Page 51 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 51
8 期 谢丹等: 华南国家植物园植物引种及迁地保育 1 3 9 3
are as follows: (1) A total of 19 154 speciesꎬ 99 subspecies and 136 varieties (80 597 accession numbers) of vascular
plants belonging to 325 families and 3 952 genera have been introduced since 1956ꎬ of which 11 581 speciesꎬ 52
subspecies and 80 varieties (24 352 accession number) belonging to 290 families and 2 777 genera are surviving
currentlyꎻ the introduction records include 565 species of National Key Protected Wild Plants (421 species survived)ꎬ
covering 94.7% (36/ 38) of the first ̄class National Key Protected Wild Plants (29 species survived)ꎬ 76.4%(269/ 352)
of the second ̄class National Key Protected Wild Plants (229 species survived)ꎬ and 54.3%(547/ 1 008) threatened
species (414 species survived) in South China. (2) The most species are introduced from Guangdong Province (7 193
accession numbersꎬ 2 523 species)ꎬ followed by Hainan Province (3 658 accession numbersꎬ 1 593 species)ꎬ Guangxi
Province (4 744 accession numbersꎬ 1 559 species) and other surrounding provinces ( regions)ꎻ the SCNBG has
obtained some precious plant resources from the same latitude regions by introducing and exchanging species with 61
countries around the world. (3) 17 specialized gardens for ex ̄situ conservation based on plant taxa (e. g. Magnolia
Garden) show a high level in terms of introduction quantity and survival rate. (4) The correlation between the number of
surviving species and the frequency of introduction is extremely significant (r = 0.85 ). (5) The survival rate of
introduced species distributed naturally in South China is higher than that in other provinces. In the futureꎬ the SCNBG
needs to strengthen the ex ̄situ conservation of plants through following points: (1) On the basis of investigationꎬ
cataloguingꎬ evaluation and researchꎬ strengthening the introduction and collection of rare and endangered plantsꎬ native
plants and economically important plants in tropical and subtropical regionsꎬ further improving the quantity and quality of
ex ̄situ conservationꎻ (2) Establishing an ex ̄situ conservation network system for plants in South China to effectively
protect plant diversity in this regionꎻ (3) Improving the infrastructure construction and information management level of
ex ̄situ conservation for higher efficiencyꎻ ( 4) Enhancing international scientific research cooperation and species
Key words: botanical gardenꎬ ex ̄situ conservationꎬ vascular plantsꎬ plant introductionꎬ survival
植物资源是全球生物多样性的核心组成部分ꎬ 树木园(以下统称植物园) 作为开展植物迁地保护
是人类社会和经济可持续发展的物质基础ꎮ 植物 的重要场所和机构ꎬ在植物迁地保护中发挥着重
对于地球上的生命而言是必不可少的ꎬ它们不仅提 要作用ꎬ对全球植物多样性保护做出了重要贡献
供了人类生存所必需的食物、药物、纤维以及能源ꎬ (Heywoodꎬ 2017ꎻ Breman et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎮ 目前ꎬ全
还参与了气候调节、土壤肥力改善以及空气和水的 球 1 193 个植物园已完成对全球 1 / 3 高等植物(活
净化等生态过程 (任海ꎬ2017ꎻ Mounce et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ 植物 和 种 子) 的 迁 地 收 集 ( 文 香 英 和 陈 红 锋ꎬ
Ren et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 然而ꎬ受生境退化、物种入侵、过 2022)ꎮ 我国 160 个植物园共迁地保育维管植物
度采伐以及气候变化等因素的影响ꎬ植物正以高于 23 340 种(含种下等级)ꎬ其中本土植物近 2 万种
其自然灭绝速率 500 倍的速度丧失ꎬ全球约 40%的 (黄宏文和张征ꎬ 2012)ꎮ 为进一步加强植物多样
植物物种处于受威胁状态(Humphreys et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ 性保护ꎬ习近平在联合国« 生物多样性公约» 第十
Antonelli et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ Zhao et al.ꎬ 2022)ꎬ中国有 五次缔约方大会领导人峰会上宣布:“ 本着统筹就
15% ~20%的物种面临灭绝风险(Ren et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 地保护与迁地保护相结合的原则ꎬ启动北京、广州
目前ꎬ大量受威胁物种仍未得到足够的保护ꎬ全球 等国家植物园体系建设ꎮ” 开启了我国植物多样性
的植物多样性保护不容乐观( Balding & Williamsꎬ 保护新篇章ꎮ
2016ꎻ Roberson et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 活植物收集是植物园的核心和“ 灵魂” ( 黄宏
植物迁地保护是生物多 样 性 保 护 的 重 要 途 文等ꎬ2015)ꎮ 提高植物迁地保护效率是植物园迁
径ꎬ与就地保护相辅相成ꎬ不仅能弥补就地保护的 地保护的关键ꎮ 邱园、爱丁堡植物园、阿诺德树木
局限性ꎬ还能为物种野外灭绝事件的发生提供至 园等国际著名植物园及中国科学院下属植物园
关重要的备份(Oldfield & Newtonꎬ 2012ꎻ Cavender (如华南植物园、武汉植物园、西双版纳热带植物
et al.ꎬ 2015ꎻ 文香英和陈红锋ꎬ2022)ꎮ 植物园和 园等)都非常注重活植物引种收集ꎬ并制定有活植