Page 63 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 63

8 期              余江洪等: 国家重点保护野生植物的保护现状及潜在分布区预测分析                                          1 4 0 5

            ( 1. College of Forestryꎬ Guizhou Universityꎬ Guiyang 550025ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of
                   Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100049ꎻ
                          4. College of Forestryꎬ Central South University of Forestry and Technologyꎬ Changsha 410004ꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Wild plants are an important part of the natural ecological systemꎬ and China is one of the countries with the
                 most abundant wild plant species. It is of great significance to study the distribution characteristicsꎬ protection status and
                 potential distribution areas of National Key Protected Wild Plants for supporting and formulating biodiversity conservation
                 strategies. Based on 1 032 species (belonging to 315 generaꎬ 129 families) of National Key Protected Wild Plantsꎬ this
                 study used the top 5% richness algorithm to identify hotspotsꎬ and superimposed with nature reserves to evaluate the
                 conservation effectiveness and determine conservation gaps of current nature reserves. Furthermoreꎬ this study used
                 maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model to predict the potential distribution and range shifts of National Key Protected Wild
                 Plants. The results were as follows: (1) The areas with the highest species richness of the National Key Protected Wild
                 Plants mainly confined to the south and southwest of Chinaꎬ especially in central Sichuanꎬ southern and southeastern
                 Yunnanꎬ northern Guangxiꎬ northern Guangdong and Hainan. (2) The conservation effectiveness of hotspot grids showed
                 that 171 (85.50%) hotspot grids were efficient protection (including 80.50% of total species)ꎬ and 29 hotspot grids
                 (14.50%) were not effectively protected ( including 51. 20% of total species). ( 3) By comparing the potential
                 distribution area of National Key Protected Wild Plants under current and future climate scenariosꎬ it is found that
                 potential distribution area would expand to southeastern of Xizangꎬ southwestern Guangxiꎬ southern Guangdongꎬ and
                 southern Fujian in the futureꎬ while those around Sichuan Basinꎬ southern Yunnan and southern Guizhou would
                 shrink. Thereforeꎬ it is necessary to strengthen the dynamic monitoring of biodiversity and pay continuous attention to the
                 impact of climate change on National Key Protected Wild Plants in the region. Based on the analysis results of hotspot
                 gridsꎬ conservation effectiveness and potential distribution areas identified in this studyꎬ strong data support and
                 reference can be provided for the identification of diversity priority protected areas for National Key Protected Wild
                 Plants and the formulation of conservation policies.
                 Key words: distribution patternꎬ hotspotsꎬ conservation effectivenessꎬ gap analysisꎬ potential distribution areaꎬ
                 climate change

                野生植物是自然生态系统的重要组成部分ꎬ是                           的物种ꎬ是当前生物多样性保护工作的重要目标
            人类生存和社会发展的重要物质基础ꎬ也是国家重                             (Zhao et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎮ 生物多样性热点识别和空缺
            要的战略物资ꎮ 保护野生植物资源是人类实现生                             分析是确定生物多样性保护重点区域、评价保护区
            态安全和资源安全的重要保障(周志华和金效华ꎬ                             的保护状况和提升保护成效最常用的分析手段
            2021)ꎬ尤其是包含众多濒危物种的国家重点保护                           (Myersꎬ 1988ꎻ Scott et al.ꎬ 1993ꎻ Myers et al.ꎬ
            野生植物ꎬ 是当前生物多样性保护的核心部分ꎮ                             2000ꎻ Xu et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 关于本地物种、特有物种
            «国家重点保护野生植物名录»(第一批)[以下简称                           或濒危物种的生物多样性热点已有了较为充分的
            «名录»(第一批)ꎬ1999 年]的公布极大地推动了中                        研究(Prendergast et al.ꎬ 1993ꎻ Brooks et al.ꎬ 2006ꎻ

            国植物多样性的保护工作(李志平和唐小平ꎬ2006ꎻ                          Jenkins et al.ꎬ 2013ꎻ Zhang et al.ꎬ 2015)ꎬ而关于新
            苑虎等ꎬ2009ꎻ权佳等ꎬ2009ꎻ彭隆等ꎬ2013)ꎻ2021 年                 版国家重点保护野生植物的热点区域研究仍较为
            国家颁布了调整后的« 国家重点保护野生植物名                             缺乏ꎮ
            录»[以下简称«名录»(2021 版)]ꎮ 但是ꎬ目前还缺                          自然保护区是保护生物多样性和维护生态系
            乏对国家重点保护野生植物的分布格局、多样性热                             统平衡的重要途径之一(黄志强等ꎬ2014)ꎬ是保护
            点、保护成效以及气候变化对其分布影响等方面的                             国家重点保护野生植物物种及其生境最为直接有
            研究ꎬ为提升其保护成效、支持保护优先管理与决                             效的方 式 ( 陈 雅 涵 等ꎬ2009)ꎮ 国 内 依 据 « 名 录»
            策制定ꎬ急需开展相关研究ꎮ                                      (第一批)进行了较多的就地保护评估ꎮ 例如ꎬ蒋
                 在保护资源有限的前提下ꎬ尽可能地保护更多                          明康等(2006)基于文献资料对 306 个植物种或类
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