摘要: |
黄花蒿是一种治疗痢疾的特效中药,植物体中含有丰富的精油,但其应用和生产中常有种类混杂现象,严重影响了黄花蒿为原料的药材质量。为实现黄花蒿药材快速鉴定与评价,该研究利用FTIR技术和GC-MS分别对黄花蒿及其近缘种叶片原药材及挥发油成分进行了检测和鉴定。结果表明:挥发油以黄花蒿含量最高(1.86%),其次是南牡蒿、茵陈蒿、青蒿、牡蒿和艾蒿。FTIR分析结果表明,黄花蒿及其近缘种一维图谱相似,酰胺类、芳香类以及萜类化合物种类较多且含量丰富; 二阶导数图谱中,黄花蒿青蒿素成分振动吸收明显增强,可以明显将黄花蒿与其混淆中区分开。GC-MS分析显示,黄花蒿与其近缘种的挥发油成分中共检测出17个共有峰,28种化学成分,均含有较高樟脑、á-杜松烯、Crocetane、植烷、2,4-二叔丁基苯酚,但不同种间成分含量差异很大,植烷在黄花蒿中含量明显高于其它近缘种,龙脑成分只能在黄花蒿叶片中检测出,然而á-雪松烯在青蒿、南牡蒿、茵陈蒿均较高,而在黄花蒿,艾蒿,牡蒿中含量均较低。最后通过聚类分析探讨了黄花蒿与其近缘种挥发油成分差异性,6 种材料明显聚为2类。其中,黄花蒿与牡蒿、艾蒿聚为一类,青蒿与茵陈蒿和南牡蒿聚为一类。该研究结果为黄花蒿药材的真伪鉴别及其药材质量评价提供了快速而有效的分析手段。 |
关键词: 黄花蒿, 挥发油, GC-MS, 红外图谱, 质量评价 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201601038 |
分类号:Q946 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2017)02-0234-08 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(81260623); 广西科技成果转化与推广计划项目(桂科转 1346004-29); 广西植物所基本业务费项目(桂植业14017)[ Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81260623), Guangxi Scientific Research and Technological Development Plan(1346004-29); Fundamental Research Foundation of Guangxi Insititute of Botany(14017)] 。 |
GC-MS and FTIR identification and analysis of chemical component in Artemisia annua and its closely related species |
KONG De-Xin1, LI Yan-Qun2, ZOU Rong1, SHI Yan-Cai1, WEI Xiao1*
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Functional Phytochemicals Research and Utilization, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomaus Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China;2. State Key Laboratory for Conservation
and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
Abstract: |
Artemisia annua contains abundant essential oils. It is commonly used as traditional Chinese medicine for treating dysentery. The varietal complexity and vague provenance boundaries of the species of A. annua seriously affected the quality of medicinal materials. To investigate the rapid identification and evaluation of A. annua and sibling species leaves on the yields and compositions of essential oils, the volatile compounds were detected and identified by GC-MS and FTIR analysis. A. annua determined to have the highest yield(1.86%)of essential oil, followed by A. eriopoda, A. capillarie, A. apiacea, A. japonica and A. argyi. FTIR results showed that one-dimensional spectrum was similarity of A. annua and sibling species and the species were abundant of amides, aromatics and terpenoids. Second derivative spectrum of A. annua component vibration absorption enhanced obviously to clearly demarcation of A. annua and confusion. GC-MS analysis showed that the volatile oil of A. annua and sibling species revealed the identification of 28 components and 17 common peaks. A. annua and sibling species leaf oils contained high amounts of camphor, á-Cadinene, crocetane, phytan, 2, 4-di-t-Butylphenol. The results indicated the apparent difference in the volatile compound compositions of essential oils between species. However, the content of phytane of A. annua was significantly higher than that of other species. Borneol was only detected in A. annua. In addition, A. apiacea, A. eriopoda and A. capillaries contained the highest á-Cedrene content, while A. annua, A. argyi and A. japonica contained the lowest content of á-cedrene. The oil components were analyzed using a hierarchical cluster for the six samples and samples were divided into two main clusters, A. annua, A. japonica and A. argyi was distinguished as a cluster, while A. apiacea, A. eriopoda and A. capillaries were classified as a cluster. These results provide an effective analysis methods for identifying the species, especially for the quality assessment for use in raw herbal medicines. |
Key words: Artemisia annua, essential oils, GC-MS, FTIR, quality assessment |