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金钟藤和葛藤在干旱与复水条件下的生理比较 |
李 玲1,3, 徐志防1*, 韦 霄2, 曹洪麟1, 粟 娟4, 叶万辉1
1.中国科学院 华南植物园, 广州 510650;2.广西壮族自治区
中国科学院 广西植物研究所, 广西 桂林
541006;3.中国科学院 研究生院, 北京 100049;4.广州市林业局, 广州 510030
摘要: |
报道罗汉果组培繁殖的各项主要技术要点,包括组培条件、培养基的配制、外植体的选取与消毒、接种与培养、种源保存、炼苗与移栽、苗木包装与运输等。提出了5种培养基参考配方,即茎段诱导培养:MS+BA0.5~1.0 mg/L+IAA(NAA)0.05~0.1 mg/L+白糖3%+琼脂4.5 g/L,pH5.8; 茎尖诱导培养:MS+BA0.5~1.0 mg/L+NAA0.05~0.1 mg/L+椰子水100 mL+白糖3%+琼脂4.5 mg/L,pH5.8; 继代培养(丛生芽方式):MS+BA0.3~0.7 mg/L+NAA0.05/IAA0.1 mg/L+白糖3%+琼脂4.5 mg/L,pH5.8; 继代培养(微型扦插方式):MS+BA0.1 mg/L+IAA0.3 mg/L+活性炭0.07 g/L+白糖3%+琼脂4.5 mg/L,pH5.8; 生根培养:MS+BA0.07 mg/L+IBA0.15 mg/L+IAA0.1 mg/L+活性炭0.1 g/L+白糖3%+琼脂4.5 mg/L,pH5.8。分析了外植体培养过程中可能出现的不良状况的原因并提出预防措施,明确了炼苗移栽的适宜条件并制定出相应的管理方法。形成了一套较为完整的罗汉果组培苗繁殖生产技术规程。 |
关键词: 金钟藤 葛藤 入侵 干旱 复水 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q945.79,Q948.11 |
Fund project: |
Physiological compare Merremia boisiana with Pueraria lobata under drought stress and rewatering conditions |
LI Ling1,3, XU Zhi-Fang1*, WEI Xiao2, CAO Hong-Lin1,
SU Juan4, YE Wan-Hui1
1.South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;2.Guangxi Institute of
Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China;3.Graduate School, the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100049, China;4.Forestry Administration of Guangzhou Municipality, Guangzhou 510030, China
Abstract: |
The activities of antioxidant enzymes,such as superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),malondialdehyde(MDA)content and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were compared between invasive exotic plant Merremia boisiana and native plant Pueraria lobata under drought stress and rewatering conditions. The results showed that SOD and CAT activities of these plants under drought stress were higher than that after rewatering,and M.boisiana had stronger enzymes activities than P.lobata under same treatments. The difference of MDA content was not evident after drought and rewatering treatments in M.boisiana,while MDA content in P.lobata under drought stress was higher than that of rewatering treatments. Moreover,MDA content in P.lobata was higher than that of M.boisiana under different treatments. These results indicated that M.boisiana had stronger antioxidant activities under drought stress,and its membrane lipid peroxidation level was obviously low. As a result,MDA content was evidently negative relative to the activities of SOD and CAT. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm,ETR and ΦPSⅡ after rewatering were significantly higher than that of drought treatments,and the changes of the parameters in P.lobata were a little evident than that in M.boisiana. The value NPQ of M.boisiana rose while that of P.lobata reduced after rewatering,and the latter was higher than the former under drought stress. In contrast,M.boisiana was higher than P.lobata after rewatering. Summarily,it was analyzed that M.boisiana possessed stronger physiological adaptability to drought than P.lobata,which was possibly an important invasive characteristic. |
Key words: Merremia boisiana Pueraria lobata invasion drought rewatering |