Volume 40,Issue 10,2020 Table of Contents

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2020,No.10 PDF(whole issue)
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10) [Abstract(3255)]  [View PDF 96.40 M (1657)]   [HTML]
2020,No.10 Cover
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10) [Abstract(3255)]  [View PDF 2.73 M (1235)]   [HTML]
2020,No.10 Contents
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10) [Abstract(3194)]  [View PDF 286.21 K (1270)]   [HTML]

苦苣苔科植物研究 专刊

Notes on the epithets of scientific names in Gesneriaceae
  XU Weibin*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1389-1392 [Abstract(5075)]  [View PDF 424.36 K (2920)]   [HTML]
Taxonomic identity of Primulina swinglei(Gesneriaceae)
  HONG Xin1, KEENE Jeremy3, SHAN Wanyue1, DO Van Truong4, WEN Fang2,5,6*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1393-1401 [Abstract(5741)]  [View PDF 4.29 M (2158)]   [HTML]
Lysionotus bijantiae is identified as a new synonym of Henckelia oblongifolia(Gesneriaceae)
  CAI Lei1, BORAH Dipankar3, DAO Zhiling1, WEN Fang2,4*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1402-1408 [Abstract(4979)]  [View PDF 4.60 M (1884)]   [HTML]
Notes on taxonomy of Petrocosmea Oliv. (Gesneriaceae)from Vietnam
  TRAN Thi Phuong Anh1, BUI Hong Quang3, NGUYEN Khang Sinh3, AVERYANOV Leonid4, WEN Fang2,5,6*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1409-1416 [Abstract(5826)]  [View PDF 6.99 M (2017)]   [HTML]
Rhynchotechum parviflorum Blume, a newly recorded species of Gesneriaceae from China
  HONG Xin1, WANG Xiuping1, WEN Fang2,3*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1417-1422 [Abstract(4696)]  [View PDF 1.08 M (2033)]   [HTML]
Paraboea nanxiensis(Gesneriaceae), a new species from southeastern Yunnan Province, China
  ZHANG Guiliang1, CAI Lei2*, WANG Yizhi3, ZHANG Guisheng4
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1423-1428 [Abstract(5499)]  [View PDF 6.49 M (2167)]   [HTML]
Primulina huangjiniana(Gesneriaceae), a new species from Guangdong, China
  HUANG Cuiying1, MENG Kaikai1, GUO Jianqiang2, CHEN Fang2, LIAO Wenbo1, FAN Qiang1*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1429-1437 [Abstract(5606)]  [View PDF 9.66 M (2255)]   [HTML]
Discovery of Paraboea minutiflora (Gesneriaceae) from Southeast Yunnan, China with supplementary description
  LU Zhaocen1, LIU Ende2, HAN Mengqi3, ZHU Xinxin4, NGUYEN Khang Sinh5, XU Weibin1*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1438-1444 [Abstract(6072)]  [View PDF 7.36 M (2015)]   [HTML]
Discovery of a rare genus Litostigma(Gesneriaceae) from northern Vietnam with the supplementary description of L. crystallinum
  LU Zhaocen1, NGUYEN Khang Sinh2,3, PHAN Ke Loc4, TRAN Thi Phuong Anh3, XU Weibin1*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1445-1449 [Abstract(5016)]  [View PDF 3.62 M (1766)]   [HTML]
Textual research on type locality of Petrocodon scopulorum
  LIU Mingtao1, YU Yuesheng1, LIU Chenggui1, XU Yingzhi1, CHEN Ming1*, LIU Jing2
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1450-1456 [Abstract(5091)]  [View PDF 10.22 M (2743)]   [HTML]
Effects of calcium salt and simulated drought interaction on seed germination and seedling growth of Damrongia clarkeana
  HONG Xin1, SHAN Wanyue1, ZHANG Dandan2, CHAO Tiancai2, WEN Fang3,4, ZHOU Shoubiao2*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1457-1465 [Abstract(4134)]  [View PDF 1.44 M (1829)]   [HTML]
Chromosome numbers and ploidy of four species (including one variety)in Petrocodon Hance
  QIN Xinmei1, PAN Bo1, LU Yongbin1, SHEN Lina3, ZHANG Qiang1, LIANG Yanni2*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1466-1476 [Abstract(4183)]  [View PDF 6.62 M (2209)]   [HTML]
Diversity, geographical distribution and species boundary of the Hemiboea subcapitata complex
  LI Jiahui1, HUANG Zhangping2, LU Yongbin2, QIN Xinmei2, HUANG Yusong2, LI Huimin1, ZHANG Qiang2*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1477-1490 [Abstract(4870)]  [View PDF 9.67 M (1903)]   [HTML]
Study on endangered degree and conserved levels for plants of Gesneriaceae in Guangxi
  GE Yuzhen, XIN Zibing, LI Shu, FU Longfei, WEN Fang*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1491-1504 [Abstract(4614)]  [View PDF 682.84 K (1956)]   [HTML]
Effects of geographic isolation caused by Changhua River on genetic diversity of Hainan-endemic Metapetrocosmea peltata(Gesneriaceae)
  LI Ge1, LING Shaojun1, CHEN Weifang1, REN Mingxun1, TANG Liang1,2*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1505-1513 [Abstract(5065)]  [View PDF 1.68 M (2089)]   [HTML]
Discovery of Aeschynanthus fulgens(Gesneriaceae)in China and pollen morphology of its related species
  LI Xiaojing, YI Ran, SHI Zhiyuan, LI Jiamei*
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1514-1519 [Abstract(5037)]  [View PDF 9.73 M (2189)]   [HTML]
Floral biological characteristics of eight Primulina species endemic to Guangxi
  LAI Bidan, DENG Zhengyu, SUN Qi
  Published October 25, 2020
  2020,40(10):1520-1530 [Abstract(5310)]  [View PDF 4.85 M (2032)]   [HTML]