摘要: |
以原产贵州、四川的10个头花蓼收集系为材料,采用紫外分光光度法,研究了各头花蓼收集系植株不同部位总黄酮含量的变异,以便找出总黄酮含量较高的头花蓼收集系及其头花蓼植株上总黄酮含量较高的部位,为头花蓼药业提供指导。结果表明,不同部位头花蓼总黄酮含量差异很大,其含量大小依次为老茎>花>嫩叶>老叶>嫩茎。头花蓼老茎、花中总黄酮含量在不同居群间差异显著,其它部位差异不显著。四川都江堰居群老茎总黄酮含量最高,达2.761%,显著高于其它收集系。 |
关键词: 头花蓼 不同器官 分光光度法 总黄酮 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q946 |
Fund project: |
A study of total flavone contents on various organs of different Polygonum capitatum accessions |
DU Ming-Feng, CHEN Qing-Fu*
Institute of Plant Genetics and Breeding, School of Biological Technology and Engineering,
Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
Abstract: |
The variations of the total flavone contents on various organs of ten P.capitatum accessions native to Guizhou and Sichuan were studied by spectrophotometry,in order to search plants which contain higher contents of the total flavone in the accessions and their organs. The results showed that the differences of the total flavone contents among the different organs were great,the order of the total flavone contents was:old stem>inflorescence>young leaf>old leaf>young stem. There were significant differences of the total flavone contents in the old stems or inflorescences among ten accessions,and no significant difference in the other organs. The accession native to Dujiangyan contained the highest total flavone content(up to 2.761%),much higher than others. |
Key words: Polygonum capitatum different organ spectrophotometry total flavone |