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禺毛茛及其复合体种间亲缘关系形成研究 |
聂谷华1,2, 刘志金3, 廖 亮1*, 史军伟1, 徐玲玲1
1.九江学院 生命科学学院, 江西 九江 332000;2.南京林业大学 资源环境学院,
南京 210037;3.江西林业实验中心, 江西 信丰 341608
摘要: |
在Tamura M.,Okada及廖亮研究的基础上,通过禺毛茛复合体(禺毛茛R.cantoniensis 4x,卷喙毛茛R.silerifolius var.silerifolius 2x,长花毛茛R.silerifolius var.dolicathus 2x,茴茴蒜R.chinensis 2x,扬子毛茛R.sieboldii 6x及8x)的核型分析,结合地球环境的演变历史,进一步研究了禺毛茛的形成方式和时间,并对禺毛茛复合体种间亲缘关系的形成进行了探讨,为毛茛属系统进化研究提供资料。 |
关键词: 禺毛茛 复合体 核型分析 亲缘关系 形成 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q943 |
Fund project: |
Formation of inter-specific relation in Ranunculus cantoniensis and its complex |
NIE Gu-Hua1,2, LIU Zhi-Jun3, LIAO Liang1*,
SHI Jun-Wei1, XU Ling-Ling1
1.College of Life Sciences, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332000, China;2.College of Forest Resources and
Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China;3.Forest Experimental
center of Jiangxi Province, Xinfeng 341608, China
Abstract: |
The karyotypes of R.cantoniensis, R.silerifolius var.sileri-folius,R.silerifolius var.dolicathus,R. chinensis and R.sieboldiiin R.cantoniensis complex were studied by means of the cytological observation of root-tips on the basis of previous studies. In combination with the history which earth evolved,the forming way and time of R.cantoniensis was further studied,and the forming mechanism of inter-specific relation in R.cantoniensis complex was discussed so as to offer more data for the study of phylogenetic and evolution in genus Ranunculus. |
Key words: Ranunculus cantoniensis complex karyotype analysis relation formation |