Page 74 - 《广西植物》2023年第6期
P. 74
1 0 6 0 广 西 植 物 43 卷
Abstract: In order to explore the responses of growthꎬ photosynthetic characteristics and nutrient accumulation of
Cunninghamia lanceolata container seedlings to different amounts of slow ̄release fertilizer application. In this paperꎬ the
effects of different amounts of slow ̄release fertilizer application treatments (0ꎬ 200ꎬ 400ꎬ 800ꎬ 1 000 and 1 200 gm )
on the growth of seedlings heightꎬ ground diameterꎬ biomassꎬ photosynthetic pigment contentꎬ chlorophyll fluorescence
characteristics and nutrient content of C. lanceolata seedlings were investigated. Moreoverꎬ subordinate function value
method was also employed to comprehensive evaluate the growth and physiology indexes of seedlings under different
fertilization treatmentsꎬ and screening suitable slow ̄release fertilizer levels for the growth of C. lanceolata seedlingsꎬ
which providing reference for the efficiency cultivation of high quality C. lanceolata seedlings. The results were as
follows: (1) Compared with the controlꎬ the slow ̄release fertilizer application could promote the growth of seedling
heightꎬ ground diameter and the accumulation of total biomass of C. lanceolata seedlings to varying degrees. (2) The
slow ̄release fertilizer treatments could significantly increase the contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid in leaves of
C. lanceolata compared with control. In additionꎬ slow ̄release fertilizer treatments also increased the values of maximum
fluorescence ( F )ꎬ variable fluorescence ( F )ꎬ maximum photochemical efficiency of PS Ⅱ( F / F )ꎬ potential
photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(F / F ) and actual quantum yield(QY) to varying degrees compared with control. (3)
The slow ̄release fertilizer treatments could promote the nutrient accumulation in seedlings of C. lanceolata to varying
degreesꎬ among which the contents of Mnꎬ Fe and Zn were found to be changed most significantly. (4) The results of
subordinate function value method showed that when the amount of slow ̄release fertilizer application was 1 000 gm ꎬ
its membership value was the largestꎬ which indicated that the comprehensive growth of seedlings under this treatment
was the best. In conclusionꎬ the amount of 1 000 gm slow ̄release fertilizer application is the most suitable treatment
for the cultivation of high quality seedlings of C. lanceolata in the present studyꎬ under this treatmentꎬ the growth of
C. lanceolata seedlings can be improved by increasing the accumulation of nutrient elements closely related to
photosynthesisꎬ thus increasing the contents of photosynthetic pigment in leavesꎬ which in turn enhance the PS Ⅱ
photosynthetic efficiency and electron transfer rateꎬ further enhance the efficiency of light energy capture and utilization
of leavesꎬ and ultimately improve seedling growth.
Key words: seedling cultivationꎬ slow ̄release fertilizerꎬ Cunninghamia lanceolataꎬ chlorophyll fluorescence
parametersꎬ container seedlingꎬ seedling quality
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata) 是我国南方重 的需求ꎬ因而施肥是保证杉木容器苗优质生长的
要的速生用材树种( 叶义全等ꎬ2018ꎻ饶丽莎等ꎬ 关键措施( 张培等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 随水施肥是目前容器
2021)ꎮ 据第九次全国森林资源清查结果表明ꎬ我 苗培育普遍采用的一种施肥方式ꎬ但这种传统的
国杉木人工林面积和蓄积均居主要人工乔木林树 施肥方式容易导致肥料和水的浪费ꎬ降低苗木对
种首位ꎬ在保障我国生态安全和木材安全等方面 养分的利用效率ꎬ增加生产成本ꎬ甚至还可能引起
具有重要作用(Kang et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 近年来随着杉 环境污染(李小茹等ꎬ2017)ꎮ 因此ꎬ开展杉木容器
木人工林造林面积逐年扩大ꎬ市场对杉木优质苗 苗施肥技术研究对于提高苗木质量ꎬ进而增强苗
木的需求也在不断增加( 李茂等ꎬ2020aꎻ周岚等ꎬ 木抗逆性ꎬ改善造林效果具有重要意义ꎮ
2022)ꎮ 传统的杉木育苗主要以大田裸根苗为主ꎬ 作为一种新型肥料ꎬ缓释肥具有养分利用效
但是裸根苗存在苗木出圃率低、起苗易伤根、造林 率高、挥发、淋溶少以及肥效长等特点ꎬ近年来在
季节短和圃地需轮作等问题ꎬ极大增加了育苗成 苗木培育中的应用日趋广泛( 魏红旭等ꎬ2011ꎻ王
本ꎬ降低了造林成活率( 伊昊ꎬ2019)ꎬ相对于裸根 艺等ꎬ2013ꎻ吴小林等ꎬ2014ꎻ历月桥等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 潘
苗而言ꎬ容器苗则能有效克服上述问题( 潘平平 平平等(2019)在薄壳山核桃容器苗生长对不同缓
等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 因此ꎬ容器育苗已成为目前杉木苗木 释肥用量响应研究中发现ꎬ施用 3 kgm 的缓释
繁育的另一种重要途径ꎮ 然而由于容器苗的生长 肥能有效促进薄壳山核桃生长和根系发育ꎬ这与
空间有限ꎬ且所用基质中可供苗木吸收的养分相 缓释肥改善植株 N、P、K 养分状况密切相关ꎮ 姚
对较少ꎬ无法满足苗木在快速生长过程中对养分 光刚等(2019)研究表明ꎬ从养分利用率和成本来