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一种阳春砂新栽培类型的鉴定 |
蒋 烨1, 苏 景2, 汤丽云3, 徐 杰1, 陈汝平1,4, 邓汝荣1, 何国振1,5*
1. 广州中医药大学 中药学院, 广州 510006;2. 阳春市砂仁实验示范场, 广东 阳春 529600;3. 华南农业大学
生命科学学院, 广州 510642;4. 中山大学附属第一医院, 广州 510080;5. 广州中医药大学,
岭南中药资源教育部重点实验室, 广州 510006
摘要: |
该研究对3个阳春砂栽培类型长果、圆果、仲华,海南砂和1个疑似阳春砂新栽培类型锦秋进行了植物学性状观察、RAPD分子鉴定,并测定了各砂仁种质的活性成分。结果表明:锦秋叶缘具有双边波状和单边波状两种现象,表现出处于长果、圆果与海南砂之间; 锦秋叶舌的长度和开花物候期也介于海南砂和长果、圆果之间; 果实的性状方面比较复杂,锦秋果实呈胖圆状与圆果、海南砂相似,不同于长果和仲华的长圆形; 果实黑褐色,不同于长果、圆果的红色而与仲华和海南砂相近; 果刺尖锐状与长果、圆果和仲华的相似,不同于海南砂的平钝形果刺。锦秋与仲华除果实形状外的生物学性状指标都相似。从91个引物中随机筛选出3个多态性丰富的引物,多态性比率为91.2%,显示该物种遗传变异较高; 各个样品间的相似系数在0.235 3~0.970 6之间,说明五种砂仁种质是有差别的; 聚类分析显示样品可分为3类,海南砂聚为一大类; 长果、圆果、仲华和锦秋聚为另一大类,该大类中的长果和圆果聚为一小类,仲华和锦秋聚为另一小类。聚类分析结果表明,锦秋是不同于已知三种栽培类型的阳春砂新栽培类型。锦秋种子千粒重最大、挥发油含量最高,但其乙酸龙脑酯含量与其它砂仁种质无差异。 |
关键词: 锦秋, 阳春砂, 种质, 鉴定, 生物学性状, RAPD |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201608033 |
分类号:Q945 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2017)05-0554-11 |
Fund project:国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAI01B02); 海南省产学研一体化项目(CXY20140017)[Supported by the National Key Technology R & D Program of China(2011BAI01B02); Integration of Production, Study and Research Program in Hainan Province(CXY20140017)]。 |
Identification for a new Amomum villosum cultivar |
JIANG Ye1, SU Jing2, TANG Li-Yun3, XU Jie1, CHEN Ru-Ping1,4,
DENG Ru-Rong1, HE Guo-Zhen1,5*
1. College of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China;2. Yangchun Field Test and
Demonstration of Amomum villosum, Yangchun 529600, Guangdong, China;3. College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural University,
Guangzhou 510642, China;4. The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510008, China;5. Key Laboratory of
Chinese Medicine Resources of Ministry of Education, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract: |
We found a candidate, named Jinqiu, of new Amomum villosum cultivar in October 2010. In order to find out the true identity of Jinqiu, four Amomum germplasms of A. villosum cv. Changguo, A. villosum cv. Yuanguo, A. villosum cv. Zhonghua and A. longiligulare, were planted together with Jinqiu in a field in the University Town of Guangzhou. A series of experiments were conducted to classify Jinqiu subsequently. Morphological traits investigation, RAPD analysis and bioactive compound quantification were carried out among five Amomum germplasms. The results showed that Jinqiu had two types of leaf margins, one was crisped in both sides of leaf blade and the other was half of entire and half of crisped. Changguo, Yuanguo and A. longiligulare had only one type of leaf margin. Changguo and Yuanguo were entire and A. longiligulare was half of entire and half of crisped. The ligule length of Jinqiu was longer than that of Changguo and Yuanguo but shorter than that of A. longiligulare. The date of first flowering of Jinqiu was later than that of Changguo and Yuanguo but earlier than that of A. longiligulare. The fruit shape of Jinqiu was bulbous which was similar to that of Yuanguo and A. longiligulare but different from that of Changguo and Zhonghua, which was long circle. The fruit colour of Jinqiu was dark brown which was different from that of Changguo and Yuanguo but similar to that of Zhonghua and A. longiligulare. The fruit colours of Changguo and Yuanguo were red. The fruit thorn of Junqiu was sharp which was similar to that of Changguo, Yuanguo and Zhonghua, but was different from that of A. longiligulare which was blunt. So Jinqiu and Zhonghua were similar in all biological traits except fruit shape. RAPD-PCR results showed that three primers with abundant polymorphic amplified bands were randomly selected from 91 primers. That of 91.2% polymorphic ratio by one primer indicates there was high possibility of genetic variation in Amomum plants. Genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.235 3 to 0.970 6 that means there were differences among the five Amomum germplasms. According to the result of genetic relationship analysis, five germplasms were clustered into two categories: A. longiligulare was in one category and others were in another category. In the latter category, Changguo and Yuanguo were clustered into a small class; Jinqiu and Zhonghua were clustered into another small class. These results revealed that Jinqiu was a new kind of A. villosum cultivar. The weight of per thousand seeds of Jinqiu was the heaviest among that of five germplasms, and the content of volatile oil was also the highest, but the bornyl acetate content in Jinqiu had no significantly difference from others. |
Key words: Jinqiu, Amomum villosum, germplasm, identification, biological traits, RAPD |