Page 92 - 《广西植物》2020年第5期
P. 92

6 8 8                                 广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
       the anthocyanin compositions. The petal color was observed according to the royal horticultural society color card (RH ̄
       SCC) and color meterꎬ pigment type was determined by characteristic color reactionꎬ total anthocyanins were measured
       by pH differential methodꎬ and UPLC ̄Q ̄TOF ̄MS was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins. The
       results were as follows: The 11 selected cultivars covered four major colors of F. hybridaꎬ those are whiteꎬ yellowꎬ redꎬ
       and blue ̄purple. All selected cultivars contained flavonoidsꎬ which did not contain or contain very low amounts of carote ̄
       noidsꎻ meanwhileꎬ all tested cultivarsꎬ except for ‘White River’ and Fragrant Sunburst’‘Gold River’‘Tweety’ꎬ con ̄
       tained anthocyanins in petals. Among seven anthocyanin ̄contained cultivarsꎬ the highest anthocyanin content in detected
       in petals of ‘Red Passion’ and the lowest in ‘Lovely Lavender’ which was only 24% of ‘Red Passion’. A total of ten
       anthocyanin components were detected in petals of 11 cultivarsꎬ including Delphinidin ̄diglucosideꎬ Cyanidin ̄diglu ̄
       cosideꎬ Petunidin ̄diglucosideꎬ Delphinidin ̄3 ̄O ̄glucosideꎬ Cyanidin ̄3 ̄O ̄glucosideꎬ Peonidin ̄diglucosideꎬ Malvidin ̄
       diglucosideꎬ Petunidin ̄3 ̄O ̄glucosideꎬ Peonidin ̄3 ̄O ̄glucosideꎬ Malvidin ̄3 ̄O ̄glucoside. ‘ Red Passion ’  and
       ‘Shangnong Hongtaige’ mainly contained Cyanidin derived anthocyanins. ‘Pink Passion’‘Castor’‘Shangnong Danx ̄
       ueqing’ and ‘Shangnong Purple Rose’ mainly contained Delphinidin and Malvidin derived anthocyanins. ‘Lovely Lav ̄
       ender’ only contained Delphinidin derived anthocyanins. The results indicates that the colors of petals of different F. hy ̄
       brida cultivars were related to anthocyanin components. Meanwhileꎬ the degree of petal coloration is proportional to the
       total content of anthocyanins in the petals. This study provides theoretical basis for the cultivationꎬ color improvement
       and breeding of new cultivars.
       Key words: Freesia hybridaꎬ flower colorꎬ flavonoidsꎬ anthocyaninꎬ UPLC ̄Q ̄TOF ̄MS

       花色作为园林植物观赏性的决定性状之一ꎬ                           大主要色系ꎬ通过花色描述、特征颜色反应、pH 示
   是植物自然进化过程中最具适应意义的表型性状                             差法及 UPLC ̄Q ̄TOF ̄MS 技术对 11 个香雪兰品种
   (戴思兰和洪艳ꎬ2016)ꎮ 花色苷类物质是大多数                         的花色、花色素类型及花色苷含量和组分进行研

   花色形成的重要组成色素ꎬ广泛存在于超过 90%                           究ꎬ初步分析了香雪兰花色形成的不同物质成分
   的被子植物中ꎬ目前已经在牡丹( 华梅等ꎬ2017)、                        及其呈色方面差异ꎬ以期为新品种培育、花色改良
   睡 莲 ( 朱 满 兰 等ꎬ 2012 )、 风 信 子 ( 陶 秀 花 等ꎬ           和育种工作提供理论依据ꎮ
   2015)、菊花( 孙卫等ꎬ2010) 等观赏植物中开展相
   关研究ꎮ                                              1  材料与方法
       香雪兰的花色具有特殊 性 和 独 特 的 观 赏 价
   值ꎮ 香雪兰( Freesia hybrida) 又名小苍兰ꎬ是鸢尾                1.1 材料采集和预处理

   科(Iridaceae)香雪兰属(Freesia) 多年生球茎植物ꎬ                    选择‘ White River’ ‘ Red Passion’ ‘ 上农红台
   目前广泛栽植的是园艺杂交品种ꎬ花色丰富ꎬ因此                            阁’ ‘ Tweety ’ ‘ Gold River ’ ‘ Fragrant Sunburst ’
   研究其花瓣花色苷组成具有重要意义ꎮ 迄今为                             ‘Pink Passion’‘Castor’‘Lovely Lavender’ ‘ 上农淡
   止ꎬ国内外对于香雪兰的研究主要集中在辐射育                             雪青’和‘上农紫玫瑰’ 等覆盖香雪兰四大色系的
   种、切花保鲜、繁殖发育与栽培技术、花期调控及                            11 个商业品种为材料( 丁苏芹等ꎬ2019)ꎬ其中 3
   花期生理研究(曾敏ꎬ2012)等方面ꎬ但对于香雪兰                         个为上海交通大学农业与生物学院自主培育的品
   花瓣色素组成模式迄今不完全清楚ꎬ国内仅见对                             种ꎬ其余品种为进口品种ꎬ购自 Van den bos 公司

   部分品种的花色素成分和稳定性进行初步分析ꎬ                             (https: / / www. vandenbos. com)ꎮ 11 个 品 种 除 ‘ 上
   推定出香雪兰花瓣中 6 个花色苷种类( 徐怡倩等ꎬ                         农红台阁’是重瓣以外ꎬ其余均为单瓣品种ꎮ
   2016)ꎮ 本课题组在香雪兰的引种和栽培方面已                              于 2017 年 10 月下旬定植于上海交通大学闵
   有 20 多年经验ꎬ并开展了较为系统的科学研究ꎮ                          行校区现代农业工程训练中心标准大棚中ꎬ并于
   本文选取了 11 个国内外香雪兰品种ꎬ颜色覆盖四                          2018 年 3 月—4 月盛花期上午 10 时左右ꎬ分别从
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97