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中国苦苣苔科三特有属花粉形态研究 |
曹 明1,2,3, 李世晋1, 曹利民4, 张奠湘1*
1.中国科学院 华南植物园, 广州 510650;2. 广西壮族自治区
中国科学院 广西植物研究所, 广西 桂林 541006;3.中国科学院 研究生院, 北京 100049;4.赣南师范学院, 江西 赣州 341000
摘要: |
对中国苦苣苔科异片苣苔属、长檐苣苔属和报春苣苔属等3个特有属中3种代表植物的花粉形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜的观察。结果发现这些植物的花粉形状比较一致,均为长球形或近球形,表明花粉形状对苦苣苔科的系统与分类没有太大的参考价值。观察到两种类型的花粉外壁纹饰:细网状纹饰、粗网状纹饰; 异片苣苔属具粗网状纹饰,长檐苣苔属和报春苣苔属具细网状纹饰。还讨论了一些花粉外壁纹饰特征在苦苣苔科的系统研究方面的潜在价值。 |
关键词: 苦苣苔科 特有属 花粉形态 中国 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q944.42 |
Fund project: |
Pollen morphology of three Chinese endemic genera in Gesneriaceae |
CAO Ming1,2,3, LI Shi-Jin1, CAO Li-Min4, ZHANG Dian-Xiang1*
1.South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;2.Guangxi Institute of Botany,
Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China;3.Graduate School
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;4.Gannan Nonmal University, Ganzhou 341000, China
Abstract: |
Pollen morphology of three Chinese monotypic endemic genera in Gesneriaceae was studied by light microscopy(LM)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). All three taxa are similar in having prolate to subspheroidal pollen grains,but with different exine sculpture patterns:Allostigma guangxiense with coarsely reticulate,Dolcholoma jasminiflorum and Primulina tabacum with finely reticulate pattern,suggesting a clear difference between them. The utility and systematic significance of some pollen characters in Gesneriaceae were also discussed. |
Key words: Gesneriaceae endemic genus pollen morphology China |