摘要: |
蚊虫传播疟疾、登革热等多种烈性疾病,严重威胁到人畜健康。特别是生活在西双版纳地区的人们,蚊虫骚扰是长期需要面对的问题。该研究运用民族植物学研究方法,对西双版纳哈尼族驱蚊植物及知识进行调查,共走访了12个哈尼族村寨,访谈91位信息报告人,调查得到24种驱蚊植物,分别属于15科19属。主要利用的部位是植物的叶; 燃烧植物烟熏、悬挂放置、楼下铺撒和捣碎涂抹是最为常用的驱蚊方式。通过打分排序法评价出蒿属植物、烟草、山鸡椒等共5种具有较高研究开发价值的驱蚊植物,小黄皮、柠檬草、黄樟、大蒜、土荆芥等8种具有较高潜在研究价值的驱蚊植物。通过文献交叉验证,发现其中勐腊毛麝香、糯米香、臭牡丹等11种驱蚊植物为该调查首次提到,结合已报道化学成分和单体化合物驱蚊活性研究情况发现,除高杆珍珠茅和大葱外,其余9种都含有驱避作用的化学成分。这说明民间蕴藏着丰富的传统驱蚊知识,并验证了民间驱蚊知识的合理性与科学性。同时,通过对哈尼族民间驱蚊知识专题的调查研究,对传统驱蚊知识保护起到一定作用。 |
关键词: 西双版纳, 民族植物学, 哈尼族, 驱蚊植物, 活性 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201711017 |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2019)03-0359-16 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(31670337); 中国科学院植物种质资源创新项目(ZSZC-012)[Supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China( 31670337); Plant Germplasm Resources Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(ZSZC-012)]。 |
Ethnobotanical survey on mosquito-repellent plant used by Hani people in Xishuangbanna |
FAN Ruyan1,2, GOU Yi1,2, WANG Chen1, YANG Nianting1,2, WANG Yuhua1*
1. Key Laboratory of Economic Plants and Biotechnology, Yunnan Key Laboratory for Wild Plant Resources, Kunming Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: |
Mosquitoes spread malaria, dengue fever and other serious diseases which threatens the health of human and livestock, especially for the people in Xishuangbanna, who have to face the long-term problem of mosquito harassment. We investigated the traditional knowledge of mosquitoes and insects repellent plants using ethnobotany methodology. The folk knowledge of repelling mosquitoes was cross-validated and preliminarily explained through literature review. Totally 91 informants in 12 Hani villages were interviewed in this study. Twenty-four species of mosquito-repellent plants which belongs to 15 families and 19 genera were cataloged. The main used part of the mosquito-repellent plants is leaf. Burning plants to fumigate, hanging plants somewhere, spreading plants downstairs and mashed to smear are the most commonly used methods. Ranking method was used to identify mosquito repellent plants with high development and research values. There are five species with high development value: Artemisia genera(three species), Nicotiana tabacum, Litsea cubeba. There are eight species with high potential research value: Clausana excavata, Cymbopogon citratus, Cinnamomum porrectum, Allium sativum, Chenopodium ambrosioides etc. Through literature cross-check, Adenosma buchneroide, Semnostachya menglaensis etc., and eleven species of mosquito-repellent plants were identified for the first time. In relation with their chemical composition and research status of mosquito-repellent activity of monomeric compounds, with the exception of Scleria terrestris and Allium fistulosum, the remaining nine species contain repellent chemical constituents, which indicates that the folk are rich in traditional knowledge for repelling mosquitoes and has verified the folk knowledge for repelling mesquitoes is reasonable and scientific. The study also plays a part in documenting and conserving traditional knowledge of mosquito-repellent plants. |
Key words: Xishuangbanna, ethnobotany, Hani people, mosquito-repellent plant, activity |