Page 214 - 《广西植物》2023年第5期
P. 214

5 期                   宋述灵等: 森林木质藤本数量过度增长的机制与生态效应                                            9 8 1

                 Abstract: Lianas are one of the components in maintaining forest diversity. The over ̄increase of lianas in tropical and
                 subtropical forestsꎬ especially in secondary forests is threatening the restoration and healthy development of forests. Few
                 domestic researches make a comprehensive evaluation on the mechanism of the over ̄increase of lianas and negative
                 effects on forests. In this paperꎬ we reviewed and summarized the related researches on mechanisms and ecological
                 consequences of the over ̄increase of lianas both at home and abroad. Based on the relevant studies we hold the opinions:
                 (1) The increase of lianas can be corelated with drought severityꎬ elevated atmospheric CO ꎬ increased natural
                 disturbance (gaps) and forest fragments. Lianas possess the advantages of rapid growthꎬ strong reproductive capacity and
                 phenotypic plasticityꎬ and high resource use efficiency under the altered environment. Thusꎬ the favorable environment
                 and inherent advantages can contribute to the increase of lianas. (2) Lianas compete with trees by means of shading
                 stressꎬ resource competition and mechanical loadingꎬ abrasionꎬ and strangulationꎬ which all may increase the mortality
                 of trees. (3) The over ̄increase of lianas can negatively affect the tree growthꎬ reproductionꎬ and survivalꎻ at community
                 levelꎬ lianas can alter tree community composition and decrease community diversityꎻ at ecosystem levelꎬ lianas can
                 ramify forest ecosystem function by decreasing carbon storage and altering carbonꎬ nutrientꎬ and water cycling.
                 Thereforeꎬ we recommend that future studies should be aimed at the correlations between population dynamic changes of
                 liana species and environmental changesꎬ the effect of forest disturbance on the growth of lianasꎬ responses of lianas to
                 the environmental changes and the adaption mechanismsꎬ comprehensive evaluation on the ecological consequences of
                 the increase of lianas by means of long ̄term dynamic monitoring plots and controlling experiments. It is also essential to
                 find appropriate management and control strategies of the over ̄increase of lianas so as to provide reference for forest
                 management and forest ecological restoration.
                 Key words: lianaꎬ disturbanceꎬ global changeꎬ forest healthꎬ forest management

                木质藤本(lianas) 是不能单独直立、通过主茎                      护区次生林内ꎬ木质藤本甚至形成地毯式覆盖ꎬ严
            或借助攀援器官进行生长的植物类群ꎬ与树木相比                             重阻碍了森林恢复ꎬ使保护区实行的封山育林政策
            具有较 大 的 长 度 和 胸 径 比 ( Schnitzer & Bongersꎬ         变成了“封山育藤”(图 1)ꎮ
            2002)ꎮ 木质藤本是森林群落的常见组分ꎬ对群落                              目前ꎬ国内关于木质藤本对森林影响的研究
            结构和功能的维持具有一定的作用 ( Schnitzer &                      还较少ꎮ 关列(1980)较早摘译报道了人工林受藤
            Bongersꎬ 2002)ꎮ 然而ꎬ当森林受到严重干扰时ꎬ木                    本植物的危害及其防治ꎬ但当时并未得到较大响
            质藤本数量的过度增长给森林健康造成威胁ꎬ树木                             应ꎻ陈亚军等(2007) 综述了木质藤本在热带森林
            生长受抑制、群落结构单一化、物种多样性下降ꎬ严                            的生态学功能ꎻ王伯荪等(2009) 对某种木质藤本

            重影响 森 林 生 态 系 统 功 能 ( Schnitzer & Bongersꎬ         的影响进行了具体的评述ꎮ 随后ꎬ诸多学者陆续
            2011)ꎮ 这一问题已引起了国外学者的普遍关注ꎮ                          在木质藤本对森林物种多样性、群落结构及更新
                 国外学者较早关注到木质藤本数量的增长及                           的影响(郝建辉等ꎬ2011ꎻ王忠伟等ꎬ2020)、木质藤
            其负面影响ꎬ 在木质藤本的分布格局 ( Schnitzerꎬ                     本与树木的关系( 陆芳等ꎬ2021)、藤树性状比较
            2005)、数量动态(Addo ̄Fordjour et al.ꎬ 2021)、监测          (Chen et al.ꎬ 2021) 等方面进行了研究ꎮ 然而ꎬ至
            方法(van der Heijden et al.ꎬ 2022)、藤与树的关系            今国内尚未见有研究对森林木质藤本过多的现
            (Leonor et al.ꎬ 2015)、木质藤本增长的机制及生态                 象、增长机制与生态效应进行综合认识ꎮ

            影 响 ( Schnitzer & Bongersꎬ 2011ꎻ de Azevedo            为引起国内学者对森林木质藤本过度增长现
            Amorim et al.ꎬ 2018ꎻ Marshall et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ Reis et  象及其影响的关注ꎬ本文综合国内外研究进展ꎬ重
            al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ Meunier et al.ꎬ 2021a)等方面做了较多的          点分析木质藤本过度增长机制ꎬ详细阐述木质藤
            研究ꎮ 国内学者多关注森林木质藤本的多样性(Hu                           本增长的潜在生态效应ꎬ并提出新的研究方向ꎬ以
            et al.ꎬ 2010ꎻ王业社等ꎬ2014)、经济价值(季梦成等ꎬ                 期为木质藤本过度增长的防控及森林管理政策的
            2008)和生态功能( 张朝阳等ꎬ2007) 等积极作用ꎮ                      制定提供参考ꎮ
            究中往往忽略这一类特殊生活型植物ꎮ 实际上ꎬ木                            1  木质藤本数量过度增长

            尤其是在次生林内较为普遍ꎮ 例如ꎬ在一些自然保                                木质藤本具有维持森林物种多样性(Schnitzer &
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