Page 147 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 147

8 期           李伟杰等: 南京市加拿大一枝黄花入侵地群落的物种组成与多样性特征研究                                          1 4 8 9

                 Abstract: In order to investigate the relationship between the invasion of the exotic plant Solidago canadensis and
                 diversity of native plants in Nanjingꎬ the species composition and diversity of its community were studied by using the
                 tracking and quadrat methods. The results were as follows: (1) A total of 200 vascular plant speciesꎬ including varieties
                 and subspecies classificationꎬ were found in the invaded communitiesꎬ belong to 156 genera and 62 familiesꎬ including
                 195 angiospermsꎬ one gymnospermꎬ and four ferns. The species ̄richest families were Asteraceae and Poaceaeꎬ with 25
                 and 24 species respectively. In terms of their life formsꎬ herbaceous plants accounted for the majorityꎬ with 133 species
                 (66.50%). In additionꎬ there were 29 other alien plant species in these communities. The most dominant species in the
                 community was Solidago canadensisꎬ with a high ecological important value of 40. 00%ꎬ followed by Vicia sativa
                 (7.00%). (2) There were four floristic types of flora families in uninvaded communitiesꎬ and only three types in
                 invaded communities. Pantropic typeꎬ cosmopolitan type and north temperate type existed in both communitiesꎬ while
                 East Asia and North America disjunct type only in uninvaded communities. In the uninvaded communitiesꎬ the floristic
                 types were mainly cosmopolitanꎬ with 13 familiesꎬ accounting for 39.39% of all families. Pantropic was the dominant
                 species in the invaded communitiesꎬ with 16 familiesꎬ accounting for 45.71% of the total. There were 10 floristic types of
                 flora genera in uninvaded habitats and 12 in invaded habitatsꎬ with similar floristic compositionꎬ but the old ̄world
                 temperate type and tropical Asia to tropical Australasia type only appeared in invaded communities. The north temperate
                 and cosmopolitan type were the most important components of both invaded and uninvaded communities. The R/ T values
                 of invaded and uninvaded communities of genera were 0.58 and 0.38ꎬ and the species differentiation were 3.29 and 3.11ꎬ
                 respectively. (3) The Margalef index (E) of heavily invaded communities was significantly lower than that of uninvaded
                 and lightly invaded communities. In additionꎬ the Simpson index (D)ꎬ Shannon Weiner index (H′)ꎬ and Pielou index
                 (J) of heavily invaded communities were significantly reduced compared to uninvadedꎬ lightly invadedꎬ and moderately
                 invaded communities. (4) There were no significant differences in Eꎬ Dꎬ H′ꎬ and J in different habitats. This study can
                 provide basic data for the managementꎬ prevention and controlꎬ and ecological restoration of the invaded areas of
                 S. canadensis in Nanjingꎬ as well as further scientific research.
                 Key words: Solidago canadensisꎬ invasive plantꎬ floraꎬ species diversityꎬ community characteristics

                外来生物入侵可能导致本地生态系统结构和                            2012)ꎮ 因此ꎬ关于外来物种与本地物种多样性的
            功能的剧烈变化ꎬ已成为全球最重要的环境问题之                             关系ꎬ 在科学界引起了一系列争论 ( Dong et al.ꎬ
            一(Driscollꎬ 2017)ꎮ 外来植物入侵与群落生物多样                   2015ꎻWang et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ
            性的 关 系 一 直 是 入 侵 生 物 学 的 重 要 科 学 问 题                   加拿大一枝黄花( Solidago canadensis) 是菊科
            (Eltonꎬ1958ꎻLevine & D’ Antonioꎬ1999)ꎮ 一般认         (Asteraceae)一枝黄花属(Solidago L.) 的多年生草
            为ꎬ植物群落的物种多样性与群落可入侵性密切相                             本植物ꎬ原产于北美ꎬ迄今己扩散至亚洲、欧洲大
            关ꎬ较高的本地物种多样性有助于提高群落稳定                              部分国家、澳大利亚以及新西兰等地ꎬ现已成为世
            性ꎬ进而抵抗外来植物入侵(Byun et al.ꎬ 2013ꎻWang                界性的入侵植物( 林熔和陈艺林ꎬ1985ꎻSchittko &
            et al.ꎬ 2019aꎬbꎻWang et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻCavieresꎬ2021)ꎮ  Wurtskꎬ2014)ꎮ 其结实量多ꎬ种子萌发成活率高ꎬ
            同时ꎬ入侵植物对生态系统的结构和功能具有显著                             除有性繁殖外ꎬ还能进行无性繁殖( Walck et al.ꎬ
            的影响(Wang et al.ꎬ 2019b)ꎬ外来物种的入侵会降                  1998ꎻ黄华和郭水良ꎬ2005)ꎬ这使得它能快速形成
            低或者破坏入侵地的物种多样性ꎬ进而影响群落的                             大量种群ꎬ在中国东部地区迅速扩散ꎬ成为华东地
            生态系统功能(Wang et al.ꎬ 2019b)ꎮ 总体而言ꎬ在                 区常见杂草ꎬ随后传播到我国西部、北部和南部ꎬ
            小尺度上ꎬ外来入侵植物会显著降低植物群落的分                             是我国分布最广的外来入侵植物之一( 董梅等ꎬ
            类多样性ꎬ即本地物种多样性与外来入侵植物多样                             2006)ꎮ 加拿大一枝黄花的入侵挤占了本土物种
            性呈显著负相关ꎮ 但值得注意的是ꎬ在较大的尺度                            的生态位ꎬ对入侵地的农林牧渔及相关产业造成
            上ꎬ入侵与本地植物群落的多样性之间往往表现出                             了严重影响ꎬ现已成为威胁中国本土生物多样性
            正相关关系ꎬ也就是丰富度相对较高的群落更容易                             与生态环境的重要因素之一ꎬ2014 年被归为一级
            受到入侵者的威胁(Abella et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻEllis et al.ꎬ         入侵植物( 闫小玲等ꎬ2014)ꎬ现被收录在« 重点管
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