Page 132 - 《广西植物》2023年第11期
P. 132

2 0 9 2                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                              1                  2                   1                 2                1
               MA Daocheng ꎬ YANG Youxing ꎬ CHEN Wenlang ꎬ WAN Xiuyong ꎬ PAN Shumin ꎬ
                                                         2                   1∗
                                          WEN Guorong ꎬ WANG Linghui

             ( 1. College of Forestryꎬ Guangxi Universityꎬ Nanning 530004ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Nanning Institute of Agricultural Sciencesꎬ Nanning 530021ꎬ China )

                 Abstract: In order to analyze the phenotypic characters of different germplasm resources of woody vegetable
                 Erythropalum scandens and lay a foundation for selecting excellent E. scandens resources with large leaf and vigorous
                 branch. In this studyꎬ 20 provenances from Vietnam and three provinces (regions) in China (Guangxiꎬ Guangdong and
                 Fujian) were selected as the research objects. Twelve leaf characters and four branch characters were measured and
                 calculated. Descriptive statisticsꎬ variance analysis and correlation analysis were performedꎬ and the phenotypic
                 characters of different E. scandens resources were countedꎬ classified and evaluated. The results were as follows: (1)
                 There were significant or extremely significant differences in most leaf and branch characters among different
                 resources. The rangeabilities of the coefficient variation ( CV) of all characters within provenances were not the
                 same. The rangeability order of the coefficient variation of all characters among different resources was leaf functional
                 character (15. 42% - 70.01% ) > branch character ( 20. 57% - 71. 71%) > leaf morphological character ( 3. 39% -
                 20.01%). Phenotypic variation within provenance was more prominent. ( 2) In terms of correlation between leaf
                 morphological character and leaf functional characterꎬ there was a significant correlation between number of new
                 branchesꎬ number of internodes and number of new leavesꎬ but there was no significant correlation between number of
                 new branches and leaf morphological characters. (3) Four principal components could be extracted from 16 phenotypic
                 charactersꎬ and the total contribution rate was 85.528%. Four principal components reflected leaf morphologyꎬ leaf
                 germination and growthꎬ leaf shapeꎬ dry matter accumulation and branch thickeningꎬ respectively. (4) Cluster analysis
                 of 20 resources could be divided into three categoriesꎬ one had large leaves and good growth conditionꎬ one had small
                 leaves and vigorous branchesꎬ and the other one was not outstanding in comprehensive performance. The geographical
                 distribution of the subgroups of the major resources was close to each other. (5) Anxi and Fuqing in Fujian could be
                 selected as resources with large leavesꎻ Daxinꎬ Shangsi and Guiping in Guangxi could be selected as resources with
                 strong branches. In conclusionꎬ the provenance of Anxi in Fujian has the best comprehensive performanceꎬ followed by
                 Fuqingꎬ Haifengꎬ Nanning in China and Chaling in Vietnam. Zhaoping and Yizhou has the worst comprehensive
                 performance and they are not suitable for cultivation in Nanning. In some resourcesꎬ there are excellent single plants with
                 outstanding growth performancesꎬ which could be developed into clones for further provenance tests. This study provides
                 a scientific basis for the analysis of phenotypic characters and the initial performance of different E. scandens germplasm
                 resources in Nanningꎬ and lay a foundation for screening and breeding high ̄yield E. scandens varieties.
                 Key words: Erythropalum scandensꎬ woody vegetableꎬ germplasm resourcesꎬ phenotypic charactersꎬ genetic diversityꎬ
                 comprehensive evaluation

                赤苍藤( Erythropalum scandens) 为铁青树科、             目前在华南、西南地区多作为木本蔬菜供人食用ꎬ
            赤苍藤属的一种常绿木质藤本植物ꎮ 其具有食                              前期研究发现ꎬ在实际生产中ꎬ其芽叶及嫩枝产量
            用、药用、观赏等多种功能且营养价值高ꎬ在桂、                             仍待提升ꎮ 选育优良品种并使其丰产是目前赤苍
            粤、闽、滇等省(区)常被用作木本蔬菜(隆卫革等ꎬ                           藤发展中的重要目标ꎮ
            2017)ꎮ 目前ꎬ赤苍藤栽培技术、药用成分分析方                              植株表型性状包含肉眼或仪器可测量的植物
            面 研 究 较 为 常 见 ( 梁 臣 艳 等ꎬ 2017ꎻ 符 策 等ꎬ              特征及植物不同器官的解剖学结构ꎬ是植物性状特
            2019)ꎮ 为探究其丰产栽培及苗期抚育措施ꎬ已陆                          征的外在体现ꎮ 而形态学标记范畴可包含植物营
            续出现了有机肥配施( 郭品湘ꎬ 2020)、氮磷钾配                         养器官(茎、叶、株型等)、生殖器官(花、果实、种子
            比施肥(马道承等ꎬ 2022aꎬ b)、生长调节剂( 刘芳                      等)等外部形态的表现及部分器官内部解剖结构的
            等ꎬ 2022)等相关研究ꎮ 但赤苍藤的嫩芽、叶部分                         相关表现及性状(根系、茎、叶等器官的解剖结构)ꎬ
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