Volume ,Issue 4,2011 Table of Contents

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Chemical constituents from the flowers of Camellia chrysantha
  PENG Xiao, YU DaYong, FENG BaoMin, TANG Ling, WANG YongQi,SHI LiYing*
  2011(4):550-553 [Abstract(4848)]  [View PDF 370.37 K (1693)]   [HTML]
Analysis of volatile compounds from Prunus mume flowers
  ZHAO YinQuan1,2, ZHOU SiJian1, PENG PeiHao1, PAN HuiTang2, ZHANG QiXiang2*
  2011(4):554-558 [Abstract(4088)]  [View PDF 358.07 K (1591)]   [HTML]
Comparative study on FTIR fingerprint of wild Premna fulva based on principal component analysis and cluster analysis
  WEI JiQing1, KONG DeXin1, TANG Hui1, HUANG ShuShi2, WANG ManLian1, ZOU Rong1
  2011(4):559-563 [Abstract(3783)]  [View PDF 372.46 K (1548)]   [HTML]
Effects of Ricinus communis Root Extract on proliferation and Apoptosis of HepG2, NCIH460 and SGC7901 cell
  TANG ZuNian, WEI JingChen
  2011(4):564-567 [Abstract(4237)]  [View PDF 313.49 K (1573)]   [HTML]


Lycium qingshuiheense, a new species of Solanaceae from Ningxia, China
  LI JiNing1*, JIANG Xu Liang2**, LI Zhi Gang3, CHEN TianYun2, ZHANG ZhiYun4***
  2011(4):427-429 [Abstract(3532)]  [View PDF 199.07 K (1513)]   [HTML]
New records for ferns from Guangxi, China
  JIANG RiHong1,2, CHANG YanFen3, Yuan Hu4, YAN YueHong5*
  2011(4):430-432 [Abstract(3686)]  [View PDF 191.74 K (1511)]   [HTML]
Impatiens liangshanensis Q.Luo, a new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Sichuan, China
  LUO Qiang1, CAI GuangZe1, LIU JianLin1, WANG TongJun2
  2011(4):433-435 [Abstract(4230)]  [View PDF 184.06 K (1639)]   [HTML]
Spore morphology of pteridophytes from Guangxi III.Pteridaceae
  SU YiLi1,2, ZHAO ZhiGuo3, CHEN JiangPing4, WANG RenXiang1,2*, Deng XiChao5, XIE Qiang1,2, CHEN YanAn1,2, LI LiShi1,2
  2011(4):436-440 [Abstract(3665)]  [View PDF 613.64 K (1379)]   [HTML]
Karyotype of Antiotrema dunnianum (Boraginaceae), a species endemic to China
  DONG XiaoMing, DING KaiYu*, WANG HuanChong, HE ZhaoRong
  2011(4):441-443 [Abstract(4803)]  [View PDF 198.62 K (1495)]   [HTML]
Comparative study on the development of stamen and feminisation stamens of Alternanthera philoxeroides
  HU FaYu1, CHANG QingShan2, ZHANG LiXia2, XI Mei1, WANG QingYa1*
  2011(4):444-450 [Abstract(4075)]  [View PDF 1.39 M (1628)]   [HTML]
Characteristics of haustorium of holoparasite Cuscuta campestris
  HUANG DongJia1,2,CHEN Hua1,3*, WEI Xiao4, SHEN Hao1, YE WanHui1
  2011(4):451-455 [Abstract(3783)]  [View PDF 1.24 M (1337)]   [HTML]
Assessment of vegetative organ structure difference and their correlations among cultivars of Brassica campesttris ssp.chinensis var.rosularis
  SHU YingJie, ZHOU YuLi
  2011(4):456-462 [Abstract(4284)]  [View PDF 720.80 K (1857)]   [HTML]


Effects of aluminum stress on growth characteristics and biomass allocation of Plantago virginica
  CHEN Xiang1, LU YaoDong1*, HUANG Wei2, HU XueHua2
  2011(4):507-512 [Abstract(3467)]  [View PDF 455.47 K (1387)]   [HTML]
Absorption of exogenous iodine in rhizosphere and its effects on physiological parameters of cherry tomato plants
  YU WenJin, YAO Yan, WEI HuiMing, LONG MingHua, TANG XiaoFu
  2011(4):513-519 [Abstract(3412)]  [View PDF 634.60 K (1452)]   [HTML]
Responses of Mikania micrantha to parasitization of Cuscuta campestris in total soluble protein content and activities of antioxidant enzymes
  LIU MengJiao1,2*, HONG Lan1,2*, SHEN Hao1**, WEI Xiao3, YE WanHui1, CAO HongLin1
  2011(4):520-525 [Abstract(3493)]  [View PDF 463.63 K (1620)]   [HTML]
Studies on isozymes during somatic embryogenesis of Tapiscia sinensis
  ZHANG Bo, JING DanLong, LI XiaoLing,WANG YuBing, ZHANG DeChun*
  2011(4):526-530 [Abstract(4730)]  [View PDF 553.76 K (1599)]   [HTML]
Isolation and identification of pathogens that caused Curcuma alismatifolia anthracnose
  ZHAO Jian1,ZHAO ZhiGuo1, LI XiuJuan1, ZHANG CuiPing1, OU Chan1, LIN Meng2, QIU Shuo1*
  2011(4):531-535 [Abstract(3850)]  [View PDF 814.87 K (1491)]   [HTML]
Study on the development correlation between male and female gametes and the induction of 2n gamete of Rongan kumquat (F.crassifolia)
  HUANG GuiXiang, LIU FuPing, LIU LiJun, PAN JieChun, ZHOU Qiong, ZHOU RuiYang*, HE XinHua
  2011(4):536-540 [Abstract(5387)]  [View PDF 341.34 K (1545)]   [HTML]
Study on embryo rescue of interspecific hybrids between Hedychium
  XIONG YouHua1,2, ZHUANG XueYing2, LIU Nian1*
  2011(4):541-544 [Abstract(3909)]  [View PDF 299.63 K (1584)]   [HTML]
Studies on anther callus induction of rice by orthogonal test
  WANG Hui, XIAO XiaoJun, QI ZeMin*, HUANG ZuoXi, WANG Fang
  2011(4):545-549 [Abstract(3397)]  [View PDF 593.68 K (1483)]   [HTML]


Service value evaluations of the forest ecosystem in Chizhou
  ZHANG LeQin1, FANG YuYuan1, XU Yang2, XU XinWang1
  2011(4):463-468 [Abstract(4878)]  [View PDF 454.70 K (1607)]   [HTML]
Pollen and resource limitations to fruit set of Qingyangshen (Cynanchum otophyllum)
  WANG DingKang1, SUN GuiFang2, ZHAI ShuHua1, CHEN Xue1, WANG Zai3
  2011(4):469-472 [Abstract(3184)]  [View PDF 294.86 K (1339)]   [HTML]
Canopy structural parameters and understory light regimes of 3 artificial forest stands in South China
  JIA XiaoRong1,2, SU ZhiYao1,2, OU YuDuan1, XIE DanDan1
  2011(4):473-478 [Abstract(3587)]  [View PDF 470.44 K (2388)]   [HTML]
Research on media selection and cutting effects in the cuttage of Picea abies
  MA JianWei1, AN SanPing1, YANG Wei1, WANG MeiQin1, ZHANG SongZhi1, WANG JunHui2*
  2011(4):479-484 [Abstract(3614)]  [View PDF 461.82 K (1293)]   [HTML]
Research on the environmental factors regulating the phenotypic states of gender plasticity in Alternanthera philoxeroides
  DENG RuFang, LIU WenPing, LIU Wei*
  2011(4):485-489 [Abstract(4990)]  [View PDF 386.13 K (1611)]   [HTML]
Effects of cadmium stress on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Salixaureopendula seedlings
  SUN XiaoCan1, WEI Hong1*, TIAN XiaoFeng2, JIA ZhongMin3
  2011(4):490-494 [Abstract(3525)]  [View PDF 353.72 K (1469)]   [HTML]
Morphology and physiological characteristics of flower development in Camellia changii Ye, an endangered and rare plant
  ZHU GaoPu1, LI JiYuan1*, LI XinLei1,  FAN ZhengQi1, NI Sui1,2
  2011(4):495-500 [Abstract(3615)]  [View PDF 904.68 K (1561)]   [HTML]
Regulation of endogenic abscisic acid (ABA) for cold resistance of superior provenance Pinus massoniana under low temperature stress
  YANG ZhangQi1,2
  2011(4):501-506 [Abstract(3374)]  [View PDF 506.71 K (1461)]   [HTML]