below apex corniculate.
92. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted slightly exceeding the middle of bladeꎬwith ultimate lobes ovate or
broad ̄triangularꎬ rarely narrow ̄lanceolate or lanceolate ̄linear.