摘要: |
为探究南渡江干流热带雨林次生林群落生态位特征、种间关系及群落稳定性,揭示其群落结构、演替现状和趋势,该文以群落内乔灌层中21种主要物种为研究对象,采用生态位宽度、生态位相似性、生态位重叠度分析生态位特征,采用Spearman系数、χ2统计量、联结系数和匹配系数分析群落种间联结关系,采用改进的M.Godron稳定性测定方法判断群落稳定性。结果表明:(1)鹅掌柴(Heptapleurum heptaphyllum)重要值最高,银柴(Aporosa dioica)生态位宽度最大。主要物种间的生态位相似度和重叠度总体较小,其中华润楠(Machilus chinensis)-细齿叶柃(Eurya nitida)的生态位相似性Cik和生态位重叠度指数Oik最高,分别为0.69和0.87。(2)主要物种总体联结性为显著正联结,但是种对间联结性检验显著率为3.81 %。(3)拟合曲线与线段y=100-x交点为(39.80,60.20),与稳定点(20,80)的欧氏距离为28.00,表明南渡江干流热带雨林次生林群落状态不稳定。综上,南渡江干流热带雨林次生林群落可能处于演替前期向演替中期过渡阶段,应当采取封山育林,减少人类干扰等措施,以达到维持和增强热带雨林次生林群落稳定性的目的。该研究为推进热带雨林次生林保护修复、增强流域生态系统稳定性提供了数据依据。 |
关键词: 热带雨林,生态位,种间联结,群落稳定性,次生林,南渡江 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202406019 |
分类号: |
Fund project:海南省自然科学基金项目(423QN320);海南省重点流域生态安全调查评估项目;海南省环境科学研究院青年创新基金(QNCX2021015)。 |
Niches, interspecific association and community stability of main species in secondary tropical rainforest in the main stream of Nandu River |
HOU Dejia, ZUO Yongling, LAN Caixin, HU Xiaofei*, MU Xiaodong
Hainan Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
Abstract: |
To explore the community niche characteristics, interspecific relationships and community stability of secondary tropical rainforest in the main stream of Nandu River, and reveal its community structure, succession status and trend. We studied 21 main species in the arboreal shrub layer of the community. Niche width, niche similarity and niche overlap were used to analyze niche characteristics. Spearman coefficient, chi-square statistic, association coefficient and matching coefficient were used to analyze the interspecific association relationship of the community. The stability of the community was determined by the improved M.Godron stability measurement method. The results were as follows: (1) Heptapleurum heptaphyllum had the highest important value, and Aporosa dioica had the largest niche width. The total niche similarity and overlap among these main species were generally low, among which Machilus chinensis - Eurya nitida had the highest niche similarity and overlap index (0.69 and 0.87, respectively). (2) The overall association of the main species was significant positive association, but the significant rate of association test between species pairs was 3.81%. (3) The intersection point of the fitted curve with line segment y = 100-x was (39.80, 60.20), and the euclidean distance from the stable point (20, 80) was 28.00, which indicates that the community of the secondary tropical rainforest in the main stream of Nandu River is unstable. In conclusion, the secondary tropical rainforest of the main stream of Nandu River is in the key stage of transition from pre-successional to mid-successional. In order to maintain and enhance the stability of the community of the secondary tropical rainforest, we should take measures to close hills for afforestation and reduce human disturbance. The study provides the data basis for promoting the protection and restoration of secondary tropical rainforests and enhancing the stability of watershed ecosystems. |
Key words: secondary tropical rainforest, ecological niche, interspecific association, community stability, Nandu River |