Page 184 - 广西植物2024年1期
P. 184

1 8 0                                  广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                 investigated the natural populations of O. hosiei in four regions of Guizhou and Sichuan provinces. According to the
                 distributive characteristics of different populationsꎬ we set up two 20 m × 20 m for each population by using the method
                 of plot investigation and conducted a community survey in each plot. The structural characteristics of O. hosiei
                 populations were analyzed by establishing population static life tables and drawing populations survival curves. Four
                 survival functionsꎬ number dynamic indexꎬ and time series model analysis were used to describe survival status. The
                 results were as follows: (1)The age ̄class structure of O. hosiei populations were in the shape of “J”at Hezhu Village
                 and Ganerpan Villageꎬ in the shape of “Dumbbell”at Chenjiawan Village and Rongchun Villageꎬ the populations had
                 strong natural renewal abilityꎬ but middle ̄aged individuals were easily missing. (2)The four populations belonged to the
                 increasing typeꎬ the survival curves of populations are close to Type Deevey ̄Ⅱꎬ the disappearance rate and mortality rate
                 of O. hosiei populations showed a “Multimodal” pattern in Hezhu Villageꎬ Chenjiawan Village and Rongchun Villageꎬ
                 indicating that the populations were susceptible to external disturbances in the middle period. ( 3) All O. hosiei
                 populations in different regions appeared to decrease in the early stage and keep dynamically stable in the medium ̄late
                 stageꎬ and the formation reasons were related to the topographic characteristics of mountainous areas and the seed
                 dispersal characteristics of O. hosiei. (4)RDA analysis showed that altitude and slope were the dominant factors affecting
                 the populations structure of young individualsꎬ and interference intensity was the main factor affecting the number
                 structure of older individuals. All the above results indicate that the structural and number characteristics of O. hosiei
                 populations in different regions are restricted by the topographic characteristics of mountainous areasꎬ the reproductive
                 characteristics of O. hosiei and the environmental pressureꎻ By controlling the density of young individuals and managing
                 the growth space of middle ̄aged individualsꎬ we can increase the survival rate of the seedlingsꎬ promote the healthy
                 growth of middle ̄aged individualsꎬ and maintain the stability of the natural populations of O. hosiei.
                 Key words: Ormosia hosieiꎬ endangered plantꎬ population structureꎬ static life tableꎬ survival function

                珍稀濒危植物指受自身原因或外界干扰的影                            探讨物种濒危机制ꎬ对濒危物种的保护和利用具
            响ꎬ其野生种群面临很大灭绝风险的一类特殊群                              有重要意义(邹天才等ꎬ2021)ꎮ
            体ꎮ 环境条件的不断变化和人为活动的过度干                                  红 豆 树 ( Ormosia hosiei ) 为 蝶 形 花 科
            扰ꎬ导致这类物种的生存受到严重威胁( 马晨晨                             (Papilionoideae)红豆属(Ormosia)的常绿或落叶乔
            等ꎬ2017ꎻ 许恒和刘艳红ꎬ2018)ꎮ 濒危植物保护                       木ꎬ为国家二级重点保护野生植物ꎮ 红豆树是我
            生物学以濒危物种的生物生态学特性、生活史及                              国特有种ꎬ主要分布于我国贵州、四川、福建、浙江
            生存环境为切入点ꎬ通过分析濒危植物的生存潜                              等省份ꎬ是我国南方地区珍贵用材树种之一ꎬ也是
            力、发展规律及其濒危机制ꎬ为濒危植物的保护和                             南方地区重要的风水树种ꎬ具有极高的经济价值
            管理提供科学的指导依据( 臧润国等ꎬ2016ꎻ 高岚                         和人文价值(李峰卿等ꎬ2018a)ꎮ 由于红豆树木材
            等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 其中ꎬ研究种群结构与动态是了解濒                          珍贵ꎬ树皮与种子被老百姓视为重要的药材( 张琳
            危植物生态特性的重要方法ꎬ也是探讨物种濒危                              婧等ꎬ2021)ꎬ因而其遭到过度的利用与破坏ꎬ加之
            原因的重要途径( 王进等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 通过静态生命                         红豆树自然扩散能力差ꎬ其更新幼苗幼树均分布
            表和存活曲线可以展现种群结构特征ꎬ了解种群                              在母株周围导致激烈的种内和种间竞争ꎬ造成红
            不同年龄个体之间的动态差异ꎬ从中找出种群发                              豆树种群分布范围以及种群数量不断减少ꎬ趋于
            展与变化规律( 金慧等ꎬ2019ꎻ 唐凤等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 通                     濒危状态( 邱浩杰等ꎬ2020)ꎮ 国内外有关红豆树
            过生存函数及时间序列预测模型等统计学方法ꎬ                              的研究集中在生物学特性、遗传分布、育苗造林、
            可以分析种群生存现状及演替方向ꎬ评价种群与                              人工 林 经 营 等 方 面 ( 蔡 勇ꎬ 2007ꎻ Zhang et al.ꎬ
            环境之间的相互关系ꎬ找到制约种群发展的关键                              2012ꎻ 尤根彪等ꎬ2017ꎻ 李峰卿ꎬ2018a)ꎮ 针对红
            因素(李娟等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 种群结构与数量动态特征                          豆树天然种群特征的研究主要集中于浙江、福建
            是种群生态学研究的核心内容ꎬ也是濒危植物保                              等地ꎬ分布于溪流、河谷等流域附近的红豆树种群
            护生物学的重要方法ꎬ以种群结构与数量特征来                              (谢慕华ꎬ2015ꎻ 刘鹏等ꎬ2017ꎻ 李杨等ꎬ2021)ꎬ李
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