Page 108 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 108
1 0 4 广 西 植 物 40 卷
Key to species and varieties
1. Petals and staminodes yellowish or yellowish ̄whiteꎻ sepals blue or purple.
2. Leaf blades 3 ̄sectꎻ flowers solitary and terminalꎻ sepals longer than spurꎻ petals yellowish ̄whiteꎻ sta ̄
minode limbs yellowish ̄whiteꎬ undividedꎻ carpels 5 159. Delphinium huangzhongense
2. Leaf blades 3 ̄partedꎻ flowers in racemesꎻ staminode limbs 2 ̄lobedꎻ carpels 3 or 1.
3. Sepals nearly as long as spurꎻ petals and staminodes yellowishꎻ carpels 3.
4. Flowers smallerꎬ in compound racemesꎻ sepals 6 - 7 mm longꎬ with apexes by right angle in ̄
curvedꎻ carpels glabrous 160. D. zhengyianum
4. Flowers largerꎬ in simple racemesꎻ sepals 14 mm longꎬ not incurvedꎻ ovaries puberulous
161. D. neowentsaii
3. Sepals shorter than spurꎻ petals and staminodes yellowish ̄whiteꎻ carpel lꎬ glabrous
189. D. monogynum
1. Petals and staminodes concolour with sepalsꎬ i. e. blue and purpleꎬ rarely white.
5. Basal leaves absentꎬ or presentꎬ then withered by anthesis.
6. Seed with 3 longitudinal edges and along edges narrow ̄winged.
7. Carpels 4-6.
8. Leaf blades 3 ̄sectꎻ carpels 5 98. D. kingianum
9. Stems hairyꎻ leaf segments at apex acute.
10. Stens densely white ̄puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous.
11. Ovaries densely puberulous 98a. var. kingianum
11. Ovaries only on ventral sutures hairyꎬ elsewhere glabrous 98b. var. leiocarpum
10. Stems densely white ̄puberulous and mixed with a few yellow glandular hairs
98c. var. eglandulosum
9. Stems glabrousꎻ leaf segments at apex long acuminate 98d. var. acuminatissimum
8. Leaf blades 3 ̄partedꎻ carpels 4-6 99. D. humilius
7. Carpels 3.
12. Leaf blades 3 ̄sectꎻ sepals longer than spur 100. D. caudatolobum
12. Leaf blades 3 ̄partedꎻ sepals nearly as long as spur or shorter than it.
13. Raceme rachis and pedicels white ̄puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous
103. D. gyalanum
13. Raceme rachis and pedicels laching yellow glandular hairs.
14. Stems and pedicels glabrous.
15. Herbs up to 140 cm tallꎻ sepals 14-15 mm longꎻ staminode limbs 2 ̄lobed
106. D. cheilanthum
16. Pedicels retrorsely white ̄puberulous 106a. var. cheilanthum
16. Pedicels spreadingly yellow ̄puberulous 106b. var. pubescens