Page 119 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 119
2 5 6 广 西 植 物 40 卷
Abstract: We selected 1 hm dynamic monitoring plot of a natural mixed needle ̄ and broad ̄leaved forest community in
χ 2
Shennongjia National Parkꎬ variance ratio (VR)ꎬ testꎬ and association coefficient (AC) were used to determine the
interspecific association of dominant species of treeꎬ shrub and herb in the community. The results were as follows: (1)
χ 2
According to the testꎬ the positive ̄negative correlation ratios of the dominant species of treeꎬ shrub and herb layers
were 0.70ꎬ 0.61 and 1.14ꎬ respectively. VR measured the overall association of each layer had a significantly positive cor ̄
relationꎬ the community was succeeding in a stable direction. (2) From ACꎬ there were 32.05% negative association
pairs in the tree layerꎬ the coniferous and broad ̄leaved dominant species had a highly competitionꎬ and the positive cor ̄
relation existed only between broad ̄leaved species. The shrub layer and the herb layer had 48.89% and 34.17% negative
correlation pairsꎬ respectively. It was due to the competition of limited resources by species with similar ecological cha ̄
racteristics. There were 65.38%ꎬ 35.56%ꎬ and 44.17% unrelated species pairs in the arborꎬ shrubꎬ and herb layersꎬ re ̄
spectively. It may be that the species occupied a suitable niche and the dependence between species was reduced. It
showed that a few pairs tended to the same habitat and species had a positive correlation. Due to the excessive overlap of
nichesꎬ resource competition made a large number of pairs perform negatively. And more dominant species had weak con ̄
nection due to occupying the appropriate niche.
Key words: nicheꎬ inter ̄specific competitionꎬ stabilityꎬ community successionꎬ operation management
种间联结指的是不同物种在空间分布上的彼 (2003)发现亚热带的两个五针白皮松群落总的种
此关联性( 王伯荪ꎬ1995ꎻWard et al.ꎬ1996)ꎬ群落 间联结性虽都为正联结ꎬ但阴坡的五针白皮松和
中生境的不同使得物种的空间分布也不一样ꎬ物 其他物种无关联ꎬ五针白皮松群落有向常绿阔叶林
种之 间 在 空 间 分 布 上 有 一 定 联 系 ( Yang et al.ꎬ 演替的趋势ꎮ 陈玉凯等(2011) 发现热带的海南油
2016)ꎬ种间联结描述的是物种相互影响相互作用 杉群落中物种生态位重叠大小与种间正、负关联紧
后的结果( 邓莉萍等ꎬ2015ꎻ徐满厚等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 分 密联系ꎬ种间正关联越强ꎬ物种生态位重叠越大ꎮ
析物种间的联结程度ꎬ可以了解种间是相互吸引 作为世界自然遗产地的神农架拥有我国北亚
还是相互排斥ꎬ这对研究群落组成和演替趋势具 热带最典型且完整的植被垂直带谱ꎬ从低海拔到
有重要意义ꎬ同时也为植被的恢复与管理、物种多 高海拔依次分布着常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混
样性的保护提供科学依据(Lieberman & Liebermanꎬ 交林、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林及草甸等
2007ꎻ杨兆静等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 种间联结性通常以物种 (马明哲等ꎬ2017ꎻ谢宗强等ꎬ2017)ꎮ 其中ꎬ神农架
是否出现的二元数据为基础ꎬ利用 χ 2 统计量、W 检 针阔混交林群落的物种组成和种间联结性尚未得
验、联结系数( AC)、共同出现百分率( PC)、Ochiai 到关注ꎮ 本文利用方差比率法(VR)、 χ 2 统计量检
指数(OI)、Dice 指数(DI) 等对两个物种是否存在 验、联结系数(AC)对神农架天然针阔混交林群落
关联做定性检验(许金石等ꎬ2015ꎻ刘海等ꎬ2017)ꎮ 的乔木层、灌木层、草本层优势种的种间联结性进
也有部分学者为确定种间关系运用 Pearson 相关 行测定ꎬ旨在阐明群落中各优势物种间的相互关
系数、 Spearman 秩相关系数等检验对物种数量进 系ꎬ了解当前的群落结构特点和预测群落的演替
行定量测定(周刘丽等ꎬ2015ꎻ潘高等ꎬ2017)ꎮ 趋势和动态ꎬ以期为神农架天然针阔混交林的经
针阔混交林在涵养水源、水土保持以及生产 营及群落稳定性的维护提供科学依据ꎮ
力等方面明显优于纯林( 周宁ꎬ2013)ꎬ是天然的生
态屏障ꎬ具有重要的生态和经济功能ꎮ 我国学者 1 材料与方法
气候带ꎮ 龚直文等(2011)通过研究温带长白山云 1.1 研究区概况
冷杉针阔混交林两个演替阶段的乔木种间联结 研究样地设在 神 农 架 自 然 保 护 区 的 小 龙 潭
性ꎬ发现杨桦将被顶级树种云冷杉替代ꎬ针阔混交 (31°28′39″ N、110°26′16″ E)ꎬ海拔 2 220~2 300 mꎬ
林阶段是与该地区环境相适应的稳定阶段ꎮ 陈倩 样地坡向为南偏东 75°ꎬ坡度为 10°ꎬ土壤类型为山
等(2018)发现暖温带的秦岭山地油松天然次生林 地暗棕壤ꎮ 受亚热带季风气候影响ꎬ该区域气温适
灌木 层 的 种 对 联 结 松 散ꎬ 稳 定 性 差ꎮ 张 志 勇 等 宜ꎬ降水充沛ꎬ年降水量为 800~2 500 mmꎬ年均气温