Volume ,Issue 1,2008 Table of Contents

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Elatostema duyunense,a new species of Urticaceae from Guizhou,China
  WANG Wen-Tsai1, WEI Yi-Gang2
  2008(1):1-3 [Abstract(5127)]  [View PDF 137.76 K (1534)]   [HTML]
Pollen characteristics of twenty-eight species of Saussurea in alpine meadow of the eastern fringe of the Qinghai-tibetan Plateau
  WANG Yi-Feng1,2*, SHI Hai-Yan1, GAO Hong-Yan1, WANG Jian-Hong1, DU Guo-Zhen2
  2008(1):4-14 [Abstract(5166)]  [View PDF 1000.72 K (1712)]   [HTML]
Observation on the double fertilization in rice by using confocal microscopy
  DAI Xi-Mei, HUANG Qun-Ce, QIN Guang-Yong
  2008(1):15-19 [Abstract(5352)]  [View PDF 499.63 K (2064)]   [HTML]
Megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis as well as male and female gametophyte development of Pittosporum tobira
  LIU Jiu-Dong1, XU Tao3, HE Zhao-Rong3, ZHOU Hou-Gao2*, WANG Ou3
  2008(1):20-23 [Abstract(4766)]  [View PDF 533.54 K (1834)]   [HTML]
Spermodermal micro-morphology of Bauhinia ( Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae )
  ZOU Pu, LIAO Jing-Ping, ZHANG Dian-Xiang*
  2008(1):24-32 [Abstract(4628)]  [View PDF 927.30 K (1755)]   [HTML]
Study on the vessel elements and tylosis of secondary xylem in Averrhoa carambola
  TANG Wei-Ping, CHEN Shu-Si
  2008(1):33-36 [Abstract(4966)]  [View PDF 295.97 K (1793)]   [HTML]
Mosses flora of Red River in Guizhou Province
  XIONG Yuan-Xin1, YAN Xiao-Li2
  2008(1):37-46 [Abstract(4117)]  [View PDF 580.28 K (2046)]   [HTML]
Study on floristic phytogeography of seed plants in the Pamirs of China
  YANG Shu-Ping1, YAN Ping2*
  2008(1):47-51 [Abstract(4424)]  [View PDF 267.77 K (1601)]   [HTML]
Effects of dwarf bamboo on the regeneration of dominant tree species in gaps of subalpine dark coniferous forest
  WANG Wei1, TAO Jian-ping2, HU Kai1, LI Zong-feng2,SONG Li-xia2
  2008(1):52-56 [Abstract(4285)]  [View PDF 355.70 K (1524)]   [HTML]
Species diversity change pattern in gap gradient in karst forest in Maolan Nature Reserve, Guizhou Province
  LONG Cui-Ling
  2008(1):57-61 [Abstract(4092)]  [View PDF 280.32 K (1619)]   [HTML]
Preliminary study on population stucture and its dynamic development of Pentaphylax euryoides in the hilly country of Northeast Guangxi
  ZHANG Gui-Qing1,2, XIE Qiang2, LI Feng1, JIANG Shui-Yuan1, WEI Xiao1, JIANG Yuan-Sheng1
  2008(1):62-66 [Abstract(4887)]  [View PDF 390.64 K (1591)]   [HTML]
Liana diversity and abundance of a tropical montane rainforest in Mengsong, Southern Yunnan, China
  CHEN Ya-Jun, WEN Bin
  2008(1):67-72 [Abstract(4236)]  [View PDF 393.82 K (1834)]   [HTML]
Community characteristics of Rhododendron simiarum in Shimentai Nature Reserve, Guangdong
  WANG Hou-Lin1, HUANG Lin-Sheng2, MIAO Shen-Yu1*, Chen Jian-Hui1, XUE Xi-Ta1, JIN Jian-Hua3
  2008(1):73-77 [Abstract(4934)]  [View PDF 573.41 K (1940)]   [HTML]
Study on intraspecific and interspecific competition of Pinus taiwanensis
  DUAN Ren-Yan1,2, HUANG Min-Yi1, WU Gan-Lin1, TU Yun-Bo2
  2008(1):78-81 [Abstract(4571)]  [View PDF 224.08 K (1823)]   [HTML]
Dynamic distributes of endophytic fungi from Camellia sinensis
  YOU Jian-Ming
  2008(1):82-85 [Abstract(4454)]  [View PDF 222.32 K (1882)]   [HTML]
Phenophase observation and introduction and cultivation of ornamental ferns
  ZENG Han-Yuan, QIU Kun, ZHANG Qing-Zheng, XIAO Hong
  2008(1):86-90 [Abstract(5375)]  [View PDF 253.36 K (2593)]   [HTML]
Effect of STS on biological and physiological changes of the tree peony
  LIU Ping1, DING Yi-Feng1, CHANG Yun-Xia2, ZHAO Le1, HAN De-Guo1, XU Ke-Dong1
  2008(1):91-94 [Abstract(4617)]  [View PDF 214.10 K (1628)]   [HTML]
Study on preservation in vitro of Morinda officinalis
  LI Feng, FU Chuan-Ming, HUANG Ning-Zhen, ZHAO Zhi-Guo, TANG Feng-Luan
  2008(1):95-99 [Abstract(4717)]  [View PDF 464.31 K (1564)]   [HTML]
Growth response and threshold concentration of Agrostis stolonifera to Cu2+, Zn2+,Cd2+or Pb2+ stress
  ZHAO Shu-Lan, DUO Li-An*
  2008(1):100-106 [Abstract(4661)]  [View PDF 333.22 K (1519)]   [HTML]
Construction of pepper CaNPR1-RNAi expression vector and its transformation to pepper
  LUO Huan1,2, DUAN Cheng-Jie1,2, CHEN Bao-Shan1,2 TANG Ji-Liang1,2, FENG Jia-Xun1,2*
  2008(1):107-112 [Abstract(4345)]  [View PDF 497.05 K (1822)]   [HTML]
Histological study on the somatic embryogenesis and development of Saposhnikovia divaricata
  QIAO Qi1,2, XIAO Ya-Ping1*
  2008(1):113-116 [Abstract(4517)]  [View PDF 492.17 K (1684)]   [HTML]
Study on the pathogenicity of Cryphonectria parasitica by 2-DE
  JIANG Ming-Guo1,4, HE Xiao-Dan1, PEISHI Qiu-He1, JIANG Huan-Huan1, HUANG Yong-Yan1, CHEN Bao-Shan1,2,3*
  2008(1):117-120 [Abstract(4906)]  [View PDF 264.72 K (1722)]   [HTML]
Tetraploid induction of in vitro Taxus chinensis cell
  LI Li-Qin, FU Chun-Hua, WANG Sheng, LI Mao-Teng, YU Long-Jiang*
  2008(1):121-125 [Abstract(5079)]  [View PDF 320.51 K (1615)]   [HTML]
Acclimation of photosynthesis and growth to different growth light conditions for seedlings of Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides
  CAO Jian-Xin1,2, ZANG Guang-Fei1, ZHANG Lei1, LI Xiu-Hua1, SU Wen-Hua1*
  2008(1):126-129 [Abstract(5283)]  [View PDF 300.67 K (1823)]   [HTML]
Effects of the low latitude and high elevation region's UV-B radiation on the content of MDA and soluble protein of the Primula
  LUO Li-Qiong1, CHEN Zong-Yu2*, ZHOU Ping3, WEN Yong-Qin4, DING Jin-Ling4
  2008(1):130-135 [Abstract(3826)]  [View PDF 435.30 K (1591)]   [HTML]
Chemical constituents of the volatile oil from Peristrophe baphica
  XIE Yun-Chang, JIANG Xiao-Hua, ZHANG Mian
  2008(1):136-138 [Abstract(5117)]  [View PDF 148.54 K (1766)]   [HTML]
Chemical constituents in Blumea balsamifera(Ⅰ)
  ZHU Ting-Chun1,2, WEN Yong-Xin1*, WANG Heng-Shan2, HUANG Yong-Lin1
  2008(1):139-141 [Abstract(5213)]  [View PDF 155.03 K (1724)]   [HTML]