摘要: |
广西花坪国家级自然保护区有野生种子植物163科583属1 295种,其中裸子植物5科7属10种,被子植物158科576属1 285种。本区种子植物区系的地理成分复杂,联系广泛。163科可分为9个分布类型及10个分布变型,其中热带分布科89科,占总科数的66%; 583属可分为13个分布类型及16个分布变型,热带性质属285属、温带性质属235属,两者基本达到平衡。本区系具有古老、孑遗和原始性; 少种科、属数量多; 特有现象明显,东亚特有科4科,中国特有科1科,中国特有属23属。种子植物区系具有亚热带性质。 |
关键词: 种子植物 植物区系 花坪国家级自然保护区 广西 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948.5 |
Fund project: |
Flora of the seed plants in Huaping National Nature Reserve, Guangxi |
GAO Hai-Shan1,2, XU Wei-Bin1, LIN Chun-Rui1, LIU Yan1*
1.Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin
541006, China;2.Department of Bioengineering, Enshi Vocational and Technical College, Enshi 445000, China
Abstract: |
The flora of Huaping National Nature Reserve consist of 1 295 species of wild seed plants,which belong to 583 genera and 163 families,including 10 species of gymnosperms belonging to 7 genera and 5 families,and 1 285 species of angiosperms belonging to 576 genera and 158 families. The floristic elements are complex. There are 9 types and 10 subtypes for 163 families and 13 types and 16 subtypes for 576 genera of wild seed plants,among them,the amount of tropical families is 89 covering 66% of families,and the amount of tropical genera is 285 covering 53% of genera. The flora is archaic,relic and pristine; few-species family and few-species are rich; the endemism is rich,4 families endemic to Eastern Asia,1 family and 23 genera to China. The flora is subtropical in nature. |
Key words: seed plants flora Huaping National Nature Reserve Guangxi |