Volume 43,Issue 10,2023 Table of Contents

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2023,No.10PDF(whole issue)
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10) [Abstract(2384)]  [View PDF 12.70 M (769)]   [HTML]
2023,No.10 Cover
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10) [Abstract(1920)]  [View PDF 11.08 M (678)]   [HTML]
2023,No.10 Contents
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10) [Abstract(2315)]  [View PDF 290.02 K (742)]   [HTML]


A taxonomic revision of Phlegmariurus Holub (Lycopodiaceae)from China
  JIANG Rihong1,2, XIANG Ruichen2, ZHANG Xianchun2*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1759-1783 [Abstract(2190)]  [View PDF 12.06 M (2112)]   [HTML]
Taxonomical study on lichenized fungi genus Sarcographa from China
  CHEN Lewen, JIA Zefeng*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1784-1792 [Abstract(1980)]  [View PDF 2.12 M (1030)]   [HTML]
Leaf epidermis micromorphology characters of 18 species of Microlepia from China and its taxonomic significance
  WANG Renxiang*, LIU Ling
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1793-1804 [Abstract(2191)]  [View PDF 13.94 M (837)]   [HTML]
Phylogeny of Scrophulariaceae sensu lato based on plastid genome
  WANG Xueqin1, SONG Weiwu2*, MA Feilong3, GAO Wenjing1, ZHAO Yan1
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1805-1813 [Abstract(7418)]  [View PDF 1.59 M (1116)]   [HTML]
Leaf epidermal micromorphological features of Rhododendron subg. Tsutsusi (Ericaceae)and their taxonomic significance
  JIANG Tianyi1,2, CHEN Zhizhao3, CHEN Zhao3, ZHENG Yongli4, CHEN Xin1,2, DENG Yunfei5*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1814-1827 [Abstract(2014)]  [View PDF 15.36 M (1584)]   [HTML]
Karyotype analysis of eight populations of six Salvia species in the Hengduan Mountains
  LI Wensheng1, JIN Hongyan2, HUANG Yuanru1, LI Zhimin1,3, SUN Wenguang1,2,3*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1828-1837 [Abstract(2114)]  [View PDF 1.90 M (959)]   [HTML]
Genome size determination of Scirpus mariqueter and its related species
  DENG Haoke1,2, LUO Ling1,2, WANG Ruoqiu1,2, GAO Shaoyu1,2, ZHANG Wenju1,2*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1838-1848 [Abstract(6701)]  [View PDF 1.74 M (1018)]   [HTML]
Analysis of chloroplast genomic characteristics and phylogeny in Syzygium grijsii
  ZHANG Mengjie1, YANG Xiuyao1, YIN Tuo2, HAN Peichen2, DU Chaojin2, ZHANG Hanyao1*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1849-1860 [Abstract(2052)]  [View PDF 3.50 M (938)]   [HTML]
Identification of AP2/ERF gene family in Aquilegia vulgaris and expression analysis under salt stress
  WANG Yufeng, MENG Yuan, YU Haihang, CUI Dingyuan, BAI Yun*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1861-1875 [Abstract(1850)]  [View PDF 4.61 M (850)]   [HTML]
Identification and expression analysis of UV-B photoreceptor UVR8 genes in Apocynum venetum and A. cannabinum
  CHE Jinfeng1,2,3, ZHANG Qing1,2,3, LI Guoqi1,2,3*, XIE Boxun1,2,3, XIE Sheng1,2,3, ZHAO Changhai1,2,3, ZHANG Keyu1,2,3, LIU Xing1,2,3
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1876-1891 [Abstract(2022)]  [View PDF 6.64 M (922)]   [HTML]
Complete chloroplast genome analysis based study on origins of cultivated Radix Aconitum Vilmoriniani
  SHI Xiaojing1, CHENG Zidan1, ZHANG Yingmin2, LI Guodong1,3, MA Xiaoxia1*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1892-1906 [Abstract(5991)]  [View PDF 5.22 M (985)]   [HTML]
Comparative analysis of the chloroplast genomes of Rhododendron capitatum, R. przewalskii, and Rhododendron species
  JIA Shouning1, ZHANG Yingmin2, ZHAO Guofu1, CHEN Wenjuan1, LI Guodong3,4*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1907-1920 [Abstract(1934)]  [View PDF 3.54 M (956)]   [HTML]
Analysis on chloroplast genomic characteristics of Cinnamomum bodinieri
  ZHAO Yuanxiang1,2, LIANG Daqu1,2, XIE Shuangqin1,2, WANG Haoyun1,2, WU Feng1,2*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1921-1931 [Abstract(7318)]  [View PDF 2.59 M (849)]   [HTML]
Diversity of phenotypic traits of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa from different provenances
  LIU Shu1, MA Zhengbing2*, YU Xiaoli1, HE Yi1
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1932-1940 [Abstract(1702)]  [View PDF 692.64 K (897)]   [HTML]


Ethnobotanical study on Prinsepia utilis and related traditional knowledge with skin care
  ZHAO Yanqiang1, ZHAO Ying2,3, YANG Lixin2,3*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1941-1953 [Abstract(2550)]  [View PDF 2.84 M (930)]   [HTML]
Ethnobotanical research on the plant dyes used by Baiyi people in Heqing, Yunnan
  YANG Rong1, YANG Hongwei2, CHEN Xing3, ZHAO Yanqiang4, YANG Lixin1*
  Published October 25, 2023
  2023,43(10):1954-1964 [Abstract(3009)]  [View PDF 992.83 K (662)]   [HTML]