Page 73 - 广西植物2024年1期
P. 73

1 期            梁惠子等: 不同温度下 PEG 模拟干旱对濒危植物狭叶坡垒种子萌发的影响                                          6 9

                  ( 1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Superior Trees Resource Cultivationꎬ Guangxi Forestry Research Instituteꎬ Nanning 530002ꎬ Chinaꎻ
                        2. Guangxi Fangcheng Golden Camellias National Nature Reserveꎬ Fangchenggang 538021ꎬ Guangxiꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Hopea chinensis is distributed in China and its seeds are typically reclacitrant. In order to investigate the
                 germination adaptability of seeds to temperature and moistureꎬ we carried out an experiment with three different constant
                 temperatures (15ꎬ 20ꎬ 25 ℃) controlled by artificial climate incubatorsꎬ and used six polyethylene glycol (PEG ̄6000)
                 concentrations (0%ꎬ 5%ꎬ 10%ꎬ 15%ꎬ 25% and 35%) to simulate drought stress. The germination characteristics of these
                 seeds were carefully examined. The results were as follows: (1) Temperature exerted a significant influence on seed
                 germination. Regardless of the level of drought stress appliedꎬ higher temperatures positively affected the germination
                 percentageꎬ germination energyꎬ germination indexꎬ radicle lengthꎬ sprout length and vitality index of seedsꎬ higher
                 temperatures led to shorter germination delay and increased fluctuations in the germination duration. (2) Drought stress had
                 a significant impact on seed germination. Under identical temperature conditionsꎬ increasing levels of drought stress resulted
                 in decreasing of germination percentageꎬ germination energyꎬ germination indexꎬ germination durationꎬ radicle lengthꎬ
                 sprout length and vitality index of seeds. Moreoverꎬ higher levels of drought stress led to longer germination delay of
                 seeds. (3) The interaction between temperature and drought stress had a significant influence on seed germination. Under
                 drought stressꎬ seed germination exhibited different responses under different temperature conditions. Specificallyꎬ under
                 conditions where a PEG ̄6000 concentration of 35% was applied as drought stress treatmentꎬ the germination percentage at
                 temperatures of 20 ℃ and 25 ℃ were significantly higher than those observed at 15 ℃ (8.89% and 15.55% compared to
                 lower percentage at 15 ℃). Howeverꎬ it was important to note that when subjected to both 35% PEG ̄6000 and a
                 temperature of 15 ℃ꎬ the seeds no longer germinate. In summaryꎬ our results indicate that the suitable temperatures for seed
                 germination are identified as being at 20 ℃ and 25 ℃. It is determined that the most favorable temperature for early
                 seedling growth is 25 ℃. As the drought stress intensifiesꎬ the inhibitory effect on seed germination become strongerꎬ the
                 effect of drought stress on seed germination is higher than that of temperature. Additionallyꎬ moderate warming can help
                 alleviate the inhibitory effect of drought stress on seed germination.
                 Key words: Endangered plantꎬ Hopea chinensisꎬ temperatureꎬ drought stressꎬ seed germination

                种子萌发是植物种群自然更新的重要阶段ꎬ                            富等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 低浓度干旱胁迫可促进种子萌发
            对外 界 环 境 压 力 的 反 应 最 为 敏 感 ( 李 小 双 等ꎬ              (汪建军等ꎬ2016)ꎬ如 5% ~ 10%浓度的 PEG ̄6000
            2007)ꎮ 种子能否萌发、出苗受到多种生态因子的                          溶液可促进水杉( Metasequoia glyptostroboides) 种子
            综合影响(鱼小军等ꎬ2006)ꎬ它对环境变化的适应                          发芽 和 出 苗 整 齐 ( 吴 漫 玲 等ꎬ 2020)ꎬ 5% ~ 10%
            能力 是 植 物 适 应 环 境 的 重 要 体 现 ( 雷 春 英 等ꎬ              PEG ̄6000 处 理 促 使 小 溪 洞 杜 鹃 ( Rhododendron
            2020)ꎬ与植物本身的特性和适应环境的生态策略                           xiaoxidongense) 种子打破休眠( 李丹丹等ꎬ2022)ꎮ
            有关( 鱼小军等ꎬ2006ꎻ李小双等ꎬ2007)ꎮ 不同植                      随着 PEG ̄6000 溶液浓度增加ꎬ种子萌发受到抑制
            物种子萌发所需的条件不同ꎬ对环境的适应性表                              作用增强(汪建军等ꎬ2016ꎻ陈士超等ꎬ2017)ꎬ种子
            现不同ꎮ 因此ꎬ探究生态因子对种子萌发的影响                             发芽率、发芽指数等萌发指标随之下降( 刘雪松
            及其机制一直都是研究热点( 雷春英等ꎬ2020ꎻ范                          等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 温度和水分的交互作用对种子萌发具
            翠枝等ꎬ2021ꎻ关正等ꎬ2022)ꎮ                                有综合影响ꎬ如适当增温可缓解较高浓度 PEG 溶
                 影响种子萌发的重要生态因子包括温度和水                           液模拟干旱胁迫对歪头菜(Vicia unijuga)种子萌发
            分ꎮ 有的植物种子在变温条件下利于萌发( 关正                            的抑制作用(唐伟和南志标ꎬ2019)ꎬ在较低温度下
            等ꎬ2022)ꎬ有的则为恒温、高温( 鱼小军等ꎬ2004)                      柠条锦鸡儿( Caragana korshinskii) 种子对干旱胁
            或低温( 盛海燕等ꎬ2004)ꎮ 不同植物种子在不同                         迫的耐受性最强( 闫兴富等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 研究种子萌
            水分胁迫条件下的萌发行为存在差异ꎬ众多学者                              发所需的温度和水分条件ꎬ尤其是濒危植物种子ꎬ
            通过 PEG ̄6000 水溶液模拟干旱胁迫对植物种子                         有助于了解其萌发特性ꎬ掌握种群动态、调控与更
            萌发期的抗旱性进行研究( 李志萍等ꎬ2013ꎻ闫兴                          新、生态适应性等( Stevenꎬ 1991)ꎬ可为揭示其濒
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