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中国香港外来入侵植物 |
蒋奥林1,2, 朱双双1,2, 陈雨晴1,2, 郭晓明1,2, 王瑞江1*
1. 中国科学院华南植物园, 中国科学院植物资源保护与可持续利用重点实验室, 广东省数字植物园
重点实验室, 广州 510650;2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
摘要: |
该文于2015—2016年通过野外实地调查并结合整理、查阅相关的文献资料,研究了中国香港特别行政区外来入侵植物的种类组成、原产地、生活型、入侵途径和危害状况等。结果表明:(1)中国香港有外来入侵植物共101种,隶属于36科77属,其中菊科(Asteraceae)植物的种类最多,有17种。(2)来源于美洲的外来入侵植物种类最多,占入侵植物总数的77.2%。(3)外来种类中草本植物占了绝大多数,占总种数的80.2%。(4)恶意入侵与严重入侵植物共42种,占总种数的41.6%。同时,通过与邻近的珠海、深圳、澳门、广州四个地区的外来入侵植物进行比较,提出了珠三角区域共防共治外来植物入侵、保障环境生态安全的建议。 |
关键词: 外来入侵植物, 中国香港, 种类组成, 起源地, 生活型, 入侵途径, 危害等级 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201702030 |
分类号:Q948.5 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2018)03-0289-10 |
Fund project:国家科技部基础性工作专项(2014FY120400); 广州市科技计划项目(201510010129); 中国科学院科技服务网络计划项目(KFJ-3W-No1)[Supported by The Science and Technology Basic Work of Science and Technology(2014FY120400); Department of Science and Technology of Guangzhou(201510010129); the STS Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KFJ-3W-No1)]。 |
Alien invasive plants in Hong Kong, China |
JIANG Aolin1,2, ZHU Shuangshuang1,2, CHEN Yuqing1,2,
GUO Xiaoming1,2, WANG Ruijiang1*
1. Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Digital
Botanical Garden, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: |
We analyzed the species composition, origin, life form, invasive pathway and hazard ranking of alien invasive plants(AIPs)in Hong Kong, China, by literature consultant and field collection from 2015 to 2016. The results showed that there were 101 species of invasive alien plants in Hong Kong, China, belonging to 36 families and 77 genera, among which the largest family is Asteraceae with a number of seventeen species. The highest proportion of AIPs originated from America taking up 77.2% of the total number. Most majority of AIPs were herbal species, accounting for 80.2% of total AIPs. There were 42 species of malicious invasion and serious invasion, accounting for 41.6% of the total species. In addition, the present status of invasive plants in Hong Kong and four neighboring regions(Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Macau and Guangzhou), China, was comparatively analyzed. Therefore, we propose to prevent the AIPs and safeguard the biosafety in the Pearl Delta area. |
Key words: alien invasive plants, Hong Kong of China, species composition, origin, life form, invasive pathway, hazard level |