引用本文: | 唐 凤, 李媛媛, 杨乃坤, 周 泉, 刘海燕, 邹天才.稀有濒危植物贵州红山茶的种群空间格局及关联性研究[J].广西植物,2025,45(1):185-196.[点击复制] |
TANG Feng, LI Yuanyuan, YANG Naikun, ZHOU Quan, LIU Haiyan, ZOU Tiancai.Population spatial patterns and association of rare and endangered plant Camellia kweichowensis [J].Guihaia,2025,45(1):185-196.[点击复制] |
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稀有濒危植物贵州红山茶的种群空间格局及关联性研究 |
唐 凤1,2, 李媛媛2, 杨乃坤3*, 周 泉4, 刘海燕2, 邹天才5
1. 贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州气象局, 贵州 凯里 556000;2. 贵州省植物园, 贵阳 550004;3. 贵阳中雄林业生态工程勘察
设计有限公司, 贵阳 550004;4. 贵阳市观山湖区城市园林绿化建设管理处, 贵阳 550081;5. 贵州科学院, 贵阳 550001
摘要: |
贵州红山茶(Camellia kweichowensis)系山茶属下接受物种名称滇山茶(Camellia reticulata)的异名,是贵州省自然分布的重点保护野生植物,该物种稀有濒危。为探究贵州红山茶种群空间分布格局以及关联性特征,该研究在实地踏查基础上,采用成对相关函数g(r)对种群各生长阶段植株分布特点及关联性进行了点格局分析。结果表明:(1)贵州红山茶种群各发育阶段植株在较小尺度下均为集群分布,随着研究尺度的增加,个体间聚集程度逐步降低,呈现出由集群分布逐渐转变为随机分布的趋势,具有显著的小尺度聚集、大尺度随机的基本特征。(2)小尺度下,植株相互庇佑提高种群存活率,种群各相邻年龄阶段植株均表现出正相关,其相关性随着尺度的增大而逐渐减弱,并走向负相关; 中-大尺度下,中龄、成年植株抑制林下更新以保障其生长优势。物种发育原始、生境资源竞争压力大、种内自疏牵制性强及生境干扰等因素,是贵州红山茶种群因难于扩散而呈狭窄分布特征以及物种稀有濒危的重要原因。因此,改善自然分布种群生境条件、疏林结构适当调整以及物种迁地保育和育苗回归栽培是保障贵州红山茶种群稳定繁衍的关键。该研究结果为贵州红山茶植物资源有效保护与创新利用提供了种质基础和科学依据,对加强生物多样性保护利用和研究植物种群发育演替机制具有重要意义。 |
关键词: 贵州红山茶, 稀有濒危植物, 种群分布格局, 空间关联性, 成对相关函数 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202402021 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2025)01-0185-12 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(32160095); 贵州省科技支撑计划项目(黔科合支撑〔2022〕一般203)。 |
Population spatial patterns and association of rare and endangered plant Camellia kweichowensis |
TANG Feng1,2, LI Yuanyuan2 , YANG Naikun3*, ZHOU Quan4, LIU Haiyan2, ZOU Tiancai5
1. The Meterological Bureau of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Kaili 556000, Guizhou, China;2. Guizhou Botanical
Garden, Guiyang 550004, China;3. Guiyang Zhongxiong Forestry Ecological Engineering Investigation &4.Design Co., Ltd.,
Guiyang 550004, China;5.4. Guiyang Guanshan Lake District Urban Landscaping Construction Management Office,
Guiyang 550081, China;6.5. Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550001, China
1. The Meterological Bureau of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Kaili 556000, Guizhou, China; 2. Guizhou Botanical
Garden, Guiyang 550004, China; 3. Guiyang Zhongxiong Forestry Ecological Engineering Investigation & Design Co., Ltd.,
Guiyang 550004, China; 4. Guiyang Guanshan Lake District Urban Landscaping Construction Management Office,
Guiyang 550081, China; 5. Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550001, China
Abstract: |
Camellia kweichowensis in taxonomy is already confirmed to be the same as Camellia reticulata, it is a key protected wild plants distributed naturally in Guizhou Province, the species is rare and endangered. In order to explore the spatial distribution pattern and correlation characteristics of the population, in this study, based on the investigation of C. kweichowensis, the distribution characteristics and correlation at each growth stage were analysized with the pairwise correlation function g(r). The results were as follows:(1)The distribution of plants at all stages of C. kweichowensis population was clustered at small spatial scales, but with the research scale increased, the degree of aggregation between individuals gradually decreased, showing a changing trend from aggregated distribution to randomly distribution, with significant basic characteristics of a small-scale clustered and large-scale randomness.(2)At small scale, the plants protected each other to improve the survival rate of population, and the plants at adjacent ages showed a positive correlation; with the increase of the scale, the correlation gradually weakened and turned to be a negative correlation, at the medium-large scale, the middle-aged and adult plants inhibited the underforest renewal to guarantee the population growth advantage. The primitive development of species, high competition pressure of habitat resources, strong self-thinning and habitat interference were the major reasons why C. kweichowensis population was difficult to spread out and showed a very narrow distribution characteristics naturally, all together made the species rarely and endangered. Therefore, the research suggests that the key factors to ensure C. kweichowensis population stably growth and health development are to improve the situ growth conditions, adjust the sparse forest structure appropriately, and migrate the species for ex-situ conservation and artificially bring up seedlings and re-cultivation. The research provides germplasm and scientific bases for efficiently protection of C. kweichowensis and innovative utilization of its plant resources. It is of great significance to strengthen the conservation and utilization of biodiversity and study the development and succession mechanism of plant populations. |
Key words: Camellia kweichowensis, rare and endangered plant, population distribution pattern, spatial correlation, pairwise correlation function |