Page 134 - 《广西植物》2024年第12期
P. 134

2 2 9 2                                广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                 diseases in the field of traditional Chinese medicineꎬ such as rheumatoid arthritisꎬ closed soft ̄tissue injuries. In order to
                 study the chemical constituents of the roots and rhizoma of T. angulata var. intermedia. This paper explored the chemical
                 constituents of 45% ethanol extraction of T. angulata var. intermedia by D101 macroporous resinꎬ silica gelꎬ preparative
                 high performance liquid chromatography and other methods. Their structures were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic
                 analysis such as 1D ̄NMRꎬ 2D ̄NMRꎬ HR ̄ESI ̄MS and so on. The absolute configurations were determined by
                 comparison of the experimental and theoretically calculated ECD. The results were as follows: Fifteen compounds were
                 isolated and identified as (7Sꎬ8S) ̄8ꎬ9 ̄dihydroxy ̄3ꎬ5ꎬ7 ̄trimethox phenicol ̄4 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄glucoside (1)ꎬ adenosine (2)ꎬ
                 (8E) ̄decaene ̄4ꎬ6 ̄diyn ̄1 ̄O ̄α ̄L ̄rhamnopyranosyl ̄(1→6) ̄β ̄D ̄glucopyranoside (3)ꎬ 2ꎬ6 ̄dimethoxy ̄p ̄benzoquinone
                 (4)ꎬ palmiticacid (5)ꎬ 2ꎬ2′ ̄oxybis(1ꎬ4 ̄di ̄tert ̄butylbenzene) (6)ꎬ syringaldeyde ̄4 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄glucopyranoside (7)ꎬ
                 phytol (8)ꎬ p ̄hydroxybenzaldehyde (9)ꎬ (8R) ̄deca ̄2 ̄trans ̄2 ̄ene ̄4ꎬ6 ̄diyn ̄1ꎬ8 ̄diol (10)ꎬ nicotinamide (11)ꎬ
                 aralidioside ( 12 )ꎬ β ̄daucosterol ( 13 )ꎬ griselinoside ( 14 )ꎬ 2 ̄( 4 ̄hydroxy ̄3 ̄methoxyphenyl ) ̄3 ̄( 2 ̄hydroxy ̄5 ̄
                 methoxyphenyl) ̄3 ̄oxo ̄1 ̄propanol (15). Among themꎬ Compund 1 was a new compoundꎬ compunds 2-4ꎬ 6ꎬ 7ꎬ 9-12
                 and 15 were all isolated from Toricellia for the first time. The results of this study enrich the phytochemical information of
                 T. angulata var. intermediaꎬ and provide a material basis for the elucidation of its pharmacodynamic substancesꎬ the
                 search for quality markersꎬ the exploration of pharmacological mechanisms and the development of drugs.
                 Key words: Torricelliaꎬ Torricellia angulata var. intermediaꎬ chemical constituentsꎬ isolation and purificationꎬ
                 structure identification

                  有 齿 鞘 柄 木 ( Torricellia angulata var.        一部分ꎬ对其化学成分研究鲜有报道ꎬ并且药效物
            intermedia)为鞘柄木属( Torricellia) 植物角叶鞘柄              质基础不明确ꎮ 化学成分是药材药效物质基础和
            木(T. angulata)的变种ꎬ又名水冬瓜、大接骨丹、齿                     作用机制研究的先决条件ꎬ也是用药安全和资源
            叶烂泥树ꎬ主要分布于广西、贵州、四川、云南等地                            开发的根本前提ꎮ 因此ꎬ为了更好地了解和应用
            (中国科学院中国植物志编辑委员会ꎬ1985)ꎮ 药                          有齿鞘柄木这一药用植物ꎬ阐明其化学成分组成
            用部位的根皮收载于« 贵州省中药材、民族药材质                            和药理药效基础ꎬ进而深入开发利用这一资源ꎬ本
            量标准» (2003 年版) ( 林亚平和叶阳明ꎬ2003)ꎮ                    研究利用现代分离方法ꎬ对有齿鞘柄木根及茎的
            根据«贵州民间方药集» « 贵州草药» 等文献记载ꎬ                         45%乙醇提取物进行分离鉴定ꎬ得到 15 个化合物ꎬ
            有齿鞘柄木的根、茎皮、叶和花均可入药ꎬ其味苦、                            丰富了有齿鞘柄木根及茎的化学成分ꎬ以期为有
            辛、性平ꎬ具有消肿接骨、舒筋活血、调血补虚、解                            齿鞘柄木药材质量标志物的寻找、药理机制的探
            热平喘等功效ꎬ常用于闭合性软组织损伤的治疗                              寻及药物的研发提供物质基础ꎮ
            等ꎬ2021c)ꎮ 在贵州少数民族地区ꎬ常以有齿鞘柄                         1  材料与仪器

            治疗ꎮ                                                1.1 材料
                 近年来ꎬ对有齿鞘柄木的研究主要集中在根                               有齿鞘柄木药材采收于贵州贵安新区ꎬ经贵
            皮部位生药学鉴定检测(徐燃等ꎬ2018)、高分辨质                          州医科大学刘春花副教授鉴定为山茱萸科鞘柄木
            谱分析(韩忠耀等ꎬ2021b)、病虫害及野生资源调                          属有齿鞘柄木( Torricellia angulata var. intermedia)

            查( 韩忠耀等ꎬ2018)、指纹图谱研究( 韩忠耀等ꎬ                        的根及茎ꎮ 样品标本( No. 20201218) 存放于贵州
            2017)、生物活性(陈华栋等ꎬ2012)ꎻ叶的指纹图谱                       省药物制剂重点实验室ꎮ
            研究及质量标志物的预测( 韩忠耀等ꎬ2022b)、醇                         1.2 仪器

            提取物的抗炎镇痛活性研究( 韩忠耀等ꎬ2022a)、                             Bruker 600 NEO NMR 600 MHz 超导核磁共振
            指纹 图 谱 含 量 测 定 化 学 模 式 识 别 ( 韩 忠 耀 等ꎬ              波谱仪( 德国布鲁克公司)ꎻJEOL ̄ECS 400 MHz 核
            2021c)及树皮的指纹图谱研究化学模式识别( 韩                          磁共振波谱仪(日本电子株式会社)ꎻThermo Fisher
            忠耀等ꎬ2021a)ꎮ 根及茎作为有齿鞘柄木植物的                          Q Exactive ̄Plus 四级杆-静电场轨道阱高分辨质谱
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