摘要: |
为探究石灰岩山地淡竹林植物养分分布与吸收特征,辨析其与群落功能地位的关系,该研究通过测定江西瑞昌石灰岩山地淡竹林建群种淡竹(Phyllostachys glauca),伴生种胡颓子(Elaeagnus pungens)、油茶(Camellia oleifera)和枸骨(Ilex cornuta)不同器官9种元素含量,对比分析了元素分布与吸收特征。结果表明:(1)淡竹各器官大量元素(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)分布规律为叶>根>茎,微量元素(Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu )分布规律为根>叶>茎; 其叶中N [(18.82 ± 1.16)g·kg-1 ]、P [(1.17 ± 0.19)g·kg-1 ]、Fe [(1.01 ± 0.09)g·kg-1 ]元素含量高; 各器官的元素生物吸收系数大小顺序与元素含量一致。(2)伴生种植物大量元素分布与生物吸收系数顺序均为叶>茎>根。微量元素在器官的分布顺序因物种而异,油茶叶的Mn含量最高,为(1.88 ± 0.18)g·kg-1,而Ca、Mg、Zn元素在枸骨茎中富集最多。(3)群落上层植物淡竹和光照条件较好的胡颓子各元素含量及分配规律相近,而林下植物油茶和枸骨元素含量与之相比相差较大。研究认为,淡竹林建群种和伴生种在元素分布和吸收特征的差异与群落光照条件密切相关。 |
关键词: 淡竹, 器官, 光照, 生物吸收系数, 群落, 分布格局 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201805056 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2019)02-0152-09 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(31260174,31660198); 江西省重点研发计划项目(20161BBF60082)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31260174, 31660198); Key Development Program of Jiangxi Province(20161BBF60082)]。 |
Element distribution pattern in Phyllostachys glauca forest and plant absorption traits in a limestone mountain of Ruichang, Jiangxi Province |
WANG Guangru1,2, FENG Huoju3, FAN Yan1, WANG Longfeng1, SHI Jianmin1,2*
1. College of Forestry, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China;2. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory for Bamboo
Germplasm Resources and Utilization, Nanchang 330045, China;3. Ruichang Bureau of Forestry, Ruichang 332200, Jiangxi, China
Abstract: |
In order to explore element distribution pattern in Phyllostachys glauca forest and plant absorption traits in a limestone mountain, and distinguish the relationships between them and the community, four plant species including one constructive species Ph. glauca, three auxiliary species Elaeagnus pungens, Camellia oleifera and Ilex cornuta were sampled in limestone mountain in Ruichang City of Jiangxi Province, China. Nine mineral elements were determined for all plant samples. After analyzing the element distribution differences and absorption traits of different species and organs, the results were as follows:(1)In Phyllostachys glauca, macro elements nutrient enriched in leaves, then roots, and finally the stems; whereas the order of micro elements was root, leaf and stem. The contents of N [(18.82 ± 1.16)g·kg-1 ], P [(1.17 ± 0.19)g·kg-1] and Fe [(1.01 ± 0.09)g·kg-1] were the highest in leaf; and the pattern of uptake traits were consistent with elements distribution pattern.(2)The element distribution pattern in auxiliary species and uptake traits shared same order, leaf >stem >root. The order of microelements contents in organs were different among three auxiliary species. The Mn content of Camellia oleifera leaf was the highest in the three species, while Ca, Mg and Zn were massively accumulated in the stems of Ilex cornuta.(3)Element content and distribution pattern of upper layer plants Phyllostachys glauca and Elaeagnus pungens, which received more light, were similar, and it was different from that of the sublayer plant Camellia oleifera and Ilex cornuta. It can be seen that the differences in the distribution and absorption characteristics of the dominant species and auxiliary species in limestone mountain are closely related to the community light conditions. |
Key words: Phyllostachys glauca, organ, illumination, element absorption coefficient, community, distribution pattern |