Page 98 - 《广西植物》2022年第12期
P. 98
2 0 8 8 广 西 植 物 42 卷
Abstract: In order to explore the relationship between the growth of Paris polyphylla var. chinensis and the microbial
community structure changes of the rhizosphere soilꎬ the Illumina high ̄throughput sequencing technique was used to
sequence the 16S rRNA gene of bacteria and 18S sequences of fungal at four different growth yearsꎬ including three
yearsꎬ five yearsꎬ seven years and nine years. The results were as follows: ( 1) Proteobacteriaꎬ Acidobacteriaꎬ
Actinobacteria and Chloroflexi were dominant bacteria in the rhizosphere soil of P. polyphylla in different growth
years. The dominant fungi phylas were Ascomycotaꎬ Basidiomycota and Mucoromycota. (2) The bacterium species in the
rhizosphere of Paris polyphylla in different growth years were more abundant than fungus speciesꎬ and the degree of
diversification was higher. The bacterial diversity decreased first and increasedꎬ and then decreased again with the
increase of growth years showed a pattern of “И”ꎬ and the lowest point was in the 5th year and the highest point was in
the 7th year. The fungal diversity showed a pattern of “Λ” that first increased and then decreased with the increase of
growth yearsꎬ and the highest point was in the 7th year. The abundance of bacterial communities also showed a pattern of
“Λ” that first increased and then decreased with the increase of growth yearsꎬ and the highest point was also in the 7th
year. The abundance of fungi did not change much as the year growing. (3) The UPGMA cluster analysis showed that
the microbial community structure of the rhizosphere soil evolved significantly. The period that the bacterial community
evolved more drastically was in the 7th year after plantingꎬ and the fungal community was in the 5th year. (4) Spearman
correlation analysis found that total nitrogen and available potassium were the main factors affecting the composition of
rhizosphere soil bacteriaꎬ and total potassium was the main factor affecting the composition of fungi. All the above results
indicate that the composition and structure of the soil microbial community in the rhizosphere of wild P. polyphylla at
different growth and development stagesꎬ and the 5th to the 7th year is a critical period for significant changes in the
diversity of the soil microbial community.
Key words: Paris polyphylla var. chinensisꎬ rhizosphereꎬ soilꎬ microbial communityꎬ diversityꎬ high throughput sequencing
华重楼( Paris polyphylla var. chinensis) 为百合 物连作障碍研究均表明ꎬ连作会使药用植物根际
科重楼属多年生草本植物ꎬ是我国传统名贵中药ꎬ 微生物从高肥力的“ 细菌型土壤” 向低肥力的“ 真
具有清热解毒、消肿止痛、凉肝定惊等功效ꎬ是我 菌型土壤” 转变或者破坏了根际微生物种群的平
国云南白药、宫血宁、百宝丹、热毒清、季德盛蛇 衡( 李 琼 芳ꎬ 2006ꎻ 何 江 华 等ꎬ 2008ꎻ 乔 卿 梅 等ꎬ
药、抗病毒颗粒、总皂苷片等许多著名中成药的主 2009)ꎮ 根际微生物群落结构失调及病原菌数量
要原料(袁理春等ꎬ2004ꎻ汤海峰等ꎬ1998)ꎬ具有重 增加是造成药用植物连作障碍的主要原因( 李勇
要的开发应用价值ꎮ 根际是土壤—根系—微生物 等ꎬ2010)ꎮ 因此ꎬ研究不同生长年限药用植物生
三者紧 密 结 合、 相 互 影 响 的 场 所 ( Butler et al.ꎬ 长发育对根际土壤微生物群落多样性的影响ꎬ对
2003)ꎮ 根际微生物的适当生长可刺激植物根系 了解药用植物根际土壤状态、促进植株生长、防治
的生长ꎬ增加根系的吸收面积ꎬ促进植物对各种元 地下 病 虫 害 及 提 高 药 材 品 质 等 有 十 分 重 要 的
素的吸收ꎬ同时根际土壤微生物也是衡量土壤肥 意义ꎮ
力和 养 分 的 重 要 指 标 ( 王 静 等ꎬ 2015ꎻ 李 航 等ꎬ 华重楼生长周期长ꎬ通常从种子到药材需要
2016ꎻ全鑫等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 药用植物产生的黄酮、生物 8 ~ 10 a 时间ꎬ长时间的单一化种植极易引发连作
碱、萜类等次级代谢产物丰富ꎬ在生长过程中很容 障碍ꎬ导致华重楼的品质和产量难以得到保障ꎮ
易释放到土壤中ꎬ从而引起植物根际土壤理化性 近年来ꎬ华重楼根际微生物的研究主要是关于不
质 的 改 变ꎬ 最 终 导 致 根 际 微 生 物 的 变 化 同栽培环境和不同品种等方面( 周浓等ꎬ2015ꎻ张
(Nihorimbere et al.ꎬ2011)ꎮ 不同植物以及同一植 静等ꎬ2016ꎻ郑梅霞等ꎬ2020)ꎬ而对不同生长发育
的关系仍不清楚ꎮ 鉴于此ꎬ本研究采集不同生长
(Garbeva et al.ꎬ2008ꎻ韩玉竹等ꎬ2010)ꎮ 魏志华等 年限野生华重楼的根际土壤ꎬ利用 Illumina 高通量
(2010)对 2 年生和 10 年生连翘根际微生物和土 测序技术对土壤细菌 16S rRNA 和真菌 18S 序列
壤酶活性进行的研究结果表明ꎬ随着连翘生长年 进行测序ꎬ对不同生长年限野生华重楼根际微生
限的延长ꎬ根际微生物总量呈上升趋势ꎬ其中细菌 物群落组成结构及多样性进行研究ꎬ探讨华重楼
和真菌数量增加ꎬ放线菌数量减少ꎮ 大多药用植 生长发育对其定植地微生物群落组成和多样性的