Page 169 - 《广西植物》2023年第2期
P. 169
2 期 曾伟聪等: 粉垄“145”模式在新植蔗上的应用效应及其生理生态基础 3 6 3
表 2 粉垄“145”模式对新植蔗光合参数的影响
Table 2 Effects of the model of Fenlong “145” on photosynthetic parameters of newly planted sugarcane
净光合速率 气孔导度 胞间 CO 2 浓度
处理 Net photosynthetic Stomatal 蒸腾速率
Transpiration rate
Intercellular CO 2
Treatment rate conductance concentration  ̄2  ̄1
 ̄2  ̄1  ̄2  ̄1 (mmolm s )
(μmolm s ) (molm s ) (μmolmol )
CK 15.35±0.09b 0.075±0.000b 97.80±0.18b 1.96±0.00b
FL145 16.40±0.07a 0.089±0.001a 107.64±0.32a 2.06±0.01a
耕作 F 值
82.96 104.184 725.34 58.25
Tillage F value
表 3 粉垄“145”模式对新植蔗干物质积累量的影响
Table 3 Effects of the model of Fenlong “145” on dry matter accumulation of newly planted sugarcane
茎干重 叶鞘干重 叶片干重
处理 Dry matter
Stem dry weight Sheath dry weight Leaf dry weight
Treatment  ̄1  ̄1  ̄1 accumulation
(gplant ) (gplant ) (gplant )
(gplant )
CK 333.50±6.00b 50.44±0.47b 88.83±1.01b 472.78±5.71b
FL145 369.83±4.23a 53.50±0.29a 93.17±0.17a 516.58±4.03a
耕作 F 值
24.48 30.25 17.79 39.25
Tillage F value
注: 表示在 0.05 水平上差异显著ꎮ 下同ꎮ
Note: indicates significant differences at the 0.05 level. The same below.
表 4 粉垄“145”模式对新植蔗产量及其相关性状的影响
Table 4 Effects of the model of Fenlong “145” on yield and its related characters of newly planted sugarcane
有效茎数 节间数 茎长 茎径 单茎重 理论产量 实际产量
处理 Number of Internode Stem Stem Single cane Theoretical Actual
Treatment millable canes number length diameter weight yield yield
(planthm ) (plant ) (cm) (mm) (kg) (thm ) (thm )
CK 76 082±116b 18.6±0.1a 174.4±0.5b 27.21±0.09b 1.14±0.02a 86.92±1.11b 72.84±0.37b
FL145 77 831±187a 19.1±0.4a 183.4±0.6a 28.49±0.11a 1.17±0.01a 91.33±0.77a 76.56±0.68a
耕作 F 值
63 1.2ns 130.7 76.08 2.96ns 10.72 23.07
Tillage F value
注: ns 表示差异不显著ꎮ 下同ꎮ
Note: ns indicates no significant differences. The same below.
表 5 粉垄“145”模式对新植蔗品质的影响
Table 5 Effects of the model of Fenlong “145” on quality of newly planted sugarcane
蔗汁蔗糖分 还原糖分
甘蔗蔗糖分 纤维分 锤度 重力纯度 视纯度 转光度
处理 Sucrose content Fiber Sucrose Apparent Reducing
content Brix Gravity purity Pol sugar
Treatment in cane content purity
in cane juice (°BX) (%) (%) content
(%) (%) (%)
(%) (%)
CK 16.31±0.01a 13.69±0.02a 19.87±0.05b 22.01±0.03b 89.76±0.05b 89.81±0.21a 19.77±0.02a 0.16±0.00a
FL145 16.49±0.09a 13.71±0.01a 20.19±0.05a 22.34±0.09a 90.72±0.01a 90.52±0.22a 19.91±0.05a 0.14±0.00b
耕作 F 值
3.80ns 0.83ns 19.92 13.26 292.21 5.45ns 6.76ns 12.30
Tillage F value