Page 170 - 《广西植物》2023年第6期
P. 170

1 1 5 6                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
             ( 1. School of Pharmaceutical Sciencesꎬ Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicineꎬ Jinan 250355ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. State Key Laboratory of
                Quality Research in Chinese Medicineꎬ Macau University of Science and Technologyꎬ Macau 999078ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. NMPA Key Laboratory for
                     Quality Research and Evaluation of Carbohydrate ̄Based Medicineꎬ National Glycoengineering Research Centerꎬ School of
                        Pharmaceutical Sciencesꎬ Shandong Universityꎬ Jinan 250012ꎬ Chinaꎻ 4. Sishui Siheyuan Culture and Tourism
                                         Development Co.ꎬ Ltd.ꎬ Sisui 273200ꎬ Shandongꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Bei ̄dou ̄genꎬ the dried rhizome of Menispermum dauricum from the Menispermaceae familyꎬ is an important
                 Chinese medicinal material. In order to clarify the pharmacodynamic substance basisꎬ the methanol extract of the rhizome
                 in M. dauricum was systematically isolated and purified using various chromatographic methods and the structures of
                 isolated compounds were identified. The potential anti ̄inflammatory activity of obtained compounds from M. dauricum
                 was measured in vitro. In this studyꎬ the chemical constituents were separated via silica gel column chromatographyꎬ
                 macroporous adsorption resin and preparative HPLCꎬ and their structures were determined on the basis of MSꎬ H ̄NMRꎬ
                  C ̄NMR and other spectroscopic data analysisꎬ as well as comparison with relevant literatures. Meanwhileꎬ the anti ̄
                 inflammatory activities of against NO and IL ̄6 production from LPS ̄induced RAW264.7 cells of the chemical components
                 were evaluated in vitro. The results were as follows: (1) Fifteen compounds were isolated from the rhizome of M.

                 dauricumꎬ and identified as p ̄hydroxybenzaldehyde (1)ꎬ vanillic acid (2)ꎬ syringaldehyde (3)ꎬ 2 ̄hydroxy ̄1 ̄(4 ̄
                 hydroxy ̄3ꎬ 5 ̄dimethoxyphenyl ) ̄1 ̄propanone ( 4 )ꎬ methyl 4 ̄hydroxyphenylacetate ( 5 )ꎬ 2 ̄( 4 ̄hydroxyphenyl ) ̄1 ̄
                 nitroethane (6)ꎬ 4 ̄hydroxyphenylacetonitrile (7)ꎬ dibutyl phthalate (8)ꎬ fragransin B (9)ꎬ 7 ̄hydroxy ̄3ꎬ6 ̄dimethoxy ̄
                 1ꎬ4 ̄phenanthraquinone (10)ꎬ palmitic acid (11)ꎬ arachidic acid (12)ꎬ β ̄sitosterol (13)ꎬ β ̄stigmasterol (14) and
                 daucosterol (15). Among themꎬ compounds 4-7ꎬ 9 and 12 were isolated from Menispermaceae for the first timeꎬ while
                 compounds 1ꎬ 3-11 and 14 were first reported from Menispermum genus. The above compounds were all non ̄alkaloids
                 componentsꎬ including phenolsꎬ lignansꎬ phenanthraquinonesꎬ fatty acids and sterols. (2) Anti ̄inflammatory assay in
                 vitro showed that Compound 12 could significantly inhibited releases of NO and IL ̄6 induced by LPS from RAW264.7
                 cells at the concentrations of 25 and 50 μgmL ꎬ indicating potential anti ̄inflammatory activity. The results of this
                 study enrich the chemical diversity of the rhizome of M. dauricum and clarifies the active ingredients of its anti ̄
                 inflammatory activityꎬ and provide effective reference for the rational utilization of medicinal plant resources.
                 Key words: Menispermaceaeꎬ rhizome of Menispermum dauricumꎬ chemical constituentsꎬ structure identificationꎬ anti ̄
                 inflammatory activity

                 北 豆 根 系 防 己 科 蝙 蝠 葛 属 植 物 蝙 蝠 葛               究多集中于北豆根提取物或酚性碱ꎬ它们具有抗
            (Menispermum dauricum) 的干燥根茎ꎬ原名为蝙蝠                 炎、抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗脑缺血、免疫调节等药理作用
            葛根( 喻瑛瑛等ꎬ2019a)ꎮ 主产于东北、华 北、河                       (喻瑛瑛等ꎬ2019bꎻ邵佳等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 然而ꎬ蝙蝠葛
            北、山东、四川及陕西等地ꎮ 北豆 根 气 微、味 苦、                        碱、青藤碱等生物碱成分具有肾毒性和肝毒性ꎬ但
            寒、有小毒ꎬ具有清热解毒、祛风止痛的功效ꎬ在民                            其体内毒性过程、作用特点、作用机制尚不完全明
            间广泛用于治疗肠炎、痢疾、风湿病和支气管炎等                             确(孙蓉和王晨ꎬ2009)ꎮ 因此ꎬ寻找具有良好活性
            炎性疾病ꎮ 目前已开发上市的北豆根总碱片、北                             的非生物碱类成分是必要的ꎮ 为了丰富北豆根化
            豆根胶囊、复方北豆根氨酚那敏片及北豆根注射                              学成分信息ꎬ更全面地阐明北豆根药效物质基础ꎬ

            液等在临床上被广泛应用于扁桃体炎、牙龈肿痛、                             也为了临床的安全用药及合理开发植物资源ꎬ本研
            咽喉肿痛等疾病的治疗ꎮ 此外ꎬ气雾剂、滴丸及复                            究以北豆根为对象ꎬ依托药学研究平台ꎬ采用现代
            方制剂也普遍应用于临床(苏慧等ꎬ2015)ꎮ                             色谱分离手段、现代波谱学技术和现代药理学方
                 北豆根在我国资源丰富ꎬ分布广泛ꎬ为药材资                          法ꎬ拟探讨以下问题:(1)北豆根甲醇提取物的化学
            源的开发和临床应用提供了坚实基础ꎮ 目前的研                             成分ꎻ(2)分离得到的部分化合物的体外抗炎活性ꎮ
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