Page 111 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 111
增刊 王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二) 1 0 7
45. Pedicels white ̄strigillose and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous
120a. var. delavayi
45. Pedicels only white ̄strigllose 120b. var. baoshanense
44. Stems hispidꎻ sepals outside sparsely hispid 121. D. pogonanthum
46. Stamens glabrous 121a. var. pogonanthum
46. Stamen filaments at each side on margin with 1-2 hairs
121b. var. lasiandrum
40. Bracteoles remote from flower and not appressed to it.
47. Leaf central bobe inconspicuously 3 ̄lobed or undivided.
48. Leaf central lobe rhombicꎬ on margin above the middle densely dentate
and below the middle entire.
49. Sepals 9 mm longꎬ spur 17 mm longꎻ stems strigose or glabrous
113. D. handelianum
49. Sepals 15-16 mm longꎬ spur 20-21 mm longꎻ stems glabrous
114. D. honanense
50. Pedicels white ̄puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous
114a. var. honanense
50. Pedicels only white ̄puberulous 114b. var. piliferum
48. Leaf central lobe lanceolateꎬ on margin from above base to apex densely
dentate 115. D. hirtifolium
47. Leaf central lobe rhombicꎬ near the middle conspicuously 3 ̄lobedꎬ rarely 3 ̄
51. Leaf central lobe wide rhombicꎬ near midrib 3 ̄parted
129. D. pseudocyananthum
51. Leaf central lobe rhombicꎬ 3 ̄lobed.
52. Stems glabrous.
53. Pedicels glabrous 136. D. potaninii
54. Carpels glabrousꎻ follicles straightꎬ oblongꎬ 1.4-1.7 cm long.
55. Bracteoles 0.2-0.3 mm broad 136a. var. potaninii
55. Bracteoles 1-1.2 mm broad 136b. var. latibracteolatum
54. Carpels with sparse hairsꎻ follicles lunatedꎬ 0.5-1 cm long
136c. var. jiufengshanense
53. Pedicels hairy.
56. Pedicels densely yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous.
57. Racemes compoundꎻ carpels glabrous.
58. Herbs 1. 5 - 2 m tallꎻ pedicels white ̄strigillose and yellow ̄
glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepals 11 mm longꎬ spur 18 mm longꎻ
staminode limbs 2 ̄parted exceeding the middle of limb
125. D. polyanthum