Page 117 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 117
增刊 王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二) 1 1 3
118. Stems puberulousꎻ leaf blades glabrousꎻ sepal spur 22 mm long
176. D. pergameneum
117. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs.
119. Herbs 3-8 cm tallꎻ pedicels white ̄puberulousꎻ sepals 15-16 mm longꎬ spur
25 mm long 181. D. hui
120. Leaf blade with central lobe 3 ̄dentateꎻ stem apex 1-2 ̄flowered
181a. var. hui
120. Leaf blade with central lobe 3-5 ̄dentateꎻ stem apex 1-5( -10) ̄flowered
181b. var. lobulibundum
119. Herbs 11 - 18 cm tallꎻ pedicels yellow ̄puberulousꎻ sepal spur 28 - 29 mm
121. Stems below sparsely spreading ̄puberulousꎻ bracteoles 5 mm longꎻ stamin ̄
ode limbs at apex rounded and entire 183. D. pseudohamatum
121. Stems retrorse ̄puberulousꎻ bracteoles ( 5 -) 7. 5 - 9 mm longꎻ staminode
limbs at apex emarginate or 2 ̄lobulate 184. D. yulongshanicum
90. Seeds densely transversely squamuloseꎻ leaf blades 3 ̄parted slightly exceeding the middle of
bladeꎻ sepals 13-15 mm longꎬ spur 20-22 mm long 188. D. hueizeense
89. Leaf blades 3 ̄sect.
122. Seeds subtetrahedralꎬ along longitudinal edges narrow ̄winged.
123. Inflorescences racemose.
124. Upper sepal eymbiform.
125. Leaf blades at base deep ̄cordateꎬ ultimate lobes triangular or narrow ̄lanceolateꎻ sepal
spur shorter than sepalsꎬ tubular ̄subulateꎬ 11-18 mm long 190. D. likiangense
125. Leaf blades at base subtruncateꎬ ultimate lobes linearꎻ sepal spur longer than sepalsꎬ
subtubularꎬ 21-27( -30) mm long 191. D. souliei
124. Upper sepal more or less flatꎬ not cymbiform.
126. Leaf ultimate lobes ovateꎬ triangular or narrow ̄lanceolate.
127. Sepals longer than spur or nearly as long as it.
128. Stems and pedicels puberulousꎻ sepals longer than spurꎬ 17- 23 mm longꎻ spur
12-16 mm long 192. D. medogense
128. Stems and pedicels glabrousꎻ sepals and spur 10-12 mm long
193. D. yuanum
127. Sepals shorter than spur.
129. Stems densely spreading ̄puberulous 210. D. weihaiense
129. Stems appressed ̄puberulousꎬ hispid or glabrous.
130. Pedicels yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous and white ̄puberulous
204b. D. thibeticum var. laceratilobum
130. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs.
131. Pedicels glabrousꎻ leaves all basal 199. D. breviscaposum