Page 168 - 《广西植物》2023年第2期
P. 168
3 6 2 广 西 植 物 43 卷
A. 甘蔗苗期植株长势ꎻ B. 甘蔗成熟期植株长势ꎻ C. 甘蔗成熟期田间群体长势ꎻ D. 甘蔗苗期田间群体长势ꎻ E. 甘蔗成熟期根系形态ꎮ
A. Growth of sugarcane plant at seedling stageꎻ B. Growth of sugarcane plant at maturity stageꎻ C. Growth of sugarcane population in the field at
maturity stageꎻ D. Growth of sugarcane population in the field at seedling stageꎻ E. Root morphology of sugarcane at maturity stage.
图 4 粉垄“145”模式下新植蔗的生长情况
Fig. 4 Growth of newly planted sugarcane under the model of Fenlong“145”
表 1 粉垄“145”模式对新植蔗根系
Table 1 Effects of the model of Fenlong “145” on root
weight and water content of newly planted sugarcane
鲜重 干重 含水量
Fresh weight Dry weight Water content
Treatment  ̄1  ̄1
(gplant ) (gplant ) (%)
CK 15.23±0.24b 5.56±0.21b 61.61±0.47b
FL145 25.63±0.45a 8.22±0.28a 69.03±0.43a
耕作 F 值 图 5 粉垄“145”模式对新植蔗出苗率及苗长的影响
417.79 59.65 134.08
Tillage F value
Fig. 5 Effects of the model of Fenlong “145” on seedling
注: 同列数据后不同的小写字母表示处理间在 0.05 水平上 emergence rate and seedling length of
差异显著ꎻ 表示在 0.01 水平上差异显著ꎮ 下同ꎮ newly planted sugarcane
Note: Different lowercase letters after the same column indicate
significant differences between treatments at the level of 0. 05ꎻ
indicates significant differences at the level of 0.01. The same below.
FL145 可以显著降低根区各土层(0 ~ 20 cm、20 ~
40 cm)土壤容重ꎬ提高土壤孔隙度ꎬ有利于增强土
实度ꎬ促进形成土壤大团聚体ꎬ优化耕层结构( 陈 壤水分的渗透能力(刘江汉ꎬ2019)ꎬ提高土壤含水
仕林 等ꎬ 2020ꎻ 王 世 佳 等ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 本 研 究 发 现ꎬ 量(Yin et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎬ特别是在深层(20 ~ 40 cm)