Page 115 - 《广西植物》2020年增刊
P. 115
增刊 王文采: 中国翠雀花属修订 (二) 1 1 1
93. Leaf central lobe thrice divided 166. D. taliense
94. Leaf ultimate lobes ovate or triangular.
95. Sepal spur at base 2-3 mm across.
96. Sepals outside puberulous.
97. Stem glabrous.
98. Carpels glabrous 166a. var. taliense
98. Ovaries puberulous 166b. var. glabrum
97. Stems below densely puberulous 166c.var. pubicaule
96. Sepals outside hirsute 166d. var. hirsutum
95. Sepal spur at base 4-5 mm across 166e. var. platycentrum
94. Leaf ultimate lobes narrow ̄lanceolate or lanceolate ̄linearꎻ sepal spur 2 times longer
than sepals 166f. var. dolichocentrum
93. Leaf central lobe once or twice divided 167. D. ceratophorum
99. Sepals with horn ̄like projections 1-2 mm long.
100. Leaf blades up to 10 cm broadꎬ ultimate lobes ovate or triangular.
101. Sepal outside sparsely strigillose (hairs ca. 0.4 mm long)ꎬ with horn ̄like projec ̄
tions 1.5-2 mm long 167a. var. ceratophorum
101. Sepals outside hirsute (hairs ca. 2 mm long)ꎬ with horn ̄like projections 1-1.5
mm long 167c. var. hirsutum
100. Leaf blades 8-19 cm broadꎬ ultimate lobes linear ̄lanceolateꎻ sepal horn ̄like pro ̄
jections 1.5-2 mm long 167d. var. robustum
99. Sepal horn ̄like projections less than 1 mm long 167b. var. brevicorniculatum
92. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted to near the base of blade.
102. Pedicels above yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous and white ̄hispidꎻ sepals 10-12 mm longꎻ
staminode limbs white ̄barbate 169. D. brevisepalum
102. Pedicels glabrousꎻ sepals 14-22 mm longꎻ staminode limbs yellow ̄barbate.
103. Stems glabrousꎻ sepals 18-22 mm longꎬ horn ̄like projections 1 mm longꎬ spur 24
mm long 168. D. ceratophoroides
103. Stems below strigoseꎻ sepals 14-16 mm longꎬ horn ̄like projections 1-1.5 mm longꎬ
spur 27-28 mm long 170. D. dolichocentroides
91. Sepals not corniculate.
104. Leaf blades 3 ̄cleft or 3 ̄parted slightly exceeding the middle of blade.
105. Pedicels glabrous 162. D. hamatum
105. Pedicels white ̄puberulous and yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulous.
106. Stems near apex yellow ̄glandular ̄puberulousꎻ sepals 9 mm longꎬ spur 14- 17 mm
longꎻ carpels glabrous 163. D. latirhombicum
106. Stems glabrousꎻ sepals 15-19 mm longꎻ ovaries pubescent
165. D. ninglangshanicum
104. Leaf blades 3 ̄parted to near the base of blade.