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木薯己糖激酶MeHXK5的催化功能鉴定 |
姚 远1, 孙 冲3, 陆小花2, 王运林2, 耿梦婷2, 吴晓慧4, 尚 璐2, 李 崭2, 符少萍1,李瑞梅1, 段瑞军1, 刘 姣1, 胡新文2, 郭建春1*
1. 中国热带农业科学院 热带生物技术研究所, 海口571101;2. 海南大学 农学院, 海口 570228;3. 黑龙江八一农垦大学 生命科学技术学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163319;4. 上海浦灵生物科技有限公司, 上海201203
摘要: |
己糖激酶是植物体内催化己糖磷酸化的关键酶,参与植物的生长发育过程。前期已克隆获得了主要在木薯花中表达的己糖激酶基因MeHXK5。该研究主要利用己糖激酶酵母突变菌株YSH7.4-3C进行酵母功能互补实验,验证MeHXK5催化己糖磷酸化的功能。结果表明:转pDR195-MeHXK5载体的YSH7.4-3C酵母可以在以葡萄糖或果糖为唯一碳源的培养基中生长,表明MeHXK5能催化己糖磷酸化为酵母的生长提供碳水化合物和能量。该研究结果为进一步研究MeHXK5参与木薯的开花过程的生理功能奠定了基础。 |
关键词: 木薯, 己糖激酶, 己糖磷酸化, 功能鉴定 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201708041 |
分类号:Q946.5 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2017)12-1545-06 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(31600196, 31671767, 31601359); 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-11-HNGJC); 中国热带农业科学院基本科研业务费专项(1630052016004,1630052015014)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31600196, 31671767, 31601359); the Earmarked Fund for China Agriculture Research System(CARS-11-HNGJC); Fundamental Research Fund of Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences(1630052016004, 1630052015014)]。 |
Catalytic functional identification of cassava hexokinase MeHXK5 |
YAO Yuan1, SUN Chong 3, LU Xiao-Hua2, WANG Yun-Lin2, GENG Meng-Ting2, WU Xiao-Hui4, SHANG Lu2, LI Zhan2, FU Shao-Ping1, LI Rui-Mei1, DUAN Rui-Jun1, LIU Jiao1, HU Xin-Wen2, GUO Jian-Chun1*
1. Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou 571101, China;2. College of Agriculture, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;3. School of Life Sciences and Technology, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China;4. Prisys Biotechnologies Company Limited, Shanghai 201203, China
Abstract: |
Hexokinase is a key enzyme in the process of catalyzing the phosphorylation of hexose in plants. It is involved in the process of plant growth and development. We cloned hexokinase gene MeHXK5, which is mainly expressed in cassava flowers. In this study, we used the yeast mutant strain YSH7.4-3C to perform yeast functional complementation experiment to determine whether MeHXK5 had the function of catalyzing the phosphorylation of hexose. It was found that YSH7.4-3C yeast with pDR195-MeHXK5 vector could be grown in the medium with glucose or fructose as the sole carbon source, indicating that MeHXK5 could catalyze the phosphorylation of hexose to provide carbohydrate and energy for yeast growth. The results provide information for further study of the physiological functions of MeHXK5 in the flowering process of cassava. |
Key words: cassava, hexokinase, hexose phosphorylation, function identification |