Page 55 - 《广西植物》2024年第12期
P. 55

12 期               薛晶晶等: 木薯糖转运蛋白基因 MeSWEET17b 的克隆及表达分析                                    2 2 1 3

                 Abstract: Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an important food crop in tropical and subtropical regions. Sugar transporter
                 protein SWEETs facilitate the flow of sugar between cells and play an important role in plant growth and development. In
                 order to clarify the function of SWEET family genes in cassavaꎬ cassava‘KU50’ was used as material in this studyꎬ and
                 the gene properties of MeSWEET17b were studied by gene cloningꎬ bioinformatics analysisꎬ subcellular localizationꎬ in
                 vitro yeast detection and RT ̄qPCRꎬ etc. The results were as follows: (1) The open reading frame of MeSWEET17b was
                 726 bpꎬ encoding 242 amino acidsꎬ and located in the plasma membrane. MeSWEET17b had the closer genetic
                 relationship with AtSWEET16 and AtSWEET17ꎬ containing 7 transmembrane domainsꎬ and belonging to hydrophobic
                 protein. (2) MeSWEET17b mainly transport fructose through the in vitro yeast detection. (3) The results of RT ̄qPCR
                 showed that the expression trend of MeSWEET17b in stem was basically consistent with in petioleꎬ and the expression
                 was the highest at maturity. The relative expression of MeSWEET17b was relatively low in leavesꎬ and the highest in the
                 expansion stage of tuberous rootꎬ while decreased rapidly with the growth of tuberous roots. (4) The ‘KU50’ seedlings
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                 were subjected to abiotic stress treatments such as high salt (8 gL NaCl)ꎬ drought (100 mmolL mannitol)ꎬ
                 oxidation (10% H O ) and cold (15 ℃ for 24 hꎬ then dropped to 4 ℃ for 24 h). RT ̄qPCR showed that the relative
                              2  2
                 expressions of MeSWEET17b in leaf and stem had the greatest difference under drought stress. The relative expressions of
                 MeSWEET17b in leaf and fibrous root changed most significantly under salt stressꎻ under oxidation and cold stressꎬ the
                 relative expressions of MeSWEET17b in fibrous root and petiole increased significantly with the extention of treating
                 time. This study provides a theoreticac reference for further studying the function mechanism of sugar transporter protein
                 SWEETs in cassava.
                 Key words: cassava (Manihot esculenta)ꎬ sugar transporter proteinꎬ subcellular localizationꎬ sugar transport capacityꎬ
                 abiotic stress

                糖是真核生物和原核生物重要的能量来源ꎮ                            木薯光合产物的分配是糖通过韧皮部维管系统从
            糖转运蛋白 SWEETs 是真核生物和原核生物中主                          气生叶向地下贮藏根的长距离运输过程ꎮ SWEET

            要的 转 运 蛋 白ꎬ 能 够 促 进 糖 在 细 胞 间 的 流 动ꎮ               蛋白属于 MtN3/ saliva gene familyꎬ也称为 MtN3/ saliva/
            SWEET 家族基因及其同源物广泛分布于包含细菌                           SWEETꎬ可以转运己糖和蔗糖ꎬ并介导糖外流到质

            和 古 生 菌 的 几 乎 所 有 生 命 领 域 ( Chen et al.ꎬ           外体ꎮ 木薯 SWEET 家族共有 28 个同源基因ꎬ根据
            2015)ꎮ 所有真核生物的 SWEETs 都是由 7 个预                     其转运不同糖的特性ꎬ可以分为 4 个亚类ꎮ 其中ꎬ对
            测的跨膜 (7TM) 结构域组成ꎬ其中 3TM 重复序列                       MeSWEET10a 的 研 究 最 为 深 入ꎮ Zárate ̄Chaves 等
            由连接螺旋连接起来ꎮ 整个结构以 3+1+3 的拓扑                         (2021)研究显示ꎬ地毯黄单胞菌的毒力可以通过转
            结构排列在细胞膜上 ( Chen et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 植物                 录激活因子 TAL20 特异性诱导木薯 MeSWEET10a
            中ꎬSWEETs 主要定位于细胞质膜上ꎬ存在于不同                          的表达ꎬ增加糖的积累并最终导致木薯细菌性枯萎

            细胞器官ꎬ如内质 网、高 尔 基 体 和 液 泡 ( Feng &                  病 的 蔓 延ꎮ 此 外ꎬ MeSWEET1、 MeSWEET3b、
            Frommerꎬ 2015)ꎮ 定位于质膜上的 SWEET 转运                   MeSWEET15a、MeSWEET15b 及 MeSWEET18 也有报道ꎮ
            蛋白可以将胞液中的糖转运到质外体ꎬ行使不同                              其中ꎬ木薯 MeSWEET1 基因定位于细胞膜上ꎬ在成
            的功能ꎬ如花蜜分泌 ( Lin et al.ꎬ 2014)、质外体韧                 熟 叶 片 的 表 达 量 最 高 ( 刘 秦 等ꎬ 2017 )ꎻ 木 薯

            皮部装载 (Chen et al.ꎬ 2015)、种子灌浆 (Guan et             MeSWEET3b 主要转运半乳糖ꎬ黄单胞菌 Xam 能够
            al.ꎬ 2008)、花粉营养 ( Sun et al.ꎬ 2013)、病原体            诱导其表达(朱柏光等ꎬ2022)ꎻ木薯 MeSWEET15a
            感染 (Chen et al.ꎬ 2010)以及非生物胁迫 ( Wu et              及 MeSWEET15b 基因可以转运蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖
            al.ꎬ 2023) 等ꎮ                                      和甘露糖ꎬVIGS 沉默能够增强木薯对干旱胁迫和
                 木薯(Manihot esculenta)块根富含淀粉ꎬ是世界               盐 胁 迫 的 耐 受 性 ( Fan et al.ꎬ 2023 )ꎻ 木 薯
            三大薯类作物之一ꎬ也是热带亚热带地区重要的粮                             MeSWEET18 主要转运果糖ꎬVIGS 沉默会导致其叶
            食作物ꎬ全世界约有 10 亿人以木薯作为主要粮食                           片中果糖含量的增加 ( 薛晶晶等ꎬ 2022ꎬ 2023)ꎻ
            (Cai et al.ꎬ 2023)ꎮ 木薯以蔗糖为主要运输物质ꎮ                  GWAS 分析发现 MeSWEET18 与木薯块根干物质
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