摘要: |
对收集于广西桂林的17份野生毛葡萄种质和24份栽培葡萄种质,分别使用12条ISSR和12条SCoT引物进行了遗传多样性和亲缘关系检测。结果表明:两种分子标记均能产生较丰富的多态性片段,可有效应用于葡萄的遗传多样性检测,但在聚类分析结果上表现出一定的差异性,SCoT分子标记能更好地区分野生种质和栽培品种,说明SCoT分子标记在葡萄遗传多样性检测和系统进化研究上可能更有优势。从SCoT聚类结果上看,广西植物研究所收集的3个野生毛葡萄种质zws1、zws2和zws3相对其它野生种质而言,更偏向于与栽培种质聚为一类,说明这一类野生毛葡萄可能是这些栽培品种的原始亲本来源之一。不同的野生种质聚为多个类群,并表现出明显的地域特性,但遗传距离相对较远,说明桂林野生毛葡萄资源具有丰富的遗传变异。栽培品种没有明显的聚类特点,可能因为所选用的栽培品种的地域代表性并不是很强,也可能是因为栽培品种在不断的人工杂交选育过程中,遗传背景趋向一致,遗传多样性降低。该研究证明SCoT分子标记在葡萄遗传多样性研究上具有一定的优势。该研究结果为桂林毛葡萄资源的保护、利用和品种选育提供了理论依据,也为葡萄的系统进化研究提供了参考。 |
关键词: 葡萄, 毛葡萄, 遗传多样性, ISSR, SCoT |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201507012 |
分类号:Q943 |
文章编号:10003142(2017)01000108 |
Fund project:广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目 (桂科合1298014 8); 广西植物研究所基本业务费项目 (桂植业11010) [Supported by Guangxi Scinence and Technology Development Program(1298014 8);Fundamental Reseach Funds of Guangxi Institute of Botany(11010)]。 |
Comparative analysis on the genetic diversity of 41 Vitis germplasm resources by ISSR and SCoT molecular markers |
WANG FaMing, LI JieWei*, YE KaiYu, GONG HongJuan,
MO QuanHui, JIANG QiaoSheng, LIU PingPing
Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Centre for Special Economic Plant Studies, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Abstract: |
Seventeen wild germplasm resources of Vitis heyneana collected from Guilin City of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and 24 grape cultivars were used to study their genetic diversity and relationship using twelve ISSR and twelve SCoT markers. The results showed that both the two types of molecular markers produced rich polymorphic fragments, and could be used on the genetic diversity study of Vitis. However, the results of cluster analysis showed the difference between ISSR and SCoT, and the SCoT markers rather than ISSR markers were much better at distinguishing the wild and the cultivars of Vitis, therefore, the SCoT markers might have more advantages on the study of genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis of Vitis. The clustering results of SCoT showed that the three wild V. heynean “zws1”, ”zws2” and “zws3” collected from Guangxi Institute of Botany grouped together with cultivars rather than the other wild ones, which showed that maybe one of the ancestral parents of these cultivars was derived from this category of wild V. heyneana. All the seventeen wild germplasms clustered into different groups and showed distinct regional character, nonetheless, the genetic distance was long between different groups, which showed that the wild V. heyneana had abundant genetic diversity in Guilin. The cultivars did not show obvious clustering characteristics due to the fact that most of them had no regional representativeness or their genetic background were nearly equal due to constantly interbreeding, resulting in low genetic diversity. The findings proved that the SCoT molecular markers had more advantages in the genetic diversity study of Vitis. The findings provides the information for the conservation and utilization and variety breeding of wild V. heyneana in Guilin. |
Key words: Vitis, V. heyneana, genetic diversity, ISSR, SCoT |