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中国产石韦属植物孢子形态特征及分类学意义 |
师 雄2,3, 杨鲁红1,2*, 陈 茜2
1. 山西师范大学 现代文理学院, 山西 临汾 041000;2. 山西师范大学 生命科学学院, 山西 临汾 041000;3. 西北濒危药材资源开发国家工程实验室, 陕西师范大学 生命科学学院, 西安 710119
摘要: |
利用光镜和扫描电镜,对石韦属(Pyrrosia)19种植物的孢子纹饰进行了研究。结果表明:19种石韦属孢子都为黄色,形态均为肾形,两侧对称,单裂缝,说明该属植物是一个自然类群。表面纹饰类型有3种,即瘤状、瘤状—疣状和瘤状—网脊状。孢子表面纹饰特征性状稳定,在种间存在较大差异。该研究结果可以为形态近似种的分类提供参考依据,同时也为石韦属属下分类系统的建立提供了重要证据。 |
关键词: 石韦属, 孢子形态, 中国 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201610001 |
分类号:Q944 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2017)11-1455-08 |
Fund project:山西省教育厅科技创新项目(20161107); 山西师范大学重点学科项目(0505/02100030)[Supported by Shanxi Science and Technology Innovation Program of Provincial Department of Education(20161107); Key Discipline Construction of Shanxi Normal University(0505/02100030)]。 |
Spore morphology of genus Pyrrosia from China |
SHI Xiong2,3, YANG Lu-Hong 1,2*, CHEN Qian2
1. Modern College of Humanities and Sciences, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041004, Shanxi, China;2. School of Life Sciences,
Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041004, Shanxi, China;3. National Engineering Laboratory for Resource Developing of Endangered
Chinese Crude Drugs in Northwest of China, College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China
Abstract: |
The spores of nineteen taxa of genus Pyrrosia were examined by means of light microscopy(LM)and SEM. It was showed the color of the spores was yellow. There were three main ornamentation types, tuberculate, verrucate-tuberculate and tuberculate-murus. The evidence from spore ornamentations was stable, and can be used to differentiate the affined species in this genus. |
Key words: Pyrrosia, spore morphology, China |