Page 121 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 121
增刊 王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二) 1 1 7
166. Staminode claws slenderꎬ nearly as long as limbs and 5-6 times narrower than them.
167. Leaves basal and cauline.
168. Leaf blades weakly dividedꎬ with ultimate lobes triangular or narrow ovateꎻ seeds
ellipsoidalꎬ with inconspicuous longitudinal edges and not winged
216. D. davidii
168. Leaf blades strongly dividedꎬ with segments dissected and ultimate lobes lanceo ̄
late ̄ linearꎬ linear or narrow ̄linear.
169. Herbs 90-100 cm tallꎻ leaf ultimate lobes narrow ̄linearꎬ 1.5-1.8 mm broadꎻ
corymbs 2-5 ̄flowered 221. D. pseudocaeruleum
169. Herbs up to 22-40 cm tall.
170. Stems and pedicels spreading ̄puberulousꎻ leaf ultimate lobes 3. 5 mm
broadꎻ sepal spur 25 mm longꎻ corymbs 2 ̄flowered
222. D. mollipilum
170. Stems and pedicels appressed ̄puberulous.
171. Herbs 30-40 cm tallꎻ flowers in 2-3 ̄flowered corymbs.
172. Leaf blades up to 9. 5 cm broadꎬ lateral segments thrice dissectedꎬ
with ultimate lobes 2.5-4 mm broadꎻ staminode limbs at apex emargi ̄
nate 209f. D. grandiflorum var. fangshanense
172. Leaf blades up to 5 cm broadꎬ lateral segments once partedꎬ with ulti ̄
mate lobes 1-2 mm broadꎻ staminode limbs at apex 2 ̄lobulated
225. D. lagarolobum
171. Herbs 12-22 cm tallꎻ flowers solitary and terminalꎻ staminode limbs 2 ̄
cleft 226. D. lihengianum
167. Leaves all basal.
173. Scapes puberulousꎬ on apex 1( -2) ̄floweredꎻ sepals 16 mm longꎬ spur 22-24
mm longꎻ staminode limbs 2 ̄lobed 223. D. sinoscaposum
173. Scapes hispidꎬ on apex 1 ̄floweredꎻ sepals 23-24 mm longꎬ spur 27 mm longꎻ
staminode limbs 2 ̄parted slightly exceeding the middle of limb
224. D. saxatile
122. Seeds transversely striate or squamulose.
174. Seed subtetrahedralꎬ transversely striateꎻ leaf blades 3 ̄parted to near base of bladeꎻ racemes
subcorymboseꎬ few ̄flowered 227. D. tenii
174. Seeds obovoidꎬ transversely squamulose.
175. Herbs ca. 100 cm tallꎻ stems glabrousꎻ inflorescences subcorymboseꎬ 2-3 ̄floweredꎬ pedi ̄
cels glabrousꎻ carpels glabrous 228. D. shuichengense
175. Herbs ca. 60 cm tallꎬ appressed ̄puberulousꎻ inflorescences corymbose 2 ̄floweredꎬ
pedicels appressed ̄puberuousꎻ ovaries puberulous 229. D. maxinowiczii