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                          Guihaia  Dec. 2023ꎬ 43(12): 2213-2223

            DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw202301036
            邹春玉ꎬ 孟世勇ꎬ许为斌ꎬ 等ꎬ 2023. 广西景天科景天属植物小志 [J]. 广西植物ꎬ 43(12): 2213-2223.
            ZOU CYꎬ MENG SYꎬ XU WBꎬ et al.ꎬ 2023. Notes on Sedum L. (Crassulaceae) of Guangxi [J]. Guihaiaꎬ 43(12): 2213-2223.


                                     邹春玉 ꎬ 孟世勇 ꎬ 许为斌 ꎬ 刘  演                       1∗
                                                                    广 西 壮 族 自 治 区
                            ( 1. 广西喀斯特植物保育与恢复生态学重点实验室ꎬ                          广西植物研究所ꎬ
                                                                    中 国 科 学 院
                                     广西 桂林 541006ꎻ 2. 北京大学 生命科学学院ꎬ 北京 100871 )

                 摘  要: 该文基于文献考证、馆藏标本鉴定及野外调查ꎬ对广西景天属(Sedum L.)植物进行了系统的梳理ꎬ
                 对景天属植物物种多样性进行概述ꎬ确定目前分布有 17 种ꎬ其中有 6 个新记录种ꎮ 该文概述了广西景天属
                 植物物种多样性ꎬ订正了藓状景天(S. polytrichoides Hemsl.)ꎬ简述了 6 个新记录种ꎬ即钝萼景天(S. leblancae
                 Hamet.)、黎平景天(S. lipingense R. B. Zhangꎬ D. Tan & R. X. Wei)、龙泉景天(S. lungtsuanense S. H. Fu)、圆
                 叶景天(S. makinoi Maxim.)、细小景天(S. subtile Miq.)、土佐景天(S. tosaense Makino)ꎬ并提供其形态特征集
                 要与彩色照片ꎮ 该文还对广西景天属植物的多样性以及资源潜在利用价值等进行了讨论ꎬ并附有分种检索
                 关键词: 景天科ꎬ 景天属ꎬ 物种多样性ꎬ 新记录ꎬ 广西
                 中图分类号: Q949    文献标识码: A    文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2023)12 ̄2213 ̄11

                      Notes on Sedum L. (Crassulaceae) of Guangxi

                                           1                  2               1           1∗
                             ZOU Chunyu ꎬ MENG Shiyong ꎬ XU Weibing ꎬ LIU Yan

              ( 1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrainꎬ Guangxi Institute of Botanyꎬ Guangxi Zhuang
                           Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Guilin 541006ꎬ Guangxiꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. College of
                                         Life Sciencesꎬ Peking Universityꎬ Beijing 100871ꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Based on literature researchꎬ specimen identification and field investigationꎬ we systematically cleared up the
                 early researches of Sedum L. and conducted an overview for the species diversity of Sedum in Guangxi. There are 17
                 species were confirmedꎬ among which six species were newly recorded. The research brief histories of Sedum taxonomy in
                 Guangxi were summarizedꎬ information for S. polytrichoides Hemsl. was revised. Six newly recorded species of Sedum
                 were reported hereꎬ which were S. leblancae Hamet.ꎬ S. lipingense R. B. Zhangꎬ D. Tan & R. X. Weiꎬ S. lungtsuanense
                 S. H. Fuꎬ S. makinoi Maxim.ꎬ S. subtile Miq.ꎬ S. tosaense Makinoꎬ and the morphological feature diagnosis and color
                 photographs for these newly recorded species were provided. The species diversity and the potential utilization of Sedum
                 in Guangxi were discussedꎬ and key for species and the distribution of each taxa in Guangxi were provided. This study

              收稿日期: 2023-06-04
              基金项目: 广西重点研发计划项目(GK ̄AB22080057)ꎻ 广西植物研究所基本科研业务费(桂植业 21011)ꎮ
              第一作者: 邹春玉(1992-)ꎬ硕士ꎬ助理研究员ꎬ主要从事植物分类学研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)macrostemon1992@ 163.comꎮ
              通信作者: 刘演ꎬ研究员ꎬ主要从事植物分类和区系地理学研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)gxibly@ 163.comꎮ
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