Page 133 - 《广西植物》2020年第1期
P. 133
1 期 张树伟等: ‘禾荔’优质晚熟突变体‘GLL ̄1’类黄酮糖基转移酶基因 LcUFGT 的克隆与表达分析 1 2 9
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ZHANG Shuwei ꎬ PENG Hongxiang ꎬ PAN Jiechun ꎬ LI Hongli ꎬ QIN Xianquan ꎬ
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ZHU Jianhua ꎬ LI Dongbo ꎬ XU Ning ꎬ HOU Yanjie ꎬ QIU Hongye ꎬ
3 2 1∗
LI Ping ꎬ WANG Jinying ꎬ DING Feng
( 1. Horticultural Research Instituteꎬ Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciencesꎬ Nanning 530007ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. College of Agriculturalꎬ Guangxi
Universityꎬ Nanning 530004ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Madong Townꎬ Guiping 537211ꎬ Guangxiꎬ China )
Abstract: ‘GLL ̄1’ is an excellent late ̄maturing bud sport germplasmꎬ which was selected from ‘Heli’. To reveal the
genetic basis of late ̄maturingꎬ in this studyꎬ ‘Heli’ and ‘GLL ̄1’ were used as the materials. The LcUFGT which is a
structural gene of anthocyanin synthesis pathway was cloned and analyzed by bioinformatic methods. The corelation be ̄
tween LcUFGT and the character of late ̄maturing in ‘GLL ̄1’ and the expression of LcUFGT during the development of
litchi fruit were analyzed by qRT ̄PCR. The results were as follows: (1) ORF of LcUFGT gene was 1 359 bpꎬ which en ̄
coded 453 amino acids with the molecular weight of 50.16 kD. (2) LcUFGT gene was conservative in ‘GLL ̄1’ and other
litchi cultivarsꎬ and a PSPG box existed in the C ̄terminal. (3) With the development of litchi fruitꎬ the color of peri ̄
carp began to turn from green to redꎻ the expression of LcUFGT was increased and then decreased in both ‘GLL ̄1’ and
‘Heli’ꎻ the expression of LcUFGT was obviously increased at 56 d and 67 d after flowering of ‘Heli’ and ‘GLL ̄1’ꎬ re ̄
spectivelyꎻ the expression of LcUFGT had a delayed increase in ‘GLL ̄1’ than that of ‘Heli’ꎬ which was consistent with
the late ̄maturing of fruits. It is supposed that LcUFGT plays an important role in color changes of pericarpꎬ and it is one
of the key genes to regulate coloration of pericarp. At the same timeꎬ the delay ̄expression of LcUFGT maybe the main
reason of late ̄maturing of ‘GLL ̄1’.
Key words: late maturity mutantꎬ LcUFGTꎬ fruit developmentꎬ anthocyanin synthesisꎬ expression analysis
荔枝(Litchi chinensis) 是我国华南地区种植面 结构基因依次有苯 丙 氨 酸 解 氨 酶 ( Phenylalanine
积最大的木本果树ꎬ是华南地区农民经济收入的 ammonialyaseꎬ PAL)、查尔酮合成酶( Chalcone syn ̄
主要来源之一ꎮ 目前ꎬ生产上缺乏特早熟和特晚 thaseꎬ CHS)、查尔酮异构酶( Chalcone isomeraseꎬ
熟优质荔枝品种ꎬ造成荔枝集中在六七月份成熟 CHI)、黄烷 酮 3 ̄羟 化 酶 ( Flavanone 3 ̄hydroxylaseꎬ
上市ꎬ产 期 过 于 集 中ꎬ 造 成 农 民 丰 产 而 不 丰 收ꎮ F3H)、 二 氢 黄 酮 醇 还 原 酶 ( Dihydroflavonol
‘禾荔’是广西传统的栽培品种ꎬ品质优良ꎬ并且丰 reductaseꎬDFR)、 花 色 素 苷 合 成 酶 ( Anthocyanidin
产、稳产ꎬ突变体‘ GLL ̄1’ 不仅保留了‘ 禾荔’ 的优 synthaseꎬANS) 和 类 黄 酮 ̄3 ̄O ̄糖 基 转 移 酶 ( UDP
良特性ꎬ而且成熟期延迟ꎬ较‘ 禾荔’ 晚熟 15 d( 李 glucose:flavonoid 3 ̄O ̄glycosyl transferaseꎬUFGT) 等
平等ꎬ2016)ꎬ是调节荔枝品种栽培结构拉长鲜果 (Winkel ̄Shirleyꎬ2001)ꎮ 在荔枝中 UFGT 酶活性与
供应期的优异资源ꎬ同时也是荔枝熟期育种及果 果皮花色素苷合成显著正相关ꎬLcUFGT 是荔枝果
实发育理论研究的重要材料ꎮ 皮红色形成的关键基因(王惠聪等ꎬ2004ꎻLi et al.ꎬ
‘GLL ̄1’一个最重要突变特征是其果皮着色 2016)ꎮ 花色苷的生物合成受遗传因素和环境因
显著延迟ꎬ成熟期延后ꎮ 荔枝果皮着色是一个花 素共同影响ꎬ遗传因素主要影响花色苷合成的种
色苷合成积累的过程ꎬ最终果皮呈现出鲜艳的红 类和合成的时间ꎮ 突变体‘ GLL ̄1’ 与‘ 禾荔’ 有高
色ꎮ 自然界中花色苷以稳定的花青素的配糖体形 度相似遗传背景ꎬ但是果实成熟期显著不同ꎬ本研
式存在ꎬ常见的有六种:花葵素( pelargonidin)、矢 究从‘ GLL ̄1’ 中分离 UFGT 基因ꎬ探讨‘ GLL ̄1’ 果
车菊素(cyanidin)、飞燕草素( delphinidin)、芍药素 实成熟延迟的遗传基础ꎮ
(peonidin)、矮牵牛花色素( petunidin) 和锦葵色素
1 材料与方法
(malvidin) ( 王 延 玲 等ꎬ2012ꎻ 李 金 星 和 胡 志 和ꎬ
2013ꎻ肖长城等ꎬ2014)ꎮ 荔枝果皮中的花色苷主
要是矢车菊素 ̄3 ̄芸香糖苷(刘亮等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 1.1 材料
植物花色苷合成途径已经明确ꎬ在苯丙烷类 供试材料为‘ 禾荔’ 和其芽变‘ GLL ̄1’ꎬ样品
代谢的基础上经由类黄酮合成途径完成ꎮ 涉及的 采自桂平市麻垌镇( 芽变发现地)ꎬ样品为果实发