Page 73 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 73

8 期                     吴欣仪等: 基于简化基因组测序揭示水角的濒危机制                                          1 4 1 5

                 Abstract: The genetic diversity of species is a key factor in their adaptability and survival capability. Habitat
                 fragmentation is recognized as one of the key factors causing biodiversity lossꎬ and it has significant impacts on the
                 genetic diversity of plant populations. Hydrocera triflora is an endangered species. Its genetic diversity is unclear and
                 endangered mechanism has not been reported. In this studyꎬ 34 samples of H. triflora from seven populations were used
                 to obtain single ̄nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNP) by Restriction ̄site Associated DNA sequencing ( RAD ̄seq). We
                 discussed the endangered mechanisms of H. triflora by analyzing population genetic diversity and structure. Additionallyꎬ
                 we combined these results with historical population dynamics analysis and predictions of potential species distribution in
                 different climate scenarios. The results were as follows: (1) H. triflora had low genetic diversity (H = 0.156 9ꎬ H =
                                                                                           o          e
                 0.165 4ꎬ π= 0.186 5) and high genetic differentiation coefficientꎻ AMOVA analysis showed that genetic variation mainly
                 occurred within populations. (2) The Mantel test indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between
                 environmental distance and genetic distanceꎬ as well as geographical distanceꎬ with respective P ̄values of 0.041 2 and
                 0.008 2. (3) The effective population size of H. triflora had been continuously declining since the mid ̄Holocene. (4)
                 The total potential distribution area of H. triflora change slightly in the future compared to that in the modern
                 climate. Howeverꎬ in scenarios of high CO emissionsꎬ the high suitable area decreased significantly and changed into
                 low suitable areaꎬ especially in the Malay Islands where the suitable habitat was almost to extinction. The results indicate
                 that habitat fragmentation caused a sustained decrease in the genetic diversity and effective population size of H.
                 triflora. Thereforeꎬ the low self ̄renewal capacityꎬ as well as detrimental environmental conditions such as human
                 disturbance and urbanizationꎬ are the primary factors contributing to its endangered state. It is recommended to
                 strengthen the in ̄situ protection of H. trifloraꎬ employing techniques such as artificial pollination to enhance gene flow
                 among populations and thereby increase genetic diversityꎬ and at the same timeꎬ we should focus on protecting wetlands
                 from destruction.
                 Key words: habitat fragmentationꎬ Restriction ̄site Associated DNA sequencing (RAD ̄seq)ꎬ genetic diversityꎬ genetic
                 structureꎬ species distribution modelsꎬ demographic history

                保护基因组学( conservation genomics) 广义上             al.ꎬ 2011ꎻNarum et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎮ 目前ꎬRAD ̄seq 已
            是指将基因组技术和方法应用于保护生物多样性                              广泛应用于群体研究与分子育种等领域ꎬ包括分
            和物种保护工作中的一门学科( Allendorf et al.ꎬ                   子标记开发、群体遗传分析、遗传图谱构建和全基
            2010)ꎬ主要聚焦于物种的濒危机制与保护策略研                           因组关联分析等ꎮ 孙维悦等(2022) 通过简化基因
            究ꎮ 评估物种的遗传多样性水平及其在个体和群                             组 测 序 对 濒 危 植 物 荷 叶 铁 线 蕨 ( Adiantum
            体中的分布格局是对该物种保护遗传研究的重要                              nelumboides)的保护基因组学研究ꎬ揭示了其濒危
            内容(Hamrick & Godtꎬ1996)ꎮ 分子遗传标记是评                  机制ꎮ Cai 等(2021)对具有重要经济价值的热带
            价种质资源遗传多样性的重要工具ꎬ推动保护遗                              雨林树种滇南风吹楠( Horsfieldia tetratepala) 进行
            传学的发展ꎮ 虽然遗传信息早已运用在濒危物种                             RAD ̄seq 测序ꎬ制定了更有效的保护策略ꎮ 曹毓蓉
            的研究中ꎬ但是全基因组范围的大量信息标记却                              等( 2022) 利 用 RAD ̄seq 对 极 危 物 种 波 叶 杜 鹃

            是 最 近 20 年 才 开 始 使 用 ( Supple & Shapiroꎬ           (Rhododendron hemsleyanum)的遗传特征进行无参
            2018)ꎬ最初也只是应用在少数的模式植物中ꎮ                            考基因组分析ꎬ证明对于无参考基因组的极小种
                 高通量测序技术( high ̄throughput sequencing)          群 野 生 植 物 ( plant species with extremely small
            的飞速发展催生了简化基因组测序技术ꎮ 简化基                             populationsꎬ PSESP)也可用简化基因组测序手段

            因 组 测 序 ( Restriction ̄site     Associated  DNA     获取 SNP 分子标记ꎮ 因此ꎬ相信针对无参考基因
            sequencingꎬRAD ̄seq)是一种常见的简化基因组技                    组的濒危物种ꎬ简化基因组测序可以获得充足的
            术ꎬ通过测序限制性酶切位点附近的短片段ꎬ具有                             遗传信息ꎬ为保护基因组学研究提供有效工具ꎮ
            覆盖度较高、测序成本低等优点ꎮ 它不受参考基                             此外ꎬ有效种群大小的估计对于保护和管理濒危
            因组 的 限 制ꎬ 能 获 得 大 量 的 高 质 量 信 息 位 点                物种、了解种群动态以及预测遗传演化的方向和
            (single ̄nucleotide polymorphismsꎬ SNP ) ( Davey et  速度非常重要ꎮ 种群历史动态是保护基因组学的
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