Page 152 - 广西植物2024年1期
P. 152

1 4 8                                  广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                 was used to analyze the effects of fertilization on the growthꎬ leaf nutrients and physiology of young forest of T. ciliate
                 var. pubescensꎬ and three fertilization levels (highꎬ medium and low) were setꎬ including nitrogenous fertilizer (N)ꎬ
                 phosphate fertilizer (P)ꎬ compound fertilizer (CF) and slow ̄release fertilizer (SRF). The results were as follows: (1)
                 Fertilization could promote the height and diameter at breast height ( DBH) growthꎬ and the effects of nitrogenous
                 fertilizer and compound fertilizer were more obvious. The average tree heightꎬ average DBH and average volume of 4 ̄year
                 old tree with nitrogenous fertilizer increased by 15. 0%ꎬ 21. 9% and 67. 5% compared with CK ( no fertilizer)ꎬ
                 respectivelyꎬ and the annual average growth of DBH under low nitrogenous fertilizer (N1) treatment was the highest
                 (2.99 cm). Compared with CKꎬ the average tree heightꎬ average DBH and average volume of compound fertilizer were
                 increased by 16.7%ꎬ 19.2% and 54.3%ꎬ respectively. High slow ̄release fertilizer (SRF3) and low phosphate (P1) had
                 the largest annual increases in tree height and DBH (1. 96 m and 2. 33 cm) in the 4th yearꎬ respectively. ( 2)
                 Fertilization significantly increased chlorophyll content and non ̄structural carbohydrate content in leaves of T. ciliate
                 var. pubescensꎬ nitrogenous fertilizer significantly promoted the synthesis of soluble sugar and phosphate fertilizer
                 significantly promoted the synthesis of starch. (3) N1 and phosphate fertilizer significantly promote the increase of N and
                 P contentsꎬ respectivelyꎬ and phosphate fertilizerꎬ compound fertilizer and nitrogenous fertilizer significantly increased K
                 content in leaves. (4) The principal component analysis showed that the effect of fertilizer to promote growth was
                 nitrogenous fertilizer>compound fertilizer>phosphate fertilizer>slow ̄release fertilizer>no fertilizer. Among themꎬ N1ꎬ
                               ̄1      ̄1
                 i.e. 100 g plant  year ꎬ had the highest comprehensive evaluation value. Comprehensive fertilization cost and
                 benefitꎬ nitrogenous fertilizer or compound fertilizer can effectively promote the growth and development of T. ciliate
                 var. pubescens young forest. It is recommended to apply 100 g nitrogenous fertilizer per plant per year in young forest
                 stage. The results can provide a reference for the forest nutrient management in the early stage of afforestation.
                 Key words: Toona ciliate var. pubescensꎬ young forestꎬ fertilizationꎬ growthꎬ physiology

                毛 红 椿 ( Toona ciliata var. pubescens) 为 楝 科    要手段之一ꎬ合理施肥对降低林业投入和保护生
            (Meliaceae)香椿属( Toona) 红椿( Toona ciliata) 变        态环境具有重要意义ꎮ 林木施肥多集中在某一树
            种ꎬ现已归并为红椿ꎬ落叶乔木ꎬ为国家二级保护                             种氮磷钾配比施肥研究( 魏国余等ꎬ2020ꎻ唐新瑶
            植物ꎬ其木材色泽艳红、纹理美观、速生性好ꎬ是良                            等ꎬ2022)ꎬ研究结果广谱性低ꎬ所以生产中林木施

            好的 单 板 材 和 大 径 材 培 育 树 种 之 一 ( 张 露 等ꎬ              肥多以价格低、肥效快的化肥为主ꎬ如尿素、复合
            2006)ꎬ主要分布在江西、四川、云南、安徽、湖南、                         肥、钙镁磷肥等ꎮ 研究表明施氮肥可最大限度促
            广西等省(区)一些偏远的山区ꎬ并呈濒危状态ꎬ为                            进辣木(Moringa oleifera) 幼林生长ꎬ而磷肥的影响
            此ꎬ开展珍贵树种毛红椿人工造林ꎬ通过施肥等营                             最低 ( 张 敏 等ꎬ 2019 )ꎬ 复 合 肥 能 促 进 巨 桉

            林措施ꎬ缩短林木的成材年限( Achat et al.ꎬ 2018ꎻ                 (Eucalyptus grandis) 幼 林 树 高 及 胸 径 增 长 ( 何 祯
            Sullivan & Sullivanꎬ 2018)ꎬ对增加资源储备有重               等ꎬ2019)ꎻ 而 随 着 施 氮 量 的 增 加ꎬ 榉 树 ( Zelkova

            要意义ꎮ 目前ꎬ对毛红椿苗期施肥研究探讨较多ꎬ                            schneideriana)和闽楠( Phoebe bournei) 幼林的各生
            如施氮肥或氮磷钾肥和镁肥混施或施钙肥、镁肥                              长指标呈下降趋势(陆欣远等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 目前ꎬ一种
            等均可促进毛红椿苗期生长( 黄红兰等ꎬ2012ꎻ刀                          新型肥料———缓释肥ꎬ因其挥发淋溶少及肥效时
            丽平等ꎬ2018ꎻ温婷ꎬ2019)ꎻ低氮高磷对毛红椿幼                        间长等特点ꎬ在容器苗培育中得到广泛应用ꎮ 施
            苗生物量积累最佳ꎬ而高氮高磷处理下叶片氮、磷                             用缓释肥促进薄壳山核桃( Carya illinoensis) 容器
            养分含量最高( 刘文剑等ꎬ2021)ꎬ施钙肥、镁肥会                         苗生长和根系发育(潘平平等ꎬ2019)ꎻ低用量缓释
            抑制其对氮、钾、钙元素吸收( 温婷ꎬ2019) 等ꎬ为毛                       肥有利于黄连木( Pistacia chinensis) 容器苗根系生
            红椿科学育苗提供了指导ꎬ但对毛红椿幼林的养                              长(宋协海等ꎬ2018)ꎻ2.5 kgm 缓释肥对白木香
            分需求生理机理及施肥效应较少涉及ꎮ                                  (Aquilaria sinensis)容器苗生长效果最佳( 庞圣江
                 林地施肥是林分养分管理中一项重要技术措                           等ꎬ2018)ꎮ 以上研究表明ꎬ氮肥、磷肥、复合肥和
            施ꎬ也是培育大径级珍贵树种提高经济效益的重                              缓释肥等不同肥料种类及不同用量均影响林木
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